a simple script to walk down a directory structure and identify storage size for each folder
gets the size of all files (files only, not subfolders) in each folder starting in a defined directory
$ python profile_drive.py --path <path_to_profile>
A CSV file with a filename "profile_results_YYYY-MM-DD_HH.mm.SSAM/PM.csv" will be saved to the top level of the directory that was profiled
The rows will be ordered by the folder size, with the largest folder at the top
Columns in the output folder are:
- fullpath: the full path to the folder
- foldername: the name of the folder
- size_bytes: the size of all files in the folder (not counting subfolders) in bytes
- size_kb: the size of all files in the folder (not counting subfolders) in kilobytes
- size_mb: the size of all files in the folder (not counting subfolders) in megabytes
- size_gb: the size of all files in the folder (not counting subfolders) in gigabytes