Facebook: Javascript Memes for Undefined Teens
- No harassment, trolling, or inflammatory content
- No disparagement of libraries, library contributors, tech stacks, or tech communities
- Thanks for making Javascript Memes an inclusive and welcoming place for all undefined teens!
- Original content only
- Smallest dimension must be at least 600px
- Memes should strongly resemble other memes using the same macro - i.e. keep the font and layout consistent with existing memes
- Make your memes with a proper image editor or a word editor so it's easier to make adjustments. Consider using online tools like Google Drive or Figma for easy sharing and collaboration.
- Add a watermark if you can - they are stored in the watermark folder.
Two ways to contribute memes to the page:
- PM the meme to the Facebook page
- Fork the repo and submit a pull request with your meme in the queue folder
If applicable, include sources.