Framework based on Pytorch, Pytorch Lightning, segmentation_models.pytorch and hydra to train semantic segmentation models using yaml config files as follows:
_target_: segmentation_models_pytorch.Unet
encoder_name: resnet34
encoder_weights: imagenet
in_channels: 3
classes: 1
_target_: segmentation_models_pytorch.utils.losses.DiceLoss
_target_: torch.optim.AdamW
lr: 0.001
weight_decay: 1e-4
batch_size: 1
epochs: 2
max_lr: 0.1
max_epochs: ${hyperparameters.batch_size}
gpus: 0
_target_: pytorch_segmentation_models_trainer.dataset_loader.dataset.SegmentationDataset
input_csv_path: /path/to/input.csv
shuffle: True
num_workers: 1
pin_memory: True
drop_last: True
prefetch_factor: 1
- _target_: albumentations.HueSaturationValue
always_apply: false
hue_shift_limit: 0.2
p: 0.5
- _target_: albumentations.RandomBrightnessContrast
brightness_limit: 0.2
contrast_limit: 0.2
p: 0.5
- _target_: albumentations.RandomCrop
always_apply: true
height: 256
width: 256
p: 1.0
- _target_: albumentations.Flip
always_apply: true
- _target_: albumentations.Normalize
p: 1.0
- _target_: albumentations.pytorch.transforms.ToTensorV2
always_apply: true
_target_: pytorch_segmentation_models_trainer.dataset_loader.dataset.SegmentationDataset
input_csv_path: /path/to/input.csv
shuffle: True
num_workers: 1
pin_memory: True
drop_last: True
prefetch_factor: 1
- _target_: albumentations.Resize
always_apply: true
height: 256
width: 256
p: 1.0
- _target_: albumentations.Normalize
p: 1.0
- _target_: albumentations.pytorch.transforms.ToTensorV2
always_apply: true
To train a model with configuration path /path/to/config/folder
and name test.yaml
pytorch-smt --config-dir /path/to/config/folder --config-name test +mode=train
The mode can be stored in configuration yaml as well. In this case, do not pass the +mode= argument. If the mode is stored in the yaml and you want to overwrite the value, do not use the + clause, just mode= .
This module suports hydra features such as configuration composition. For further information, please visit
If you are not using docker and if you want to enable gpu acceleration, before installing this package, you should install pytorch_scatter as instructed in
After installing pytorch_scatter, just do
pip install pytorch_segmentation_models_trainer
We have a docker container in which all dependencies are installed and ready for gpu usage. You can pull the image from dockerhub:
docker pull phborba/pytorch_segmentation_models_trainer:latest
author = {Philipe Borba},
title = {{phborba/pytorch\_segmentation\_models\_trainer:
Version 0.8.0}},
month = jul,
year = 2021,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {v0.8.0},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5115127},
url = {}