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dokku mysql Build Status IRC Network

Official mysql plugin for dokku. Currently defaults to installing mysql 9.0.1.


  • dokku 0.19.x+
  • docker 1.8.x


# on 0.19.x+
sudo dokku plugin:install mysql


mysql:app-links <app>                              # list all mysql service links for a given app
mysql:backup <service> <bucket-name> [--use-iam]   # create a backup of the mysql service to an existing s3 bucket
mysql:backup-auth <service> <aws-access-key-id> <aws-secret-access-key> <aws-default-region> <aws-signature-version> <endpoint-url> # set up authentication for backups on the mysql service
mysql:backup-deauth <service>                      # remove backup authentication for the mysql service
mysql:backup-schedule <service> <schedule> <bucket-name> [--use-iam] # schedule a backup of the mysql service
mysql:backup-schedule-cat <service>                # cat the contents of the configured backup cronfile for the service
mysql:backup-set-encryption <service> <passphrase> # set encryption for all future backups of mysql service
mysql:backup-unschedule <service>                  # unschedule the backup of the mysql service
mysql:backup-unset-encryption <service>            # unset encryption for future backups of the mysql service
mysql:clone <service> <new-service> [--clone-flags...] # create container <new-name> then copy data from <name> into <new-name>
mysql:connect <service>                            # connect to the service via the mysql connection tool
mysql:create <service> [--create-flags...]         # create a mysql service
mysql:destroy <service> [-f|--force]               # delete the mysql service/data/container if there are no links left
mysql:enter <service>                              # enter or run a command in a running mysql service container
mysql:exists <service>                             # check if the mysql service exists
mysql:export <service>                             # export a dump of the mysql service database
mysql:expose <service> <ports...>                  # expose a mysql service on custom host:port if provided (random port on the interface if otherwise unspecified)
mysql:import <service>                             # import a dump into the mysql service database
mysql:info <service> [--single-info-flag]          # print the service information
mysql:link <service> <app> [--link-flags...]       # link the mysql service to the app
mysql:linked <service> <app>                       # check if the mysql service is linked to an app
mysql:links <service>                              # list all apps linked to the mysql service
mysql:list                                         # list all mysql services
mysql:logs <service> [-t|--tail] <tail-num-optional> # print the most recent log(s) for this service
mysql:pause <service>                              # pause a running mysql service
mysql:promote <service> <app>                      # promote service <service> as DATABASE_URL in <app>
mysql:restart <service>                            # graceful shutdown and restart of the mysql service container
mysql:set <service> <key> <value>                  # set or clear a property for a service
mysql:start <service>                              # start a previously stopped mysql service
mysql:stop <service>                               # stop a running mysql service
mysql:unexpose <service>                           # unexpose a previously exposed mysql service
mysql:unlink <service> <app>                       # unlink the mysql service from the app
mysql:upgrade <service> [--upgrade-flags...]       # upgrade service <service> to the specified versions


Help for any commands can be displayed by specifying the command as an argument to mysql:help. Plugin help output in conjunction with any files in the docs/ folder is used to generate the plugin documentation. Please consult the mysql:help command for any undocumented commands.

Basic Usage

create a mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:create <service> [--create-flags...]


  • -c|--config-options "--args --go=here": extra arguments to pass to the container create command (default: None)
  • -C|--custom-env "USER=alpha;HOST=beta": semi-colon delimited environment variables to start the service with
  • -i|--image IMAGE: the image name to start the service with
  • -I|--image-version IMAGE_VERSION: the image version to start the service with
  • -m|--memory MEMORY: container memory limit in megabytes (default: unlimited)
  • -N|--initial-network INITIAL_NETWORK: the initial network to attach the service to
  • -p|--password PASSWORD: override the user-level service password
  • -P|--post-create-network NETWORKS: a comma-separated list of networks to attach the service container to after service creation
  • -r|--root-password PASSWORD: override the root-level service password
  • -S|--post-start-network NETWORKS: a comma-separated list of networks to attach the service container to after service start
  • -s|--shm-size SHM_SIZE: override shared memory size for mysql docker container

Create a mysql service named lollipop:

dokku mysql:create lollipop

You can also specify the image and image version to use for the service. It must be compatible with the mysql image.

export MYSQL_IMAGE="mysql"
dokku mysql:create lollipop

You can also specify custom environment variables to start the mysql service in semicolon-separated form.

export MYSQL_CUSTOM_ENV="USER=alpha;HOST=beta"
dokku mysql:create lollipop

print the service information

# usage
dokku mysql:info <service> [--single-info-flag]


  • --config-dir: show the service configuration directory
  • --data-dir: show the service data directory
  • --dsn: show the service DSN
  • --exposed-ports: show service exposed ports
  • --id: show the service container id
  • --internal-ip: show the service internal ip
  • --initial-network: show the initial network being connected to
  • --links: show the service app links
  • --post-create-network: show the networks to attach to after service container creation
  • --post-start-network: show the networks to attach to after service container start
  • --service-root: show the service root directory
  • --status: show the service running status
  • --version: show the service image version

Get connection information as follows:

dokku mysql:info lollipop

You can also retrieve a specific piece of service info via flags:

dokku mysql:info lollipop --config-dir
dokku mysql:info lollipop --data-dir
dokku mysql:info lollipop --dsn
dokku mysql:info lollipop --exposed-ports
dokku mysql:info lollipop --id
dokku mysql:info lollipop --internal-ip
dokku mysql:info lollipop --initial-network
dokku mysql:info lollipop --links
dokku mysql:info lollipop --post-create-network
dokku mysql:info lollipop --post-start-network
dokku mysql:info lollipop --service-root
dokku mysql:info lollipop --status
dokku mysql:info lollipop --version

list all mysql services

# usage
dokku mysql:list

List all services:

dokku mysql:list

print the most recent log(s) for this service

# usage
dokku mysql:logs <service> [-t|--tail] <tail-num-optional>


  • -t|--tail [<tail-num>]: do not stop when end of the logs are reached and wait for additional output

You can tail logs for a particular service:

dokku mysql:logs lollipop

By default, logs will not be tailed, but you can do this with the --tail flag:

dokku mysql:logs lollipop --tail

The default tail setting is to show all logs, but an initial count can also be specified:

dokku mysql:logs lollipop --tail 5

link the mysql service to the app

# usage
dokku mysql:link <service> <app> [--link-flags...]


  • -a|--alias "BLUE_DATABASE": an alternative alias to use for linking to an app via environment variable
  • -q|--querystring "pool=5": ampersand delimited querystring arguments to append to the service link
  • -n|--no-restart "false": whether or not to restart the app on link (default: true)

A mysql service can be linked to a container. This will use native docker links via the docker-options plugin. Here we link it to our playground app.

NOTE: this will restart your app

dokku mysql:link lollipop playground

The following environment variables will be set automatically by docker (not on the app itself, so they won’t be listed when calling dokku config):


The following will be set on the linked application by default:


The host exposed here only works internally in docker containers. If you want your container to be reachable from outside, you should use the expose subcommand. Another service can be linked to your app:

dokku mysql:link other_service playground

It is possible to change the protocol for DATABASE_URL by setting the environment variable MYSQL_DATABASE_SCHEME on the app. Doing so will after linking will cause the plugin to think the service is not linked, and we advise you to unlink before proceeding.

dokku config:set playground MYSQL_DATABASE_SCHEME=mysql2
dokku mysql:link lollipop playground

This will cause DATABASE_URL to be set as:


unlink the mysql service from the app

# usage
dokku mysql:unlink <service> <app>


  • -n|--no-restart "false": whether or not to restart the app on unlink (default: true)

You can unlink a mysql service:

NOTE: this will restart your app and unset related environment variables

dokku mysql:unlink lollipop playground

set or clear a property for a service

# usage
dokku mysql:set <service> <key> <value>

Set the network to attach after the service container is started:

dokku mysql:set lollipop post-create-network custom-network

Set multiple networks:

dokku mysql:set lollipop post-create-network custom-network,other-network

Unset the post-create-network value:

dokku mysql:set lollipop post-create-network

Service Lifecycle

The lifecycle of each service can be managed through the following commands:

connect to the service via the mysql connection tool

# usage
dokku mysql:connect <service>

Connect to the service via the mysql connection tool:

NOTE: disconnecting from ssh while running this command may leave zombie processes due to moby/moby#9098

dokku mysql:connect lollipop

enter or run a command in a running mysql service container

# usage
dokku mysql:enter <service>

A bash prompt can be opened against a running service. Filesystem changes will not be saved to disk.

NOTE: disconnecting from ssh while running this command may leave zombie processes due to moby/moby#9098

dokku mysql:enter lollipop

You may also run a command directly against the service. Filesystem changes will not be saved to disk.

dokku mysql:enter lollipop touch /tmp/test

expose a mysql service on custom host:port if provided (random port on the interface if otherwise unspecified)

# usage
dokku mysql:expose <service> <ports...>

Expose the service on the service's normal ports, allowing access to it from the public interface (

dokku mysql:expose lollipop 3306

Expose the service on the service's normal ports, with the first on a specified ip adddress (

dokku mysql:expose lollipop

unexpose a previously exposed mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:unexpose <service>

Unexpose the service, removing access to it from the public interface (

dokku mysql:unexpose lollipop

promote service as DATABASE_URL in

# usage
dokku mysql:promote <service> <app>

If you have a mysql service linked to an app and try to link another mysql service another link environment variable will be generated automatically:


You can promote the new service to be the primary one:

NOTE: this will restart your app

dokku mysql:promote other_service playground

This will replace DATABASE_URL with the url from other_service and generate another environment variable to hold the previous value if necessary. You could end up with the following for example:


start a previously stopped mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:start <service>

Start the service:

dokku mysql:start lollipop

stop a running mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:stop <service>

Stop the service and removes the running container:

dokku mysql:stop lollipop

pause a running mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:pause <service>

Pause the running container for the service:

dokku mysql:pause lollipop

graceful shutdown and restart of the mysql service container

# usage
dokku mysql:restart <service>

Restart the service:

dokku mysql:restart lollipop

upgrade service to the specified versions

# usage
dokku mysql:upgrade <service> [--upgrade-flags...]


  • -c|--config-options "--args --go=here": extra arguments to pass to the container create command (default: None)
  • -C|--custom-env "USER=alpha;HOST=beta": semi-colon delimited environment variables to start the service with
  • -i|--image IMAGE: the image name to start the service with
  • -I|--image-version IMAGE_VERSION: the image version to start the service with
  • -N|--initial-network INITIAL_NETWORK: the initial network to attach the service to
  • -P|--post-create-network NETWORKS: a comma-separated list of networks to attach the service container to after service creation
  • -R|--restart-apps "true": whether or not to force an app restart (default: false)
  • -S|--post-start-network NETWORKS: a comma-separated list of networks to attach the service container to after service start
  • -s|--shm-size SHM_SIZE: override shared memory size for mysql docker container

You can upgrade an existing service to a new image or image-version:

dokku mysql:upgrade lollipop

Service Automation

Service scripting can be executed using the following commands:

list all mysql service links for a given app

# usage
dokku mysql:app-links <app>

List all mysql services that are linked to the playground app.

dokku mysql:app-links playground

create container then copy data from into

# usage
dokku mysql:clone <service> <new-service> [--clone-flags...]


  • -c|--config-options "--args --go=here": extra arguments to pass to the container create command (default: None)
  • -C|--custom-env "USER=alpha;HOST=beta": semi-colon delimited environment variables to start the service with
  • -i|--image IMAGE: the image name to start the service with
  • -I|--image-version IMAGE_VERSION: the image version to start the service with
  • -m|--memory MEMORY: container memory limit in megabytes (default: unlimited)
  • -N|--initial-network INITIAL_NETWORK: the initial network to attach the service to
  • -p|--password PASSWORD: override the user-level service password
  • -P|--post-create-network NETWORKS: a comma-separated list of networks to attach the service container to after service creation
  • -r|--root-password PASSWORD: override the root-level service password
  • -S|--post-start-network NETWORKS: a comma-separated list of networks to attach the service container to after service start
  • -s|--shm-size SHM_SIZE: override shared memory size for mysql docker container

You can clone an existing service to a new one:

dokku mysql:clone lollipop lollipop-2

check if the mysql service exists

# usage
dokku mysql:exists <service>

Here we check if the lollipop mysql service exists.

dokku mysql:exists lollipop

check if the mysql service is linked to an app

# usage
dokku mysql:linked <service> <app>

Here we check if the lollipop mysql service is linked to the playground app.

dokku mysql:linked lollipop playground

list all apps linked to the mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:links <service>

List all apps linked to the lollipop mysql service.

dokku mysql:links lollipop

Data Management

The underlying service data can be imported and exported with the following commands:

import a dump into the mysql service database

# usage
dokku mysql:import <service>

Import a datastore dump:

dokku mysql:import lollipop < data.dump

export a dump of the mysql service database

# usage
dokku mysql:export <service>

By default, datastore output is exported to stdout:

dokku mysql:export lollipop

You can redirect this output to a file:

dokku mysql:export lollipop > data.dump


Datastore backups are supported via AWS S3 and S3 compatible services like minio.

You may skip the backup-auth step if your dokku install is running within EC2 and has access to the bucket via an IAM profile. In that case, use the --use-iam option with the backup command.

Backups can be performed using the backup commands:

set up authentication for backups on the mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:backup-auth <service> <aws-access-key-id> <aws-secret-access-key> <aws-default-region> <aws-signature-version> <endpoint-url>

Setup s3 backup authentication:

dokku mysql:backup-auth lollipop AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Setup s3 backup authentication with different region:

dokku mysql:backup-auth lollipop AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_REGION

Setup s3 backup authentication with different signature version and endpoint:


More specific example for minio auth:

dokku mysql:backup-auth lollipop MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY us-east-1 s3v4 https://YOURMINIOSERVICE

remove backup authentication for the mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:backup-deauth <service>

Remove s3 authentication:

dokku mysql:backup-deauth lollipop

create a backup of the mysql service to an existing s3 bucket

# usage
dokku mysql:backup <service> <bucket-name> [--use-iam]


  • -u|--use-iam: use the IAM profile associated with the current server

Backup the lollipop service to the my-s3-bucket bucket on AWS:`

dokku mysql:backup lollipop my-s3-bucket --use-iam

Restore a backup file (assuming it was extracted via tar -xf backup.tgz):

dokku mysql:import lollipop < backup-folder/export

set encryption for all future backups of mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:backup-set-encryption <service> <passphrase>

Set the GPG-compatible passphrase for encrypting backups for backups:

dokku mysql:backup-set-encryption lollipop

unset encryption for future backups of the mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:backup-unset-encryption <service>

Unset the GPG encryption passphrase for backups:

dokku mysql:backup-unset-encryption lollipop

schedule a backup of the mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:backup-schedule <service> <schedule> <bucket-name> [--use-iam]


  • -u|--use-iam: use the IAM profile associated with the current server

Schedule a backup:

'schedule' is a crontab expression, eg. "0 3 * * *" for each day at 3am

dokku mysql:backup-schedule lollipop "0 3 * * *" my-s3-bucket

Schedule a backup and authenticate via iam:

dokku mysql:backup-schedule lollipop "0 3 * * *" my-s3-bucket --use-iam

cat the contents of the configured backup cronfile for the service

# usage
dokku mysql:backup-schedule-cat <service>

Cat the contents of the configured backup cronfile for the service:

dokku mysql:backup-schedule-cat lollipop

unschedule the backup of the mysql service

# usage
dokku mysql:backup-unschedule <service>

Remove the scheduled backup from cron:

dokku mysql:backup-unschedule lollipop

Disabling docker image pull calls

If you wish to disable the docker image pull calls that the plugin triggers, you may set the MYSQL_DISABLE_PULL environment variable to true. Once disabled, you will need to pull the service image you wish to deploy as shown in the stderr output.

Please ensure the proper images are in place when docker image pull is disabled.