Clone the repo with git sub modules:
git clone -r
or run:
git submodule init && git submodule update
in an existing USR repo.
Install buidler and plugins
npm install
mv .example.env .env
Run the following commands to compile all contracts:
npx buidler compile
Compile the USDx contracts for integration test:
npx buidler compile --config buidler.config.usdx.js
To run the tests:
npx buidler test
To deploy contracts, need to set basic config parameters in .env
INFURA_APIKEY: Infura key.
PRIVATE_KEY: Private key of deployer account.
Deploy contracts at the local:
truffle migrate
Deploy contracts at the testnet: Kovan.
truffle migrate --network kovan
Run a local develop network with buidler EVM:
npx buidler node