This is a neural network assited fuzzer to efficiently generate testcases for AFL
- AFL :
- Rust :
- Libtorch:
- Clang/Clang++
# build sNeu project
cd sNeu/
mkdir build/ && cd build/
CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path/to/libtorch> ..
# projects containing CMakeLists
mkdir build && cd build/
CC=<path/to/sNeu>/ CXX=<path/to/sNeu>/ cmake ..
# projects containing ./configurate
CC=<path/to/sNeu>/ CXX=<path/to/sNeu>/ ./configure
Fuzz your binary with AFL for 1 hour and continue with sneu
sneu -i in -o out <path/to/binary/file>
# in/ contains testcases under the folder queue of AFL
# out/ is an empty folder to store test cases
# <path/to/binary/file> syntax is similar to AFL (@@ to read from file and empty to read from stdin)