- Apache Spark
- Tensorflow, Keras
Implemented using SparkMLlib with modules: pyspark.ml and pyspark.sql
Alternative classifiers included (argument name):
- Logistic Regression ('logisticRegression')
- One-vs-All ('onevsall')
- Decision Tree ('decisionTree')
- Random Forest ('randomForest')
- Gradient-Boosted Trees ('gbt')
- Naive Bayes ('nb')
Input arguments: <x_train_file> <x_test_file> <classifier_selection> <output_directory>
- x_train_file: in csv format, has sex information in last column
- x_test_file: in csv format, does not have sex information in last column
- output_directory: should not be an existing directory
- Notes:
- Started with Databricks sparkdl but needed to switch to pandas UDF due to runtime updates
- Code worked locally but we were unable to run on the cluster due to tensorflow/spark setup issues (potential solution: TonY framework)
Keras models were also tested without using Spark because of complications in setting up the cluster. The models tested were
- VGG16
- Resnet50
- EfficientNet B0
- EfficientNet B4
- InceptionV3
InceptionV3 was eventually chosen to run on the actual dataset after giving best performance on the small dataset.
To run the code, use the command
python model_without_spark.py
Please see CONTRIBUTORS file for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for the details.
- https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ml-classification-regression.html
- https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2020/08/top-4-pre-trained-models-for-image-classification-with-python-code/
- https://docs.databricks.com/_static/notebooks/deep-learning/deep-learning-transfer-learning-keras.html
- https://medium.com/linagora-engineering/making-image-classification-simple-with-spark-deep-learning-f654a8b876b8
- https://smurching.github.io/spark-deep-learning/site/api/python/sparkdl.html#sparkdl.readImages