my goal was to have a "scalable" docker-compose solution which is working behind a reverse-proxy over TLS with an mongodb-cluster whose db-data is stored locally e.g. on a ec2 mounted volume which can be snapshotted on a regular basis. i wanted to have version upgrades as easy as possible. after a few experiments i endet up with this docker-compose script which is scalable (multiple containers on a single node).
create a folder called rc. inside this folder you should create some more folders:
- data
- tls
- uploads
because you should alway's use TLS those day's make sure you have your crt and your key file ready exactly named as
- default.crt
- default.key
inside the tls folder. put the docker-compose.yml inside your rc folder and run it with parameter --scale=rc=x. x will be the amout of running container nodes linked in nginx reverse-proxy. e.g.
docker-compose up -d --scale=rc=2
sure you can scale down your docker-nodes also - and yep both way's will upgrade the nginx reverse-proxy list.
stop old containers
docker-compose stop <CONTAINER_1> <CONTAINER_2>
delete old containers
docker-compose rm CONTAINER_1> <CONTAINER_2>
make your changes in docker-compose-yml e.g.
image: mongo:3.2
image: mongo:3.4
and start up your cluster agin with --scale. you should chek for old images wich are no longer in use:
docker images -a
and delete them to via
docker rmi IMAGE_ID
please feel free to contribute. If there's any info missing or you've found out something new, please feel free to contribute to my stuff