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1 CheatSheet: Jenkins & Groovy


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1.1 Jenkins Pipeline

Specify parameter to run jobsbuild job:'job1', parameters:[string(name:'name1', value:va1)]
Run job in different agentsnode($agent_label) {...}
Ask for user inputstage('stage2'){ input "OK to go?" }
Actively fail current pipeline joberror("Build failed because of this and that..")
List all Jenkins plugins and versionslist-all-plugins.groovy
Check whether property existsif (env.keep_failed_env)
Jenkins Pipeline enable timestampsoptions{timestamps()}
Set envs within a jenkins pipelinewithEnv(["key1=$var1"])
Install plugin via groovyHudson.instance.updateCenter.getPlugin(plugin).deploy().get()
Keep previous job run via groovybuildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '20', numToKeepStr: '60'))
Customize job workspacecustomWorkspace "/some/other/path"
git scm checkout to relative directoryextensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'XXX']]
Keep going when previous stage has failedkeep-going-with-errors.groovy
Send slack notification in pipelineslack-notification.groovy
Pass parameter across jenkins jobsjenkinsfile-pass-parameter.groovy
Set timeout & retryjenkinsfile-timeout-retry.groovy
Use finally to do cleanupjenkinsfile-finally.groovy
Run jenkins jobs in a sequential wayjenkinsfile-sequentially.groovy
Run jenkins jobs in paralleljenkinsfile-parallelly.groovy
ReferenceLink: Syntax Reference, Link: Jenkins User Documentation
ReferenceLink: Groovy Language Documentation
ReferenceLink: Example, Link: Example

1.2 Config Jenkins Via Groovy

Set timezone for jenkinstimezone.groovy
Set timezone for jenkinsSystem.setProperty('org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.fmt.timeZone', 'America/Los_Angeles')
Configure default viewjenkins-views.groovy
Configure Jenkins urljenkins-url.groovy
Create a Jenkins usercreate-jenkins-user.groovy
Groovy manages files/foldersfiles-folder.groovy
Configure max executors in Jenkinsmaster-executors.groovy
Configure only 1 executor per workerFor each agent, configure # of executors
Configure slack pluginconfig-slack.groovy
Configure pipeline shared librariesconfig-pipeline-library.groovy
Get jenkins version from CLIjava -jar /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war --version
ReferenceGitHub: cloudbees/jenkins-scripts, GitHub: jenkinsci/pipeline-examples

1.3 Jenkins Trouble Shooting

List performance metrics for each Jenkins

1.4 Jenkins Kubernetes Via Groovy

Config jenkins kubernetes pluginjenkins-kubernetes-cloud.groovy
Validate Kubernetes jenkins setupvalidate-kubernetes-cloud.groovy
Kubernetes run with envs configuredrunWithEnvVariables.groovy
ReferenceGitHub: kubernetes-plugin pipeline examples

1.5 Jenkins View Via Groovy

Add a list of jobs by regexp to a viewmyView.setIncludeRegex(".*Integration.*"), addjobstoview-byregexp.groovy
Create jenkins views and add jobs to itjenkins-views.groovy
Add a view of build monitor view pluginbuild-monitor-views.xml
Change view description in groovymyView.doSubmitDescription

1.6 Jenkins Job Via Groovy

List all my jenkins jobsprintln Jenkins.instance.projects.collect { }
List all jenkins jobslist-all-jobs.groovy
Create and trigger a jobcreate-jenkins-job.groovy
Manage jenkins jobsmanage-jenkins-jobs.groovy
Cancel queued jenkins jobs by regexpkill-queued-jenkins.groovy
Support HTML for job and parameter descriptionsLink: OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin

1.7 Jenkins Different Parameters

stringstring(name: 'key1', defaultValue: 'Default value', description: 'some parameter')
texttext(name: 'key1', defaultValue: 'Default value', description: 'some parameter')
booleanbooleanParam(name: 'key1', defaultValue: true, description: 'some parameter')
choicechoice(name: 'key1', choices: 'One\nTwo\nThree\n', description: 'some parameter')
passwordpassword(name: 'key1', defaultValue: 'SECRET', description: 'Enter a password')
filefile(name: 'key1', description: 'Choose a file to upload')

1.8 Jenkins Security Via Groovy

logged-in users can do anythinglogged-in-users.groovy
Enable ldap in Jenkinsenable-ldap.groovy
Create a jenkins secret textcreate-secret-text.groovy
Configure authorization in Jenkinsmatrix-authorization-strategy.groovy
Jenkins skip wizzard when initialization-Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false
Jenkins skip wizzard when initializationinstance.setInstallState(InstallState.INITIAL_SETUP_COMPLETED)
Slave To Master Access Control00-slave-to-master-access.groovy
CSRF Protection00-csrf.groovy
Add Jenkins permissionjenkins-permission.groovy
Disable CLI over Remoting00-disable-cli-remoting.groovy
Disable jnlpjenkins.setSlaveAgentPort(-1)
Access Control for

1.9 Load Jenkins settings via folder copy

Add default jobsCopy jobs/ /usr/share/jenkins/ref/jobs/
Copy custom built pluginsCOPY plugins/*.hpi /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins/
Use jenkins cliCOPY config/ /usr/share/jenkins/ref/
Add jenkins groovy scriptsCOPY config/*.groovy /usr/share/jenkins/ref/init.groovy.d/
Configure Jenkins with some defaultsCOPY config/*.xml /usr/share/jenkins/ref/
Install jenkins plugins/usr/local/bin/ < /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins.txt

1.10 Jenkins Plugins

Kubernetes PluginJenkins plugin to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes/Docker environment
Credentials PluginLoad the ssh key
SiteMonitor PluginMonitor URLs
Timestamper PluginAdd timestamp to job output
Dashboard View PluginCreate dashboard
Log Parser PluginParse the console output and highlight error/warning/info lines.
Build-timeout PluginAbort if job takes too long
Naginator PluginRetry failed a job
ThinBackup PluginBackup jenkins
JobConfigHistory PluginBackup job configuration
“Anything Goes” formatteruse JavaScript inside your project description
AnsiColor PluginAdd support for ANSI escape sequences, including color, to Console Output
Build User Vars PluginDescribe the user who started the build
Gitlab PluginAllows GitLab to trigger Jenkins builds
Workspace CleanupPlugin to delete the build workspace.
UpdateSites Manager pluginmanage update sites, where Jenkins accesses in order to retrieve plugins

1.11 Jenkins Git Via Groovy

Git checkout codegit-checkout.groovy
Get all git commits since last successgit-commits-before-fail.groovy
List git tags and branchesgit-list-tags-and-branches.groovy

1.12 Jenkins networking Via Groovy

Get hostnameprintln InetAddress.localHost.canonicalHostName
Get IP addressprintln InetAddress.localHost.hostAddress
Get hostname by ipget-ip-by-hostname.groovy
validate user input: ip addressassert ip_address.matches("\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}")

1.13 Jenkins with Kubernetes/Docker

Kubernetes PluginJenkins plugin to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes/Docker environment
Config jenkins kubernetes pluginjenkins-kubernetes-cloud.groovy
Cleanup for Docker stale containers/images/volumesdocker-cleanup.groovy
Jenkins customize docker build argsadditionalBuildArgs '--build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY...'

1.14 Groovy Common Errors/Exceptions

Illegal class nameJVM doesn’t like class names with a hyphen

1.15 Groovy Basic

Name Comment
Get environment variables get-env.groovy, println env.WORKSPACE
Groovy execute command execute-command.groovy
Get data type of a variable myObject.getClass()
Print stdout print.groovy echo ‘Action is done’, println “Hello World”
Use boolean parameter if (istrue == “false”) {…}
Basic integer caculation def a = 3, b = 7; println “$a + $b = ${a + b}”
Run groovy online SaaS: Groovy Web console
Run groovy script from Jenkins Link: Jenkins Script Console
Reference Link: Apache Groovy

1.16 Groovy String

Name Comment
Check string startsWith assert s.startsWith("\t")
Trim whitespaces s=s.trim()
Concat string first = 'Joe'; last = 'Smith'; println("Name: $first $last")
Convert list to string l.join(";")
Create string with multi-lines multi-line-string.groovy
Convert string to list split-string.groovy
Convert string to json string-to-json.groovy
Remove tags input.replaceAll("\\<.*?>","")
Regex match regexp-match.groovy

1.17 Groovy Regexp

Regex case insensitive( == ~/(?i).*NSX.*/ )
ReferenceRegular Expressions in Groovy

1.18 Groovy Array

Iterate a listfor(item in [1,2,3,4]){ println item }
Iterate a list(1..3).each { println "Number ${it}"}
Add item to listdef alist = [10, 9, 8]; alist << 7
List sizedef alist = [10, 9, 8]; alist.size()
Split string with delimiter'1128-2'.tokenize('-')

1.19 Groovy File

Read file into a stringString fileContents = new File('/tmp/test.txt).text
Read file content as a variabledef env = System.getenv(), def content = readFile("/tmp/test.txt")
Write file in pipelinewriteFile file: “output/my.txt”, text: “This is a test”
Read a property filedef conf = readProperties file: “${env.WORKSPACE}@script/”
Read and write json filesjson-file.groovy
Obtain a relative pathrelative-path.groovy

1.20 Groovy Shell Command

Run shell and get outputdef out = sh script: command, returnStdout: true
Run shell and get exit codedef status = sh script: command, returnStatus: true

1.21 Groovy Dictionary

Create a mapdef m = ['fruit':'Apple', 'veggie':'Carrot']
Add an item to mapm.put('denny','hello')
Check if key existsm.containsKey('key1')
Loop a maploop-map.groovy

1.22 Groovy json

Convert string to jsonstring-to-json.groovy
Convert dictionary to jsondict-to-json.groovy
Read and write json filesjson-file.groovy

1.23 Groovy Date

Date to stringnew Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"))
String to dateDate.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z")
String to dateDate.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", "2001-01-01T00:00:00+0000")

1.24 Jenkins Agent

Check jenkins slave jar versioncheck-slave-jar-version.groovy
Find dead executors and remove themfind-dead-executors.groovy
Set env for each agentset-agent-env.groovy

1.25 Jenkins Maintenance

Delete jenkins job by regexpdelete-job-by-regexp.groovy
Deploy Jenkins via docker
Clean up old buildsLink: CloudBees Best Strategy for Disk Space Management

1.26 More Resources

License: Code is licensed under MIT License.

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