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mothulity - web interface

Web Interface and database/job scheduler for mothulity.

The main principle is to:

  1. Present HTML front-end to the user which gathers submission data.
  2. Run a separate script which takes care of reading what was gathered in the database, submits it to SLURM and watches the submitted process.

django-mothulity stores its settings in the database - there is no need for any modification in the code (including the paths, scheduler and HPC settings) once it is deployed. The settings are bound to the domain name other than localhost and specified in <name_of_project>/ ALLOWED_HOSTS. Once this is specified, these settings must specified in the Admin Panel. This solution does NOT allow for using more than one domain name - the settings will always bound to first object from the ALLOWED_HOSTS other than localhost.


  • SSH keys exchanged with the HPC.

  • The same directory mounted at the Web-Server and the HPC. The first is needed for files upload. The latter for the ssh commands.

Installation for Production - NGINX and Gunicorn (virtual environment is advised, as always)

These instructions are compliant to this tutorial at DigitalOcean but with the standard SQL database. Neverthless, is should work with any database backend.

  1. Setup the production NGINX server and the Gunicorn WSGI as indicated in the DigitalOcean tutorial. From this point it is assumed that:
  • the django project was created,
  • the SuperUser was created and the Admin Panel works with the production server.
  1. pip install django-mothulity-*.tar.gz - the project will most probably NOT be distributed with the PyPI.

  2. Add 'django.contrib.sites', and 'mothulity', to <name_of_project>/ INSTALLED_APPS.

  3. It is assumed that 'localhost' and '<>' are in the <name_of_project>/ ALLOWED_HOSTS already. If not - add it.

  4. Add from django.conf.urls import include, url to <name_of_project>/<name_of_project>/

  5. Add url(r"^mothulity/", include("mothulity.urls")), to <name_of_project>/<name_of_project>/

  6. python makemigrations mothulity && python migrate mothulity - setup the database.

  7. python test mothulity. - check if everything is all right.

  8. python collectstatic - put static files in the directory indicated in <name_of_project>/<name_of_project>/

  9. In the Admin Panel:

  • Add <> to Sites.

  • Add Path settings and Hpc settings. The default ones should be OK.

Updates of the django-mothulity app should require nothing more than pip install --upgrade django-mothulity-*.tar.gz.

  1. Daemonize
  • Create /etc/systemd/system/django-mothulity-scheduler.service file with this content:
Description=django-mothulity job scheduler

ExecStart=/<path-to-virtualenv>/ /<path-to>/<name_of_project>/


The ExecStart should point to the executable, mind if it is in the virtual environment. It needs the path to the project as an argument - this is hiw it gets the project's settings.

  • sudo systemctl start django-mothulity-scheduler - start the service.

  • sudo systemctl status django-mothulity-scheduler - check if everything is all right. If you make changes to the Unit File - run sudo systemctl daemon-reload.

  • sudo systemctl enable django-mothulity-scheduler - start the service on boot.

  1. Set the maximum size of the files upload and timeouts:
  • In the /etc/nginx/site-available/<name_of_project>, section location / put client_max_body_size parameter, like that:

    location / {
    include proxy_params;
    proxy_pass http://unix:/run/gunicorn.sock;
    client_max_body_size 2000M;
  • In the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file, in the http section, put proxy parameters, like that:

proxy_connect_timeout 600;
proxy_send_timeout 600;
proxy_read_timeout 600;
  • In the /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service file set the timeout parameter, like that:

    ExecStart=/home/dizak/mothulityenv/bin/gunicorn \
          --access-logfile - \
          --workers 3 \
          --timeout 600 \
          --bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock \


  • The scheduler service has to be restarted for the changes to HPC Settings Interval to take place.

  • If there any app updates, migrations or any other changes, the gunicorn service must be restarted.

Installation for Development

  1. Clone dizak/django-mothulity

  2. Run pip install -r django-mothulity/requirements.txt, virtual environment recommended.

  3. Type django-admin startproject <name_of_project> django-mothulity - this will create a Django project WITHIN the the cloned repo. This is intended.

  4. Add 'django.contrib.sites', and mothulity.apps.MothulityConfig to <name_of_project>/<name_of_project>/ INSTALLED_APPS list.

  5. Add 'localhost' and '<>' to <name_of_project>/ ALLOWED_HOSTS - it is needed for the Path Settings and HPC Settings which are bound to the Site's domain and name. Path Settings and HPC Settings work with only one domain name, other that localhost and are independent of the Site's ID. There is no need for adding the SITE_ID variable to the <name_of_project>/<name_of_project>/ See this documentation for more details about the Django's Site framework.

  6. Add from django.conf.urls import include, url to <name_of_project>/<name_of_project>/

  7. Add url(r"^mothulity/", include("mothulity.urls")) to <name_of_project>/<name_of_project>/

  8. Run python makemigrations && python migrate.

  9. Run python test.

  10. In the Admin Panel:

  • Add <> to Sites.

  • Add Path settings and Hpc settings. The default ones should be OK.

  1. Run python runserver.
  • This starts the development HTTP server.
  1. Run python <name_of_project>
  • This starts the scheduler.


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