The following keymap were added:
- <C-L>: Use to clear the highlighting and redraw
- space: Clear search history
- *: Visual mode pressing * searches for the current selection afterward
- #: Visual mode pressing # searches for the current selection backword
- <leader>gvf: Vimgrep visual-selected in current file
- <leader>gvd: Vimgrep visual-selected in project directory
- <leader>gf: Vimgreps in the current file
- <leader>gd: Vimgrep in project directory
- <leader>r: Search and replace the selected text
- <leader>cc, <leader>co: Open quickfix window (in a new tab)
- Qflen: Command to show total number of matches in quickfix (matches, errors)
- z/: Highlight all instances of word under cursor
- <leader>rr : Forward (with loop) substitution
issues it tries to resolve:
- automatic highlight current word
- vimgrep current selection in file/project with expected highlight
- */# search current word or visual selection
- redraw and remove highlight
- current match highlighted different from others