This set of plugins provides a framework for extensible HTML-based transformations. The transformation types "html+", "xhtml+", "eclipsehelp+" and "htmlhelp+" produce the same output as the basic DITA-OT ones, but there are a number of extension points which enable you to add additional functionality to the transforms.
Extra functionality out of the box includes:
- Rasterization of SVG images referenced in elements.
- Presentation MathML in topics can be rendered to SVG (and then optionally rasterized).
- DITA Programming Domain elements rendered as railroad diagrams in SVG (which can be optionally rasterized).
- Tree diagram domain, for representing hierarchical diagrams, plus processing to render these as SVG (which can be optionally rasterized).
- XHTML transformation is properly in XHTML namespace.
- HTML Help transformation uses the current machine's character encoding, resolving most garbage-character incidents.
- HTML Help transformation much more configurable, including window size, navigation pane tabs, etc.
- Rudimentary context-sensitive help support for HTML Help transformation.
- Breadcrumb ancestor links in topics.
Many of these additions require additional free software. Requirements may include:
- Apache Ant 1.7 [ant.jar]
- Apache Batik 1.7, an SVG processor [batik-all.jar]
- Batik Rasterizer Ant task (contributed code to Batik) [rasterizertask.jar]
- JEuclid 3.0.x (not 3.1, which has a different API), a MathML renderer [jeuclid-core-3.0.x.jar]
- Saxon 9 Basic, an XSLT 2.0 processor [saxon9.jar, saxon9-dom.jar]
- Mozilla Rhino, a JavaScript interpreter [js.jar]
- Apache Commons External APIs [xml-apis-ext.jar]
- Apache Commons Logging APIs [commons-logging-api-1.1.jar]
Ensure that these are available in the classpath before invoking the transform. Each plugin contains a document doc/reference.xml which describes its prerequisites.
Support for these plugins is available by posting to the dita-users Yahoo group.
The plug-ins are distributed under the same terms as DITA Open Toolkit, at the user's election, under the Common Public License 1.0 (CPL) or Apache License 2.0.