This starter allows to generate JWT token which would be used to authenticate any request containing the following header:
X-Authorization: Bearer ${jwt}
The token can be created from the user using JwtAuthorizationProvider.produceJwt(User).
The user id should be a string, and defined as "principal" on the user model.
A class implementing RoleProviderI should define the roles to attach to the user.
Note that it is not required to have a user object in the db corresponding to the principal.
This case should be handled by the role provider where user=null
. The application should
define the Role that applies to such a user if any.
Currently, this starter requires some boilerplate code to be used (defined below). Hopefully this will be cleaned up in a future version.
- starcut.auth.jwt.secret: the secret used to sign tokens
- starcut.auth.jwt.lifetime-in-hours: the validity of the token in hours
Include the migration file '001-add-revoked-token' into the project.
- The user entity must implement UserI, define the principal used for jwt. This can be existing column as below.
@Column(name = "phoneNumber", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private String principal;
The userRepository must implement UserRepositoryI
Define a class implementing RoleProviderI This require to define one function: getGrantedAuthoritiesFor(User) which returns a collection of granted authorities for the user. User can be null so the class must handle that accordingly. This happens when the jwt refers to a non existing user.
Extend the JwtAuthenticationFilter
public class MyJwtAuthenticationFilter extends JwtAuthenticationFilter<UserRepository, User> {
public MyJwtAuthenticationFilter(JwtAuthorizationProvider<UserRepository, User> jwtAuthorizationProvider,
UserRepository userRepository) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
super(jwtAuthorizationProvider, userRepository, new MyRoleProvider());
Add the filter on HttpSecurity http
JwtAuthorizationProvider jwtProvider;
UserRepository userRepository;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.addFilterBefore(new MyJwtAuthenticationFilter(jwtProvider, userRepository), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);