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Provides bindings and interoperability between Dojo packages and other libraries


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A package that provides various bindings to enable interoperability for external libraries and Dojo packages.

Note: the term "legacy Dojo" refers to 1.x versions of the Dojo Toolkit.


To use @dojo/interop, install the package using npm:

npm install @dojo/interop



DijitWrapper is a mixin class that can convert a legacy Dojo based Dijit and allows it to integrate with the Dojo widget system.

The wrapper takes a Dijit constructor function as its input and returns a Dojo widget. For example, to take the dijit/Calendar and place it in a Dojo App widget would look something like this:

import * as CalendarDijit from 'dijit/Calendar';
import DijitWrapper from '@dojo/interop/dijit/DijitWrapper';
import { v, w } from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/d';
import WidgetBase from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/WidgetBase';

const Calendar = DijitWrapper(CalendarDijit);

class App extends WidgetBase {
  private _onCalendarChange(date: Date) {
    console.log('Date selected:', date);

  protected render() {
    return v('div', { key: 'root' }, [
      w(Calendar, {
        key: 'calendar1',
        id: 'calendar1',
        onChange: this._onCalendarChange

export default App;

The result, when displayed through a projector, is a Dijit Calendar which will log the new date to the console every time the date is changed.

It is also possible to use a Dijit container, like dijit/layout/ContentPane, but children of a wrapped Dijit widget can only be other wrapped Dijits. You cannot place virtual DOM children (nodes from v()) or other non-Dijit widgets as children.

The DijitWrapper takes an optional second argument, tagName, which should be used when the widget system needs to create a DOM node to root a widget. By default it uses div.

For most existing legacy Dojo Dijits, the TypeScript typings can be found at dojo/typings and can be installed via npm via npm install dojo-typings. User-created Dijits may be used with the DijitWrapper provide they adhere to the minimum interface described in the /dijit/interfaces.d.ts that is part of this package.


ReduxInjector can be used to bind a redux store and Dojo widgets using the registry. The value returned by getProperties is an object containing two properties:

  • store - the actual Redux store passed as the first argument to the ReduxInjector constructor.
  • extraOptions - an additional options object that can be passed as an optional second argument to the ReduxInjector constructor.

An injector can be defined in the registry, which is then provided to the Projector as one of its properties. This is demonstrated in the example below.

import global from '@dojo/framework/shim/global';
import ProjectorMixin from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/mixins/Projector';
import ReduxInjector from '@dojo/interop/redux/ReduxInjector';
import Registry from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/Registry';

import TodoAppContainer from './containers/TodoAppContainer';
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { todoReducer } from './reducers';

const defaultState = {
	todos: [],
	currentTodo: '',
	activeCount: 0,
	completedCount: 0

const registry = new Registry();
const store = createStore(todoReducer, defaultState);
registry.defineInjector('application-state', new ReduxInjector(store));

const Projector = ProjectorMixin(TodoAppContainer);
const projector = new Projector();
projector.setProperties({ registry });


DgridWrapper is a Dojo widget that wraps dgrid widgets. This allows you to use dgrid widgets, which rely on legacy Dojo, in a Dojo application.

Because of the depencies on legacy Dojo, there is some special setup and configuration needed in your application. Run the following commands to add legacy Dojo dependencies to your project:

npm install --save dojo
npm install --save dgrid
npm install --save dojo-dstore
npm install --save-dev @types/dojo

To make the legacy Dojo modules availabe to your application, add the following build-app configuration to your .dojorc file:

   "build-app": {
      "externals": {
         "dependencies": [
            { "from": "node_modules/@dojo/interop/dgrid/loaderConfig.js", "inject": true },
            { "from": "node_modules/dojo", "to": "dojo", "name": "dojo", "inject": "dojo.js", "type": "umd" },
            { "from": "node_modules/dijit", "to": "dijit", "name": "dijit", "type": "umd" },
            { "from": "node_modules/dgrid", "to": "dgrid", "name": "dgrid", "inject": "css/dgrid.css", "type": "umd" },
            { "from": "node_modules/dojo-dstore", "to": "dstore", "name": "dstore", "type": "umd" }

The loaderConfig.js file contains configuration options for the legacy Dojo loader. If you want change that configuration, make a copy of 'node_modules/@dojo/interop/dgrid/loaderConfig.js' and update your .dojorc to reference the copy.

You are ready to use DgridWrapper in your application.

import WidgetBase from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/WidgetBase';
import { w } from '@dojo/framework/widget-core/d';
import DgridWrapper from '@dojo/interop/dgrid/DgridWrapper';

class SampleGrid extends WidgetBase {
	private data = [
		{ first: 'Bob', last: 'Thomson', id: 1, hasChildren: true },
		{ first: 'Tom', last: 'Bobson', id: 2, hasChildren: true }
	private columns = {
		first: 'First',
		last: 'Last'
	protected render() {
		return w(DgridWrapper, {
			features: {
				keyboard: true,
				selection: true,
			columns: this.columns,

DgridWrapper accepts the items to be rendered as an array of objects set in the data property. Refer to DgridWrapperProperties to see the other properties that DgridWrapper supports. Use the features property to activate different dgrid mixins. The properties in DgridWrapperProperties are passed to the dgrid widgets and mixins and the property names match the dgrid property names. Refer to the [dgrid documentation] ( for information on each dgrid configuration property.

The DgridWrapper supports a subset of all dgrid features. Currently the features supported include:

How do I contribute?

We appreciate your interest! Please see the Dojo Meta Repository for the Contributing Guidelines.

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npm run prettier


Test cases MUST be written using Intern using the Object test interface and Assert assertion interface.

90% branch coverage MUST be provided for all code submitted to this repository, as reported by istanbul’s combined coverage results for all supported platforms.

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grunt test

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grunt test:local

To test against BrowserStack or Sauce Labs run:

grunt test:browserstack


grunt test:saucelabs

Licensing information

© 2018 JS Foundation & contributors. New BSD and Apache 2.0 licenses.


Provides bindings and interoperability between Dojo packages and other libraries







No packages published
