8.0.0-beta.4 (2021-09-08)
Bug Fixes
- dependencies: update app-runtime to v3 (8777699)
- offline-interface: prevent infinite update loop in Chrome (#638) (079f6ea)
- recording-mode: handle fulfilled requests after recording error (#642) (928e2cb)
- import index.css in index.js so styles are applied (8db1bf8)
- shell: create new stacking context for roots (324a095)
- catch errors in completeRecording (e67ae82)
- check whole URL against filter patterns (5468114)
- only return sections with cached data from getCachedSections (f6242d1)
- reopen indexedDB if global state resets (0aded68)
- return true if either cache or idb entry is removed (43d8001)
- simplify message payload to be compatible with firefox (5e5a633)
- add service worker and pwa capabilities (#550) (225069e), closes #580 #582 #592
- allow RegEx for filter patterns in d2.config.js (9699330)
- use new headerbar with online status indicator (#626) (3bd7d37)
- dependencies: This updates the app-platform to version 3 of the
app-runtime. That means that this version of the app-platform will only
work with apps that use version 3 of the app-runtime.