I go online by the alias @dn0m1n8tor. I'm a third year pursuing Bachelor's in Computer Science 🎓. I'm a passionate learner who's always willing to learn and work across technologies and domains 💡 I love to find 🔍 security issues in web applications 🕸️ and contribute to the infosec community in any way I can. I like working in 🐧️ Linux Environment. I always look forward to learn and experiment stuff with like-minded people and expand my spectrum of knowledge 🤓
- Get a Feel of JWT ( JSON Web Token )
- Attacks on JSON Web Token (JWT)
- Notification system for your Bug Bounty Automation
- A Tale of DOM-based XSS!
- Understand the Postmessage Vulnerabilities and its implications
- Developers and Hackers, Understand OAuth and it’s grant type (2022 Guide)
- How can Hackers Analyze the Attacks on OAuth 2.0?
Project Morya is just a collection of bash scripts that runs iteratively to carry out various tools and recon process & store output in an organized. Project includes notification feature, which gives notification about the output of the tools on your discord/slack/telegram server.
Learn365 is a challenge to keep the learning spirit going on and challenge myself to learn something daily for the whole year, it can be anything from infosec to general life.