Event Hub Analyzer is a small command line tool that can be used to analyze certain aspects of Event Hubs.
pip install eventhub-analyzer
For every event hub, consumer group, the number of events/sequence numbers between two invocations is retrieved and the throughput per partition is calculated. This can be used to determine if the load is correctly distributed among partitions.
When there are some partition that get little to no throughput while others have large throughput, it is a sign that the partition key is not chosen optimally and that you should try to choose a property with a higher cardinality as the partition key.
eventhub-analyzer checkpoints -n CONTAINER_NAME -c CONNECTION_STRING
You can also specify the settings via environment variables:
export STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING='DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=x;AccountKey=y;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net'
export CONTAINER_NAME='event-hub-offsets'
eventhub-analyzer checkpoints
Event Hub: telemetry, Consumer Group: my-consumer
Event Hub Consumer Group Partition Events per second
telemetry my-consumer 0 158.034
telemetry my-consumer 1 203.257
telemetry my-consumer 2 148.103
telemetry my-consumer 3 0.000
telemetry my-consumer 4 201.780
telemetry my-consumer 5 106.081
telemetry my-consumer 6 72.307
telemetry my-consumer 7 160.783
telemetry my-consumer 8 118.351
As you can see, partition 3 is not getting any events and the number of events is not well distributed overall. There might be some gains possible by choosing a different partition key (or by partitioning manually on the client).
eventhub-analyzer clear-checkpoints --consumer-group redis-timeseries
poetry build
poetry publish