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The project source and CI/CD for

A static site built with and GitHub actions, hosted on AWS with Route53+CloudFront+S3.

Development notes

Design system

The site is styled with Tailwindcss.


ImageMagick mogrify is good for converting original photos from various formats to jpegs with minimal quality loss. The Astro assets can then take care of generating web optimized images.


See the tiles readme.



Digital Ocean

  • Personal Access Token. Enables the doctl command to authenticate and perform actions with Digital Ocean resources. Setup here.
  • SSH key pair. Enables setup of SSH Key-Based Authentication on new Droplets. Setup here.
  • Project identifier. Identifiable via doctl projects list.

Amazon Web Services

  • An AWS I&AM user authentication key
  • S3 Bucket
  • CloudFront Distribution

Local runs with nektos/act

Workflows can be run locally using act.

  1. Build the runner:
docker build -t act-runner:latest .github/act-runner
  1. Configure the workflow environment, variables and secrets. See the .templates in .act/.

a. Create an SSH key pair. Then setup Digital Ocean with the public key for SSH Key-Based Authentication

ssh-keygen -f $(pwd)/.act/id_rsa && chmod 600 $(pwd)/.act/id_rsa

b. Create an AWS I&AM User with permissions to access the bucket. Generate an access key; retrieve the access key id and secret.

  1. List the workflows:
act -l
  1. Run workflows. See the Workflow Reference.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions can be inspected and triggered via gh cli command.

gh workflow run

Upload to S3

aws s3 sync dist/ s3:// --exclude 'assets/maps/pmtiles*' --exclude 'assets/maps/fonts/*' --exclude 'assets/maps/sprites/\*' --delete

Invalidate CloudFront Distribution

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E1LBPVSBKVF447 --paths "/outdoors/_" "/\_astro/_"

Astro commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
yarn install Installs dependencies
yarn dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
yarn build Build your production site to ./dist/
yarn preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
yarn astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro preview
yarn astro --help Get help using the Astro CLI