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What this package does

This package integrates the AFAS REST API with Laravel with a minimal setup.

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composer require we-simply-code/laravel-afas-rest-connector

After installation publish the config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\LaravelAfasRestConnectorServiceProvider"

In the config file you can add different connections to the AFAS profitServices. One connection is added by default. If you will be using only one connection use the default connection. If you will be using multiple connections use the default connection for the connection you will be using the most to make things easier.

For each connection in the config file you will have to add the connectors. Each connection contains the getConnectors & updateConnectors array.

Add your connectors to these arrays. The key can be anything you want (you will use this as the name of the connector in your code), the value has to be the id of the connector in AFAS profitService.

Add the following variables to your .env file

AFAS_ENVIRONMENT="Your AFAS environment # here" //example: T11111AA
AFAS_TOKEN="Your AFAS token here" // example: <token><version>1</version><data>tokendata</data></token>


I assume you know how the AFAS profitServices work and what the different connectors do. If not please take a look at the documentation for the AFAS REST API:

This package ships with a facade to access the different connectors easily. After retrieving your connector you can apply filters to it or add data to it and then call the execute() method to make the call to AFAS profitServices.


With the GetConnector you can retrieve data from AFAS profitService. The getConnector supports the simple filter, or the json filter. After configuring your getConnectors for your connection you can use the like this:

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// This will give you the "contacts" getConnector for the default connection

// This will give you the "contacts" getConnector for a different connection
Afas::getConnector('contacts', 'differentConnectionName');


You can apply filters on getConnectors to retrieve more specific data. There is no specific order to apply filters. You can chain as many filters as you want except for the take() and skip() filter. Those can only be used once per request. By default, this package will use the simple filter to retrieve results. You can enable the jsonFilter when your queries get a bit more advanced. Check out the official documentation about the differences between the simple filter and the jsonFilter:

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// This will give you a getConnector instance with the simple filter enabled

// This will give you a getConnector instance with the json filter enabled
Afas::getConnector('contacts', true);

By default, the profitServices return 100 results. You can adjust the amount of results by adding the take() filter.

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// This will add the take filter to the connector with an amount of 10

You can skip results by adding the skip() filter.

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// This will add the skip filter to the connector with an amount of 10

Sort the results on any field. By default, the results will be ascending but with and extra parameter you can change that. Field names must be exact the same as they are in AFAS profitServices.

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// This will sort the results ascending by the field 'Name'

// Add true as second parameter to sort the results descending
// This will sort the results descending by the field 'Name'
Afas::getConnector('contacts')->sortOnField('Name', true);

If you want to get specific results from the getConnector you can use the where() filter (records must match all criterion). It is recommended to always use the where() filter with the getConnector as it enhances the performance and only gives you the results you need.

All AFAS Profit filters for the where() filter are available. The filters are listed in the config file. You can use them in their symbol form, or their text form.

By default, the getConnector uses the simple filter. To enable the jsonFilter you can pass true as second parameter to the getConnector.

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// The where() filter accepts the field type as first parameter, filter type as second and what the results should be filtered on as third
// Get only the contacts of type Person (simple filter)
Afas::getConnector('contacts')->where('type', '=', 'Person');

// Get only the contacts of type Person (json filter)
Afas::getConnector('contacts', true)->where('type', '=', 'Person');

// You can chain as much where filters as needed
// Get only the contacts from the Netherlands who are organizations
    ->where('country', '=', 'Netherlands')
    ->where('type', '=', 'Organization');

You can use the orWhere() filter to add another where clause to the filter (records must match at least one criterion). Please check out the official docs how this works.

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// The orWhere() filter accepts the field type as first parameter, filter type as second and what the results should be filtered on as third
// Get the contacts of type Person or Organization
    ->where('type', '=', 'Person')
    ->orWhere('type', '=', 'Organization');

// Get only the contacts from the Netherlands or Germany who are organizations (json filter)
Afas::getConnector('contacts', true)
    ->where('type', '=', 'Organization')
    ->where('country', '=', 'Netherlands')
    ->orWhere('type', '=', 'organization')
    ->where('country', '=', 'Germany');

Sometimes the simple filter isn't enough to query specific results. Enable the jsonFilter when doing advanced queries. The jsonFilter and the simple filter don't always return the same results!


The execute() method is used when you have configured the connector accordingly to make the call to the AFAS profitServices.

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// Execute the call. This will retrieve 100 contacts from the AFAS profitServices

// Retrieve 10 contacts

// Retrieve 100 contacts but skip the first

// Retrieve 10 contacts and skip the first

This package uses Laravel's wrapper around Guzzle to make http calls. That means that after we call the execute() method, we can use the methods Laravel provides to inspect the response. Example:

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// This will return the request status

// This will return the response in JSON

Check out the documentation for the Laravel http client:

Inspecting the where filter

If you want to inspect the json from the where filter you can call the getJsonFilter() method instead of the execute() method after configuring the getConnector.

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// This will return the where filter in a json string
    ->where('Type', '=', 'Person')

This method won't return the take, skip and sortOnField filter.


With the UpdateConnector you can insert, update or delete records from AFAS profitService. You can use a tool like to inspect the json object required to manipulate data in AFAS profitService, or you can call the metaInfo() method on the connector to inspect the fields.

Insert & Update records

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

$data = [
            "KnPerson" => [
                "Element" => [
                    "Fields" => [],
// Create a new record in AFAS profitService

// Update an existing record in AFAS profitService

Generating URL

If you want to inspect the URL that is being generated by the connector you can call the getUrl() method instead of the execute() method after configuring the connector.

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// Both of these will return the generated URL by the connector (you can use this directly to make a call in something like Postman)

    ->where('Type', '=', 'Person')


To inspect the meta info about a connector we can simply call the metaInfo() method.

use WeSimplyCode\LaravelAfasRestConnector\Facades\Afas;

// Get the meta info from the connector

// Get the json representation of the meta info from the connector


Sunil Kisoensingh


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


This package integrates the AFAS REST API with Laravel







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