A Clojure client for InfluxDB.
Vivi is distributed via Clojars. Add the following to your dependencies in project.clj:
(require '[vivi.core :as v])
(def db-spec {:host ""
:db "database-name"})
Write a record:
(v/write db-spec
{:measurement "cpu"
:tags {:tag-1 "tag-1" :tag-2 "tag-2"}
:fields {:value1 1 :value2 2}})
;{:opts {:body "cpu,tag-1=tag-1,tag-2=tag-2 value1=1,value2=2 ",
; :method :post,
; :url ""},
; :body nil,
; :headers {:content-encoding "gzip",
; :date "Thu, 27 Oct 2016 02:00:39 GMT",
; :request-id "28db69b2-9be9-11e6-8007-000000000000",
; :x-influxdb-version "0.12.2"},
; :status 204}
Write records:
(v/write db-spec [{:measurement "cpu"
:tags {:tag-1 "tag-1" :tag-2 "tag-2"}
:fields {:value1 1 :value2 2}}
{:measurement "cpu"
:tags {:tag-1 "tag-1" :tag-2 "tag-2"}
:fields {:value1 3 :value2 4}}])
;{:opts {:body "cpu,tag-1=tag-1,tag-2=tag-2 value1=1,value2=2 \ncpu,tag-1=tag-1,tag-2=tag-2 value1=3,value2=4 ",
; :method :post,
; :url ""},
; :body nil,
; :headers {:content-encoding "gzip",
; :date "Thu, 27 Oct 2016 02:02:33 GMT",
; :request-id "6c9ba85f-9be9-11e6-8008-000000000000",
; :x-influxdb-version "0.12.2"},
; :status 204}
(v/query db-spec "select * from cpu")
;{:opts {:query-params {:db "database-name", :q "select * from cpu"}, :method :get, :url ""},
; :body {:results [{:series [{:name "cpu",
; :columns ["time" "tag-1" "tag-2" "value1" "value2"],
; :values [["2016-10-27T02:00:39.65425519Z" "tag-1" "tag-2" 1 2]
; ["2016-10-27T02:02:33.320677577Z" "tag-1" "tag-2" 3 4]]}]}]},
; :headers {:connection "close",
; :content-encoding "gzip",
; :content-length "153",
; :content-type "application/json",
; :date "Thu, 27 Oct 2016 02:03:28 GMT",
; :request-id "8d383de2-9be9-11e6-8009-000000000000",
; :x-influxdb-version "0.12.2"},
; :status 200}
Copyright © 2016 Michael Wong
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.