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Computation of Unifrac using Earth Movers Distance


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EMDUnifrac is a computational method that computes the Unifrac [1,2,3] distance, but also returns information about which organisms are differentially abundant. This information comes in the form of a flow which is a matrix that shows exactly which organism abundances need to be moved where in the computation of Unifrac. A summary of this information is the differential abundance vector which shows which organisms are over/under expressed in each sample.

This method utilizes the Earth Mover's distance and details about the algorithm (and proof of correctness) are contained in the arXiv preprint (and also at the bioRxiv).


  • dendropy
  • numpy
  • matplotlib (for plotting)
  • ete2 (only for the speed comparison to Unifrac)
  • PyCogent (only for the speed comparison to Unifrac)


Efforts have been made to make the API similar to that of the PyCogent implementation of FastUnifrac.

The basic workflow is:

  • Parse an input taxonomic treen (in Newick format) using (Tint, lint, nodes_in_order) = parse_tree(tree_str).
  • Parse input taxonomic classifications (called "environments") using (nodes_weighted, samples) = parse_envs(input_environments, nodes_in_order).
  • Run a weighted/unweighted version of EMDUnifrac with/without the flow returned. For example: (unifrac_value, flow, differential_abundance_vector) = EMDUnifrac_weighted_flow(Tint, lint, nodes_in_order, input_environments['sample1'], input_environments['sample2']).

For the impatient, here is a minimal working example (for more, see the tests contained in the source):

import EMDUnifrac as EMDU
tree_str = '((B:0.1,C:0.2)A:0.3);'  # input taxonomic tree
(Tint, lint, nodes_in_order) = EMDU.parse_tree(tree_str)  # parse the tree, getting nodes (Tint), edge lengths (lint), and node names (nodes_in_order)
# Create a toy environment
envs = {
	'temp0':{'sample1':0,'sample2':1}}  # temp0 is the root node, not named in Newick format, but included in nodes_in_order
(envs_prob_dict, samples) = EMDU.parse_envs(envs, nodes_in_order)  # Parse the environments.
(Z , F, diffab) = EMDU.EMDUnifrac_weighted_flow(Tint, lint, nodes_in_order, envs_prob_dict['sample1'], envs_prob_dict['sample2'])  # Run the weighted version of EMDUnifrac that returns the flow
# Check to make sure results make sense
assert Z == 0.25  # This is the Unifrac distance
assert F[(0,3)] == 0.5  # F is the flow and is in a sparse matrix format: a dictionary with tuple keys using elements of Tint and values T[(i, j)] equal to amount of abundance moved from organism nodes_in_order(i) to nodes_in_order(j)
assert F[(1,1)] == 0.5
assert sum(F.values()) == 1
assert diffab == {(2, 3): 0.14999999999999999, (0, 2): 0.10000000000000001}  # diffab is the differential abundance vector, also in a sparse matrix format: a dictionary with tuple keys using elements of Tint and values diffab[(i, j)] equal to the signed difference of abundance between the two samples restricted to the sub-tree defined by nodes_in_order(i) and weighted by the edge length lint[(i,j)].

An example ( is included using real biological data (restricted to the phylum level for simplicity).

Description of formats and syntax


(Tint, lint, nodes_in_order) = parse_tree(tree_str).

This function will parse a Newick tree string and return the dictionary of ancestors Tint. Tint indexes the nodes by integers, Tint[i] = j means j is the ancestor of i. lint is a dictionary returning branch lengths: lint[(i,j)] is the weight of the edge connecting i and j. nodes_in_order is a list of the nodes in the input tree_str such that Tint[i]=j means nodes_in_order[j] is an ancestor of nodes_in_order[i]. Nodes are labeled from the leaves up.


(Tint, lint, nodes_in_order) = parse_tree(tree_str_file).

Same as parse_tree but for reading in a Newick tree from a file tree_str_file instead of string.


(envs_prob_dict, samples) = parse_envs(envs, nodes_in_order).

This function takes an environment envs and the list of nodes nodes_in_order and will return a dictionary envs_prob_dict with keys given by samples. envs_prob_dict[samples[i]] is a probability vector on the basis nodes_in_order denoting abundances on the taxonomic tree for samples[i].

The input data structure envs is a dictionary of dictionaries. The keys are elements of nodes_in_order and the values are dictionaries with exactly two keys samples[i] and samples[j]. The values are the raw (or normalized) abundance of samples[i] assigned to a tree node given in nodes_in_order.

For example, the following environment:

tree_str = '((B:0.1,C:0.2)A:0.3);'
envs = {

represents two samples sample1 and sample2 where in sample1, one read respectively has been classified to the tree nodes C and B. In sample2, one read respectively has been classified to the tree node B and the root node temp0 (representing an unclassified read). This root node is not contained in the Newick string tree_str but is automatically created by parse_tree and returned in nodes_in_order.


Weighted version of Unifrac that returns the flow.

(Z, F, diffab) = EMDUnifrac_weighted_flow(Tint, lint, nodes_in_order, P, Q).

This function takes the ancestor dictionary Tint, the lengths dictionary lint, the basis nodes_in_order and two probability vectors P and Q (typically P = envs_prob_dict[samples[i]], Q = envs_prob_dict[samples[j]]). Returns the weighted Unifrac distance Z (a scalar), the flow F, and the differential abundance vector diffab. The flow F is a dictionary with tuple keys of the form (i, j) for i,j in Tint where F[(i, j)] == num means that in the calculation of the Unifrac distance, a total mass of num was moved from the node nodes_in_order[i] to the node nodes_in_order[j]. The differential abundance vector diffab is a dictionary with tuple keys using elements of Tint and values diffab[(i, j)] equal to the signed difference of abundance between the two samples restricted to the sub-tree defined by nodes_in_order[i] and weighted by the edge length lint[(i, j)].


Weighted version of Unifrac, does not return the flow (faster execution time than when returning the flow).

(Z, diffab) = EMDUnifrac_weighted(Tint, lint, nodes_in_order, P, Q).

This function takes the ancestor dictionary Tint, the lengths dictionary lint, the basis nodes_in_order and two probability vectors P and Q (typically P = envs_prob_dict[samples[i]], Q = envs_prob_dict[samples[j]]). Returns the weighted Unifrac distance Z (a scalar), and the differential abundance vector diffab. The differential abundance vector diffab is a dictionary with tuple keys using elements of Tint and values diffab[(i, j)] equal to the signed difference of abundance between the two samples restricted to the sub-tree defined by nodes_in_order[i] and weighted by the edge length lint[(i, j)].


Unweighted version of Unifrac, returns the flow.

(Z, F, diffab) = EMDUnifrac_unweighted_flow(Tint, lint, nodes_in_order, P, Q).

This function takes the ancestor dictionary Tint, the lengths dictionary lint, the basis nodes_in_order and two probability vectors P and Q (typically P = envs_prob_dict[samples[i]], Q = envs_prob_dict[samples[j]]). Returns the weighted Unifrac distance Z (a scalar), the flow F, and the differential abundance vector diffab. The flow F is a dictionary with tuple keys of the form (i, j) for i,j in Tint where F[(i, j)] == num means that in the calculation of the Unifrac distance, a total mass of num was moved from the node nodes_in_order[i] to the node nodes_in_order[j]. The differential abundance vector diffab is a dictionary with tuple keys using elements of Tint and values diffab[(i, j)] equal to the signed difference of abundance between the two samples restricted to the sub-tree defined by nodes_in_order[i] and weighted by the edge length lint[(i, j)].


Unweighted version of Unifrac, does not return the flow (faster execution time than when returning the flow).

(Z, diffab) = EMDUnifrac_unweighted(Tint, lint, nodes_in_order, P, Q).

This function takes the ancestor dictionary Tint, the lengths dictionary lint, the basis nodes_in_order and two probability vectors P and Q (typically P = envs_prob_dict[samples[i]], Q = envs_prob_dict[samples[j]]). Returns the weighted Unifrac distance Z (a scalar), and the differential abundance vector diffab. The differential abundance vector diffab is a dictionary with tuple keys using elements of Tint and values diffab[(i, j)] equal to the signed difference of abundance between the two samples restricted to the sub-tree defined by nodes_in_order[i] and weighted by the edge length lint[(i, j)].


David Koslicki [email protected]

Jason McClelland [email protected]


This project is released under the GPL-3 License. Please view the LICENSE file for more details.


Preprint of corresponding article at To do


Computation of Unifrac using Earth Movers Distance







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