#Four In A Row Tic Tac Toe
Just a small app to learn angularfire (http://angularfire.com)
You will find both the coffee and js versions of the scripts here, so use whichever you prefer.
To get it going:
Create an account at firebase.com, if you haven't already.
Copy defaults.coffee.sample to defaults.coffee or defaults.js.sample to defaults.js
Change the FIREBASE_URL in that file to your firebase url.
Serve the directory structure with your favorite web server. On my mac, I just 'python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
You should be able to access the server from 2 browsers, each choose a color, and then play 4 in a row tic-tac-toe.
The app doesn't have a lot of error checking, so you can cheat. That's not really the point.
There is a demo at http://davidmoulton.me/4-in-a-row .