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GitHub Actions

Sumit Ghosh edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 3 revisions

This page contains a brief setup description for CI/CD pipelines in GitHub Actions workflows. dev branch uses that.


Build workflows YAML definitions

Folder /.github/workflows/ has all the YAML files for all build workflows. Although (for simplicity reasons) eShopOnContainers that has all code in the same repo, we have one separated build per microservice. All builds have two jobs (named BuildContainersForPR_Linux and BuildLinux) that build the Linux version of the microservice for each PR and push on the dev branch.

We use path filters to queue only the build when commits have files in certain paths. For example, this is the path filters sections of the Web Status microservice:

    - src/BuildingBlocks/**
    - src/Web/WebStatus/**
    - .github/workflows/webstatus.yml

The build will be triggered if the commits have some file in these folders. Any other change won't trigger the build. Using path filters we have the flexibility to use a single repository, separated builds, and trigger only the needed builds.

Please, refer the GitHub Actions for more information.

GitHub Actions Build workflows

We have a build workflow for each service in GitHub Actions created from the YAML file. To create the build workflow from an existing YAML file, create a new build workflow in GitHub Actions:

Create a new workflow - step1

After choosing a new workflow, either you can define your workflow YAML from scratch or choose the Feature Actions from the Market place. To define the workflow file, you can leverage the online YAML editor.

Create a new workflow - step2

On Pull Request Builds

We have enabled the build workflows for pull_request event on dev branch.For that each workflow has BuildContainersForPR_Linux job. There are some differences between a normal build and the build triggered by a PR though:

The build triggered from a PR do not push the docker images to any docker registry.

Build On PR

On Push Builds

We have enabled the build workflows for push event on dev branch. For that each workflow has BuildLinux job. Each push event builds the docker image and push it to the dockerhub.

Build On PUSH

GitHub Composite Actions

Recently, all the GitHub workflows have been refactored with the help of GitHub Composite Actions. You can find the PR and discussions in here.

If you want to know more about it, please refer to GitHub Composite Actions

Additional References

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