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Simon Kelly edited this page Feb 5, 2015 · 1 revision

CommCare Properties Page (CommCare 1.0.X)

The following is a list of properties commonly available in CommCare clients, along with a list of acceptable values. If a property will default to another value if not provided, that value is listed.

Purge Frequency - How often the phone should attempt to purge any cached storage which may have expired

  • Property: purge-freq
  • Values: Any positive integer. Represents period of purging in days.

** Post Server Url ** - The URL of the server to which completed forms will be submitted to

  • Property: PostURL
  • Values: Any URL

PostTestURL - The URL of the server to which completed forms will be submitted to if the application isn't released (Release JAD property set). ** Use of this property is discouraged **

  • Property: PostTestURL
  • Defaults-To: PostURL Property
  • Values: Any URL

Data Sync URL - The URL of the server which will be queried to download case data

  • Property: ota-restore-url
  • Values: Any positive integer. Represents period of purging in days.

Testing Data Sync URL - The URL of the server which will be queried to download case data if the application isn't released (Release JAD property set). ** Use of this property is discouraged **

  • Property: ota-restore-url-testing
  • Defaults-To: ota-restore-url Property
  • Values: Any URL

Days for Review - How long the phone will retain completed forms for review.

  • Property: cc-review-days
  • Values: Any positive integer. Represents period of purging in days.

Phone Locale - The locale (Language) that the application will use. Must be installed

  • Property: cur_locale
  • Defaults-To: default
  • Values: The two letter language code (or validly defined language code) of a locale file which has been properly registered.

Logging Enabled - Whether logging of incidents should be activated on the client.

  • Property: logenabled
  • Defaults-To: Enabled
  • Values: Enabled, Disabled

**Log Submit URL ** - The URL to submit logs

  • Property: log_prop_submit
  • Requires: Logging to be Enabled
  • Defaults-To: PostURL property
  • Values: Any URL

Weekly Log Sending Frequency - What kind of log transmission the phone should attempt on a weekly basis (submitted to PostURL)

  • Property: log_prop_weekly
  • Defaults-To: log_never
  • Requires: Logging to be Enabled
  • Values: log_never, log_short, log_full

Daily Log Sending Frequency - What kind of log transmission the phone should attempt on a weekly basis (submitted to PostURL)

  • Property: log_prop_daily
  • Requires: Logging to be Enabled
  • Defaults-To: log_never
  • Values: log_never, log_short, log_full

** Record Submission Format ** - What CommCare does with forms once they are completed and parsed. Useful for disabling form sending in non-connected environments.

  • Property: cc-send-procedure
  • Defaults-To: cc-send-http
  • Values: cc-send-http, cc-send-file, cc-send-none
  • Description: Send Via HTTP, Save to the File System, and 'Do Nothing', respectively.

** Password Format ** - What format user's passwords take

  • Property: password_format
  • Defaults-To: n
  • Values: a,n
  • Description: Alphanumeric and Numeric