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v1.0 Release DOI, 5/5/2020

IoT Data Collection and Storage Software

This software suite contains scripts to collect and store IoT sensor data, such as RFID tag information using an Impinj Speedway RFID reader.

*Note: These instructions assume that the web server and interrogation software will be run on the same machine (IP addresses in all shell scripts have been set to localhost). The host, port, keys, and other parameters can be set when running the scripts in the instructions.

Installation Videos

Installation Tutorial Videos can be found here

On Windows - Install VcXsrv or Another X Window Server

You can download VcXsrv here.

To forward X connections to your local computer, run XLaunch and export the following variable:

export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

You might add this to your .bashrc file so that the variable is automatically set at login:

echo "export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0" >> ~/.bashrc


The following software packages need to be installed before running data collection. You will have to use the same install method (such as pip install or easy_install) listed here. Also, alternatives to using sudo for pip install are sudo -H pip install <package-name> or pip install --user <package-name>.

See the Dockerfile in each subdirectory for deployment instructions; these can be executed manually for a local installation, or containerized using Docker.

The deployment script will also handle the installation steps locally.

This package assumes an installation of python3 and pip3.

generate a web server key

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.key -x509 -days 365 -out key.crt

System Architecture

Interrogator Drivers

The Interrogator is implemented by a client driver i.e., the ImpinjR420 class), which implements the start() method. Typically, this method creates two threads: a Producer thread which collects interrogated data from the device and appends it to a queue, and a Consumer thread, which awaits data on the queue and transmits it to the server via a RESTful network call at the specified "dispatch" interval. This is known as the Producer-Consumer pattern; this approach separates the high-latency network or disk operations from the interrogation functionality, so that the interrogator may continue to produce data while collected records are stored.

Once the queue and Producer/Consumer threads are initialized, the driver connects to the device or instantiates a library to handle the physical-layer communications if one is available. As tags are received, they are inserted into the queue. No additional processing takes place, so that latency between interrogations is minimized. The consumer thread iteratively polls the queue for new data, collects them into an array, and initiates a RESTful web service POST call to the framework database server to store them. The interrogation client can be invoked as follows:

python3 -i <interrogator IP address> -p <data encryption/decryption password> -g r420 -a <antenna number(s), separated by comma> -l <dispatch sleep time in seconds or fractions of a second>}

where r420 specifies the device driver to instnatiate (i.e., r420 for an Impinj R420, impinj for an Impinj R1000, or xarray for an Impinj XArray R680; these options are not limited to Impinj devices nor to RFID interrogators).

Database Layer

The Server class instantiates the database driver and the web server endpoints that receive data from the interrogator and pass it to the database interface.

The database server is invoked via python3 -e <dispatch sleep time in seconds or fractions of a second>}

A test SSL certificate and encryption key are provided but can and should be generated for each deployment. By default, the database uses a Sqlite database called database.db (The database filename can be specified by passing the -b <database filename> parameter to

If this file does not exist, it will be created; otherwise, it is appended to. Sqlite is useful because the databases are portable; we have saved several years of data collected in a repository for future experimentation and repeated analysis.
However, because it is a disk-based database, it is not suitable for real-time data collection.
Therefore, if an interrogator is to be invoked, it is recommended to use another database engine such as MySQL. The -m parameter can be passed to to specify a MySQL database engine (with additional parameters -s <mysql user name> -w <mysql password> -b <mysql server IP> to configure it).
Similarly, the -o parameter can be passed to specify a MongoDB database (with additional parameter -b <database directory> to configure it).

The server is invoked first, optionally followed by an interrogator driver to generate data, and also optionally followed by a processing module to visualize or process the data.
If an interrogator driver is not invoked, an existing database can be opened by the server and processed as if it was in real-time by a visualizer or processing node.

RESTful Communications Layer

The webserver is invoked automatically by the server, and is a Python Flask RESTful service provider. It provides web service endpoints to both retrieve and store data, as summarized in the Table below. Parameters and body responses are provided as JSON objects, with an outer object called \texttt{data} that encapsulates either an object or an array of objects. A data record takes the form shown in the Listing below.

"data": [ { "relative_timestamp": 500, "absolute_time": 1/1/2016 23:59:59.12345, "interrogator_timestamp": 10500, "id": 0, "freeform": '{ "rssi": -38, "doppler": 0, "phase": 0, "epc96": "2015abc", "antenna": 1, "channelIndex": 9 }' }, ... ]

The interrogator_timestamp is a numeric timestamp in microseconds or milliseconds, which is converted by the interrogator driver to an interrogator_timestamp prior to sending to the webserver. This is done by subtracting the first observed interrogator_timestamp from the current one to obtain a time value that starts with 0. An absolute\_timestamp is provided which is the datetime that the packet was received by the interrogator, or by the interrogator driver if the field is omitted by the device. An id serial number is provided, and, finally, a freeform field.

This freeform field is a string that is typically populated with a JSON body.
However, no restriction is placed on its format, so that other data types are supported (for example, a Base-64 encoded image). For our purposes, a JSON object is used to represent an RFID interrogation record, as shown the example JSON listing.
The contents of the freeform field are encrypted by the server prior to storage in the database, and decrypted when served back to a client if the correct password is provided with the request. The password is not stored on the server; rather, it is used as the AES key to decrypt the value on each request.

The interrogator_timestamp and the supplied password parameter are used to set the initialization vector (IV) and password of the encryption module. The framework uses AES in Counter Mode (CTR) provided by the PyCrypto library.
By re-initializing the IV with the most recent timestamp, we ensure that the IV and password are unique on each AES encryption.

Service Endpoint Method Description Parameters Return Body
/api/iot/maxtime GET Obtain the maximum relative timestamp in the database None {"data": {"max_relative_timestamp": 500 }}
/api/iot/<starttime>/<endtime> POST Retrieve data between <starttime> and <endtime> timestamps { "data": { "db_password": 'str'} } {"data": [ {"id": 0, "absolute_timestamp": "5/13/2020 3:32 PM", relative_timestamp: 500, interrogator_timestamp: 10500, freeform: "..."} ]}
/api/iot/seconds/ POST Retrieve data from the last seconds { "data": { "db_password": 'str'} } {"data": [ {"id": 0, "absolute_timestamp": "5/13/2020 3:32 PM", relative_timestamp: 500, interrogator_timestamp: 10500, freeform: "..."} ]}
/api/iot PUT Append data to the database { "data": { "db_password": "str", "relative_time": 500, "interrogator_time": "3/18/2014 10:59:19.123456 AM", "freeform": "..."} } HTTP 201
/api/audit GET Retrieve the HIPAA audit log None {"data": [{"id":0, "absolute_timestamp": "5/13/2020 3:32 PM", "log": "…"}]}

Instructions (Running framework on localhost for testing/development)

Start the following components in the order presented below. Note that some scripts may be in a scripts/ subdirectory.

Set up

Use a separate command window or tab for each of the following:

Start MySQLd

MySQL v5.7:


MySQL v5.5 (Raspberry Pi):

sudo service mysql start
Web Server

Navigate to database/:

  • python3 -d -e 0.75 (for a SQLite instance when running processing modules)
    • Other servers can be run via parameters to, for example, python3 -d -m -s dbuser -w dbpass -b localhost -e 0.75 will start a MySQL instance
    • Run service mysql start as root if using MySQL and starting the MySQL server for the first time, and can be used to clear the database and instantiate the tables prior to use
IoT Sensor Device, i.e., RFID Interrogator

Navigate to interrogator/ and run either of the following:

  • python3 -i rfidreader.local -p encpassword -d to use the Impinj Speedway R1000 RFID Reader
  • python3 -i speedwayr-aa-bb-cc.local -p encpassword -g r420 -d -a 1 -l 0.75 -t 4 to use Impinj Speedway R420 RFID Reader
  • python3 -i itemsense-server.local:80 -p encpassword -g xarray -d -l 0.75 -t 4 -u itemsenseuser -w itemsensepassword to use Impinj xArray cluster

One of the parameters passed to these scripts is the IP address of the Impinj device. You will want to supply the correct IP address or network name for the device. In the case of the xArray, the IP address of the ItemSense server should be given; this server, in turn, communicates with the xArray devices specified in your Job. The default facility name is MESS and the default job recipe name is IMPINJ_Fast_Location. The recipe should be configured to use the xArray interrogators in use. The username and password to ItemSense are also provided as parameters from the xarray script.

You can see the different configuration parameters used or eligible for use through the client scripts by entering: python -h


  1. Create a file called 'quit' in the directory running the server to terminate the web server.
  2. Create a file called 'quit' in the directory running the interrogator to terminate the interrogator.
  3. Run killall mysqld to terminate MySQL.
  4. Remove any 'quit' files before running the software again.

Export to .db file

Before running the following, make sure MySQL and webserver are running.

  • Navigate to database/
  • Run ./
  • This will create a database file named 'out.db1' in the current working directory with data from the MySQL database.

Convert .db file to .csv

  • Rename the output db file to database.db
mv out.db1 database.db
  • Run: ./

  • This will create a file named out.csv. This file contains the collected RFID tag data.

  • If the database contains a freeform field, you can then run out.csv

to translate the freeform json fields into CSV columns.

Remove collected data from MySQL database and re-initialize database

  • Run: ./ When prompted for a password, press enter.
  • Run: ./

Data Export Instructions

Following instructions below to export the collected data. Ensure shutdown steps listed above have been completed before proceeding to export data:

  1. Export MySQL database to SQL database: ./
  2. You will now have a file named out.db1 in your working directory. If you would like to export db files, proceed to step 6.
  3. Rename db file: mv out.db1 database.db
  4. Convert db file to csv: ./
  5. You will now have a csv file named out.csv in your working directory.
  6. If running the server on a remote computer such as a Raspberry Pi, copy your desired file (either out.db1 or out.csv) from the server Raspberry Pi to the Bellyband laptop by running the following on the computer being copied to:
    1. Open a terminal window.
    2. Navigate to your desired directory. For example, a folder on the Desktop: cd ~/Desktop/data_dir.
    3. Run:
    scp [email protected]:/home/pi/database/<desired_file> .
    Where <desired_file> is either out.db1 or out.csv. Note in prior versions, the database/ directory was called rssi_db.
  7. Rename your data file, for example: mv out.csv breathing_30.csv
  8. Copy the file to a USB drive to export to your personal computer.

You have now completed data collection and export. If you are done with data collection, close all terminal windows on the Bellyband laptop by typing exit and pressing enter (for Raspberry Pi terminals, you will need to do this twice for terminal window to close). Shutdown the laptop by clicking the gear icon on the top right and selecting shutdown. Finally, power down all devices at the IoT setup.


  • Interrogator script hangs: If the interrogator script hangs after quitting or during data collection, do the following to kill the interrogator process:
    1. Press CTRL+Z
    2. Find the interrogator process ID: ps -a. The process ID will be listed next to ./ or something similar.
    3. Once you have obtained the process ID, kill it using kill -9 <process_id> (where <process_id> is the process ID you determined in the previous step without the angular brackets).


  • The Impinj R1000 driver uses a modified from the LLRPyC package, included in the interrogator directory.
    • License information can be found in
  • The Impinj R420 driver uses a previously modified sllurp installation, and with sllurp updates is now compatible with a vanilla checkout.
    • License information can be found in sllrp/LICENSE.txt


  • The Impinj interrogates between 30-120 per second, by observation, depending on the Mode and Tag Population parameters selected in the client driver file.
  • The MySQL database freeform (i.e., json) record entry is limited to approximately 64K per entry after encryption and base64 encoding.
  • The database module contains a test key and certificate for the server: do not use these in production, as they are made publicly available. See the instructions above to generate your own web server certificate and key. The interrogator client transmits SSL encrypted data based on this key, and the server in-turn uses the key as part of its at-rest encryption.


TODO: This section should be considered WIP. Add updates to this section until the full software stack is capable or independently running containerized.

Software Requirements

  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose

Using the Containers

Container Build & Startup

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

Container Shutdown

$ docker-compose down

Development Guidelines

Formatting Python

Install the autopep8 code formatting tool.

pip install autopep8

Run the following command from within the root directory of the repository.

autopep8 --in-place --recursive .

In the future we may want to use the --aggressive option to make non-whitespace style changes.


Copyright 2014 William M. Mongan [email protected] See license for license information