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Eliot Kimber edited this page Jun 7, 2014 · 2 revisions


DITA Open Toolkit Community Plugins

This repository is for DITA Open Toolkit plugins provided by the community. These plugins are provided "as-is" and support is provided by the individual owners of the plugins.

Contact: [email protected]

NOTE: All plugins hosted in this repository MUST use an Apache 2 license or equivalent, meaning that the materials are open source and may be used for commercial purposes. The Apache 2 license is the license used by the DITA Open Toolkit.

To contribute a plugin please do the following:

  1. Name your plugin using a Java-style reverse-domain-name name like "com.example.myplugin". This ensures that plugin names are both unique and clearly associated with an owner. If you do not have a domain name of your own you may use "org.dita-community." as the first part of the name.

  2. Include a README.TXT or or similar documentation in the top-level directory of your plugin that provides at least the following information:

    • The purpose of the plugin (what it does)
    • Contact information: who owns it? Who developed and maintains it?
    • Usage details: transformation type name (if it's a transformation type), parameters, etc.
    • Open Toolkit versions the plugin works with
  3. One your plugin has been added to the repository, create a Wiki page for your plugin.

To contribute your plugin, do either of the following:

A. Create an Issue in the dita-ot-plugins repository and attach your plugin to it. One of the DITA Community team members will add your plugin to the repository.

B. Create a pull request with your plugin:

  1. Fork the dita-ot-plugins repository in github and then clone it onto your development machine.

  2. Create a branch in your local repository, e.g. "plugin-contribution"

  3. Add your plugin to your local repository and commit it locally.

  4. Push your branch to your remote fork on github

  5. In github, create a pull request for your contribution branch

If you are interested in being a member of the DITA Community Github project team, please contact one of the team members or create an issue indicating that you'd like to contribute. We can always use help maintaining the repository.

Other Sources of Plugins

Clone this wiki locally