The source code for CSE-310 lab(Compiler Sessional) that I flunked in 3rd year.
g++ main.cpp
chmod +x a.out
lex -o lex.yy.cpp lex.l
g++ -c main.cpp lex.yy.cpp
g++ -o lex.out lex.yy.o -lfl
chmod u+x lex.out
./lex.out < input1.txt
Note: Use a 32 bit Linux environment
bison -d -y -o parser.y --debug --verbose
g++ -fpermissive -w -c -o parser.o
flex -o lex.yy.cpp lex.l
g++ -c -w -o lexer.o lex.yy.cpp
g++ -c -w -o main.o Symbol_table.cpp
g++ -o compiler lexer.o parser.o main.o -L /usr/lib -lfl -ly
./compiler < sample_input_1.c
Same as before. Install emu8086 using wine and feed asm file.