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OneSignal REST API Wrapper For Laravel/Lumen


This project is a Laravel 6+ / Lumen wrapper for the OneSignal REST API v1. It supports all operations currently supported by the API.

Installation (Laravel and Lumen)

Require the package with composer.

composer require dreamonkey/laravel-onesignal-rest-api

Laravel Users:

Service provider will be auto-discovered.

Lumen Users:

Update bootstrap/app.php, adding the following entry

$app->register( \Dreamonkey\OneSignal\OneSignalServiceProvider::class );
class_alias( 'Dreamonkey\OneSignal\OneSignalFacade', 'OneSignal' );


There are three values that need to be set in order to use the library: your default OneSignal app ID, the REST API key and your account User Auth Key. All of these items can be found in your Control Panel on the OneSignal site. First two are app-related and can be found inside your app settings in the "Keys & IDs" tab (upper left corner), the third is account-related and can be found pressing your account avatar (lower right corner) and selecting "Account & API Keys".

Place the 3 keys into your .env file, as such:



There is a function for each of the OneSignal API calls. They are broken down here. All methods will return an array formatted like this:

        'status' => < HTTP status code of the request >,
        'data' => [
            < data returned by OneSignal REST API in array format >

Note: In all instances where an $app_id is asked for, omitting it will grab the default OneSignal App ID specified in the .env file


getApps() - Get all Apps for the user
$response = OneSignal::getApps();
getApp( $app_id ) - Get the given App
postapp( $data ) - Create a new App
putApp( $app_id, $data ) - Update an App


getPlayers( $app_id, $limit, $offset ) - Get Players from an App
getPlayer( $id ) - Get Player of the given ID
postPlayer ( $data, $app_id ) - Add Player to an App
putPlayer( $data, $app_id ) - Update Player object for an App
postCSVExport( $app_id ) - Get a CSV dump of all Players for an App
postPlayerOnSession( $data ) - Start a new device session for this Player
postPlayerOnPurchase( $data ) - Track a new purchase for this Player
postPlayerOnFocus( $data ) - Increment the Players total session length


getNotifications( $app_id, $limit, $offset ) - Get all Notifications for an App
getNotification( $id, $app_id ) - Get a Notification from an App
postNotification( $data, $app_id ) - Add a Notification to an App
$response = OneSignal::postNotification([
    "tags"                  =>  [ ["key" => "myKey", "relation" => "=", "value" => 1 ] ],
    "contents"              => ["en" => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean et iaculis enim. Sed egestas porttitor laoreet."],
    "headings"              => ["en" => "Aliquam consectetur odio sed"],
putNotificationTrackOpen( $id, $app_id, $opened ) - Track whether a Notification was opened
deleteNotification( $id, $app_id ) - Delete a Notification from an App


The official OneSignal API documentation is listed here:


This project has been forked and evolved by Dreamonkey from