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Some Shiny applications

All these applications are available on our Shiny server :

C'est la rentrée !

An application to explore the name of public schools in France. The names are represented by the gender, activity, and century of the personality by which establishments were named. More frequent names can be visualized, and you can access to the biography of a personality. All application is in French.

Packages : The application use the following packages : shiny, shinyWidgets, billboarder. To see which versions of these packages are used (and dependancies), look at the file session_info.txt in app directory. If packages are not installed, they will be on application launch.

Data sources : Names of shcools are from data.gouv, data about personality are from Wikipedia and DBpedia.

Launch application :

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "dreamRs/shinyapps", subdir = "rentree_scolaire")

Electricity dashboard

Explore power consumption, production and exchanges in France via RTE's API.

Packages : The application use the following packages : shiny, shinyWidgets, billboarder, leaflet, To see which versions of these packages are used (and dependancies), look at the file session_info.txt in app directory.

Data sources : The data is recovered via the RTE API, a key is required to recover the data but backup data is included in the application to be able to launch it without having access to the API.

Launch application :

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "dreamRs/shinyapps", subdir = "elec-dashboard")

RATP Traffic

Explore Paris metro traffic ; how it can vary according to the type of day or according to the line or the station. Also, discover the different characteristics of each line.

Packages : The application use the following packages : shiny, shinyWidgets, shinythemes, shinydashboard, dplyr, leaflet, leaflet.extras, scales, billboarder, stringr

Data sources : The data is recovered via the STIF Open data website :

Launch application :

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "dreamRs/shinyapps", subdir = "ratp-traffic")

RATP Traffic (bs4Dash)

The same application as above but using {bs4Dash} framework by @DivadNojnarg, to give it a modern look!

Launch application :

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "dreamRs/shinyapps", subdir = "ratp-traffic-bs4Dash")

GitHub dashboard

Quick dashboard of a GitHub user/organization.

⚠️ It is recommended to have a registered GitHub token / PAT (see ?gh::gh_whoami)

Packages : The application use the following packages : shiny, shinyWidgets, ggplot2, gh.

Launch application :

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "dreamRs/shinyapps", subdir = "gh-dashboard")

Les naissances en France

Explore births in France ; how it can vary according to each region or according to each department. Also, discover the number of births and the birth rate between 1975 and 2020.

Packages : The application use the following packages : shiny, shinyWidgets, dplyr, leaflet, apexcharter, toastui, bslib

Data sources : The data is recovered via the French government Open data website :

Launch application :

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "dreamRs/shinyapps", subdir = "tdb-naissances")

Summer Olympic Games medals

Explore the countries that have won the most medals for all the modern summer olympic games, between 1896 and 2020. The medal type (gold, silver, bronze) distribution for each country, slug game edition and discipline.

Packages : The application uses the following packages : shiny, shinyWidgets, shinydashboard, dplyr, ggplot2, ggthemes, bslib data.table reactable tidyr ggtext

Data sources : The data is recovered via Kaggle at:

Launch application :

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "dreamRs/shinyapps", subdir = "olympic-medals")