Build tool and artifacts for LaTeX documents.
To avoid installing tex dependencies on the host machine, we'll use containers and mounted volume to run the build in a self-contained environment.
Setup to use podman
, but can be easily updated to use docker
Multiple Steps (for any document)
# build image
make build
# generate pdf for tex document
./ pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode --output-dir=./output ${FileName}
Generate Resume (with custom script)
Sometimes image builds or container executions may fail if given improper input. In these cases, the follow commands may be required to get back to a clean slate.
# stop all containers
podman stop $(podman ps -q)
# delete containers
podman rm $(podman ps -a -q)
# delete dangling images
podman rmi -f $(podman images -f "dangling=true" -q)