Make sure you have the latest NAP-Vanetza docker image. You can get it here. Note that the tag you give it upon installing it, need's to be the same that's on the docker-compose.yml file. In this case, we built it with the tag vanetza:lane_merge
- Clone this repository
git clone
cd Lane_Merge_Simulator
- Create a virtual environment (venv)
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment (you need to repeat this step, and this step only, every time you start a new terminal/session):
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 web_app/
Before launching the localhost web page, make sure you have the OBU's and RSU's containers running
On a NEW a new terminal window but still inside the repo's directory
cd web_app/simulation/
docker-compose up
To kill the docker-compose, simply CTRL+C