Your ultimate companion for perfect sourdough - Calculate every variable from mixing to fermentation for the ideal sourdough baking experience. Try it now:
The user provides ambient temperature, final bread desired weight, hydration and salt levels, and gets in return all the relevant data automatically calculated: all the ingredients quantities, the recommended inoculation level and how much should the dough rise during bulk fermentation.
Sourdoc doesn't simply use the baker's formula to calculate the ingredients quantities, since that doesn't take into account the ambient temperature; we use instead a more complete formula specific to sourdough baking:
b = f - f * h - f * i - f * s
// b: desired bread loaf weight
// f: flour weight
// h: hydration level (percentage of flour)
// s: salt level (percentage of flour)
For a detailed explanation, see here.
The repository contains two simple dart scripts useful for updating maintainance files:
dart run cli/update_sitemap.dart
# Updates the lastmod field in the web sitemap.xml to the current datetime
dart run cli/bump_version.dart --increment patch
# Updates the VERSION file using semantic versioning. Supported increment values: patch|minor|major.
Made with Dart and Flutter, supporting multi-platform build. Will likely be released on the iOS and Android stores in the future.
Feel free to raise an issue if you have any question or suggestions, or open a PR if you want to propose any change.