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Web-Detector — RESTful API service for object detection, based on Detectron2. Web-Detector is a test task for a SWE.


Web-detector designed to run on multiple high-performance nodes, below is an example of using docker-compose to run the web-detector on a single machine, from which you can quite easily understand what is going on.


  1. Nvidia GPU (it should be OK with AMD GPU or only CPU, but I'm not sure, tested only on gtx 980ti);
  2. docker>=20.10.6, docker-compose>=1.29.1;
  3. nvidia-container-toolkit>=1.3.3.

Btw, since the project depends very much on the environment and has only been tested on one machine, I will just leave it here:

  • Kernel: 5.10.32-1-MANJARO
  • CPU: Intel i7-5930K (12) @ 4.600GHz
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
  • Memory: 15918MiB
Possible troubleshooting

services.detector_detector.deploy.resources.reservations value Additional properties are not allowed ('devices' was unexpected)

CudeError('Unknown Error') / CudaError('Out of memory') / CudaError('...')

  • Decrease --autoscale of workers in docker-compose.yaml;
    • Set --autoscale 1,1 in service detector_detector (line 80);
    • Set --autoscale 1,1 in service detector_processor (line 49).

Prepare env

  1. $> cp .env.example .env;
  2. Edit .env file (change passwords / secret keys).
  1. Mount any fs-storage to ./video_storage;
  2. You can easily swap celery's backend (for now it uses redis, but it's pretty expensive, so you can use mongo :) ), just remove redis container from docker-compose.yaml and change CELERY_BACKEND_URL in .env.


  1. $> MIGRATE=true USER_ID=$UID docker-compose up --build

I'm in!

Note for swagger auth

If you will use swagger to make some requests: you should add Bearer to generated access token. E.g. token = super-token -> authorize in swagger using token = Bearer super-token.

How it works?

Overall scheme

Components scheme


  • Processor queue — RabbitMQ Celery queue named processor for 'processor' celery workers;
  • Detector queue — RabbitMQ Celery queue named detector for 'detector' celery workers;
  • Processor worker — Celery autoscalable worker, processing tasks from 'processor' queue;
  • Detector worker — Celery autoscalable worker, processing tasks from 'detector' queue;
  • Video storage — just a mounted directory (host fs), can be (should be) easily replaced with any mountable fs storage;
  • Results storage — Redis Celery backend, can be easily replaced with any celery-supported backend (e.g. mongodb).

Processing scheme

Processing scheme

Step by step processing
  1. Video uploads to flask app;
  2. Flask app generates uuid4 for video and saves it to 'video storage';
  3. Flask app creates new task process_video (in 'processor' queue) and passes uuid4 of video to it;
  4. Processor worker takes task process_video from 'processor' queue and opens video (from 'video storage' by uuid4);
  5. Processor worker splits video on frames;
  6. Processor worker splits frames to chunks (you can change CHUNK_SIZE in detector.processor.config);
  7. Processor worker creates chord of detector tasks detect_frames (in 'detector' queue) and callback merge_chunks (in 'processor' queue);
  8. Detector worker takes task detect_frames from 'detector' queue;
  9. Detector worker tries to load predictor object from thread-local storage, if no predictor here — creates and caches it;
  10. Detector worker detect count of GPUs and start detection process not frame-by-frame, but in parallel manner on all GPUs. You can easily disable this detector.detector.predictor.
  11. Detector worker detect all objects on all frames in chunk and saves result to redis (celery backend);
  12. When all detector tasks completed — merge_chunks task executes on processor worker;
  13. Processor worker takes all per-chunk results, merges and saves them to redis (celery backend);
  14. Detection result can be easily obtained from redis (celery backend).


  • Flask app / processor workers / dector workers use different docker images, so different environments, so can be easily scaled out;
  • As far as processor/detector workers are celery-based - they have auto-sync, so we can easily increase number of nodes (even when service is live).
  • Detector workers image based on nvidia-cuda and optimized for parallel run on multiple GPUs;
  • As far as processor/detector workers are celery-based - they have simple autoscaling (start new workers on one node if needed).

Easy to change if needed

  1. Redis as celery backend is pretty expensive (you can use mongo or what you want), update .evn/CELERY_BACKEND_URL and docker-compose.yaml;
  2. Disable per-task GPU multiprocessing in detect_frames tasks, change detector.detector.predictor;
  3. Adjust workers autoscaling, change docker-compose.yaml commands for detector_processor and detector_detector;

Also, you can save frames to fs storage (as videos), but this will require a little bit more changes, check detector package.


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