electron and unix make friends
This is a simple wrapper around electron that kills boilerplate and allows stdio to work correct. Making electron a better unix citizen!
write stdin or the first file to the dom...
var path = require('path')
var pre = document.createElement('pre')
;( process.stdin.isTTY
? require('fs').createReadStream(path.resolve(process.argv[2]))
: process.stdin
.on('data', function (data) {
pre.innerText += data.toString()
you'll find this file in ./examples/cat.js
then run it with electro
# read the first file
electro ./examples/cat.js README.md
# OR, use pipes!
electro ./examples/cat.js < README.md
make sure electron is installed first!
npm install electron-prebuilt -g
electro [electro options] filename {options}
options work the same as in node.js.
any options passed before filename
are options for
chrome or electron.
any BrowserWindow option can be set this way.
If no arguments are provided, electro will open a repl (aka, a browser window with devtools)