A Twitter bot that takes long, random walks through the world in real-time.
Dependencies are managed with pip
Install the necessary modules with:
pip install --user -r requirements.txt
Copy the API keys template file to api_keys.py
and insert your Twitter and
Google API keys:
cp api_keys{_template,}.py
$EDITOR api_keys.py
# Insert API keys.
Several constants are defined at the top of daily_walk.py
In particular, set TWEET_ON = False
to print to the console instead of tweeting to Twitter,
and set SLEEP_ON = False
to remove the "real-time" delays for testing purposes.
Run the script with python daily_walk.py
To run at regular intervals, append a line to your crontab
For example, to begin a walk at 10:00 daily,
(crontab -l ; echo "0 10 * * * python /full/path/to/daily_walk.py") | crontab -