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5th easybuild hackathon meeting minutes day 3

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Feb 24, 2014 · 1 revision

5th easybuild hackathon - notes day 1 - notes day 2

Discussion about current status of easyconfig format v2

bikeshedding discussion about dependency specifications in format v2

format v1 (for reference)

dependencies = [
    ('GCC', '4.8.1'),
    ('OpenMPI', '1.6.4', '', ('GCC', '4.7.2'),
    ('OpenBLAS', '0.2.6', '-LAPACK-3.4.2', ('gompi', '1.4.10')),
    ('FFTW', '3.3.3', '', ('gompi', '1.4.10')),
    ('ScaLAPACK', '2.0.2', '-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', ('gompi', '1.4.10')),

moduleclass = tools

format v2 (current format)

moduleclass = tools

GCC = 4.7.2
OpenMPI = 1.6.4; GCC == 4.7.2
OpenBLAS = 0.2.6 suffix:-LAPACK-3.4.2; gompi == 1.4.10
FFTW = 3.3.3; gompi == 1.4.10
ScaLAPACK = 2.0.2 suffix:-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2; gompi == 1.4.10

brainstorm results

  • single-line dependency specification (no dedicated section for dependencies):
dependencies = GCC(4.8.1), OpenMPI(1.6.5, gompi == 1.4.10), gompi(1.1.10, suffix:-no-OFED), OpenBLAS(>= 0.2.6, suffix:-LAPACK-3.4.2, goalf == 1.1.10 suffix:-no-OFED)
  • multi-line dependency specification (no dedicated section for dependencies):
dependencies =
    OpenMPI(1.6.4, GCC == 4.7.2),
    gompi(1.1.10, suffix:-no-OFED),
    OpenBLAS(>= 0.2.6, suffix:-LAPACK-3.4.2, goalf == 1.1.10 suffix:-no-OFED),
  • format v2 (proposed format for dependencies section)
moduleclass = tools

OpenMPI(1.6.4, GCC == 4.7.2)
OpenBLAS(>= 0.2.6, suffix:-LAPACK-3.4.2, gompi == 1.1.10 suffix:-no-OFED)
  • alternative (using keys for all entries, for consistency)
OpenBLAS(version: >= 0.2.6, suffix:-LAPACK-3.4.2, toolchain: (goalf == 1.1.10 suffix:-no-OFED))
  • (fictive) example for ictce toolchain:
  • exceptions for dependencies, based on toolchain
[goolf == 1.1.10]
CMake(2.8.5, gompi == 1.1.10)
  • sanity check section:
files = foo, bar
dirs = bin, lib
  • work out Scalasca example

name = 'Scalasca'

versions = > 2.0
toolchains = goolf == 1.4.10, ictce == 5.5.0, goalf == 1.1.0 suffix:-no-OFED

Score-P = >= 1.2
Cube = > 4.0  # Cube/4.0-goolf-1.4.10, Cube/4.0-ictce-5.5.0
Opari = > 1.0, dummy == dummy  # Opari/1.0
zlib = 1.2.8, gompi == 1.4.10  # zlib/1.2.8-gompi-1.4.10
zlib = 1.2.8, gompi > 1.0
zlib = (> 1.0 && < 3.0) || != 2.4.5   # version range example

# versionsuffix section
[> 0.0 suffix:-foo]
versionsuffix = -foo


  • Cube really shouldn't sneakily add --disable-gui if it doesn't like the Qt version it finds

  • stacked variables support in Lmod for defining e.g. $CC, etc.

  • still leaves issues with unloading modules and surprising users (unless the modules tool is very verbose w.r.t. redefining env vars)

  • Markus: modules shouldn't define $CC, etc.

  • also ties to mpicc and its behavior (e.g. default compiler is GCC for Intel MPI's mpicc)


  • Inge: make Elpa build work after setting $FCFLAGS and $LIBS, providing patch file for tests, set parallel = 1, etc.

  • TODO: fix website: throw out disclaimer, fix demo, mention bootstrap as primary way of installing it

  • discussions on toolchain-independent modules

  • build with goolf or dummy, statically link, generate module with dummy toolchain

  • see

  • Fotis: full bootstrap:

  • build Python, Lua, Lmod

  • bootstrap EasyBuild on top

  • install Python/Lua/Lmod modules using ev

  • source a script to set up Lmod environment

  • install EasyBuild with EasyBuild :)

  • Markus: interest in adding support for building/using other compilers: Open64, Path64, PGI, …

  • TODO: send old easyblocks for Open64 + Path64 to Marcus (update: done)

  • Fotis: pymodules, modules tool implemented in Python

  • Robert McLay developed a Python modules tool in a previous life

  • Alan: set up Lmod on JUROPA3

  • use Lmod provided by EasyBuild

  • create extra module to use as dependency to avoid requiring source $EBROOTLMOD/init/bash

  • Gunther: build own Intel toolchain (intel/14.0.1) with customizations to Intel MKL (e.g. MKLPATH), ...

Next steps post-hackathon

  • Markus:
  • hierarchical modules
  • support more compilers (building and using them)
  • add support for job submission to SLURM
  • ...
  • Bernd + Anke: switch from UNITE to EB, add support for new (versions of) performance tools, … write easyblock for Tau, HPC Toolkit, ... replace current software packaging crap with EasyBuild?
  • Alan: pitch use of EasyBuild and Lmod on JUROPA3
  • switch to Lmod may be sensitive, to make sure it works everywhere w.r.t. setting up Lmod environment (e.g. make sure tclsh works everywhere)
  • HPC-UGent:
  • fix issues uncovered during hackathon
  • documentation on getting started with easyblocks, e.g. how do you replace easyconfig parameters with sections in an easyblock, concrete use cases, examples, ...
  • look into JuBe in a VSC context


  • rewrite from scratch after studying the design and features?
  • EasyBuild resolves a large part of it
  • current framework in Perl is too broken to further extend it
  • can be used for testing EasyBuild, UNITE performance tools, ...
  • mympirun (and myscoop) can fill in a a large chunk of this too?

another idea for dependency specifications

(by Kenneth, after hackathon)

dependency_1-gcc = (GCC, 4.7.2)
dependency_2-openmpi = (OpenMPI, 1.6.4, GCC == 4.7.2)
dependency_3-openblas = (OpenBLAS, >= 0.2.6, suffix:-LAPACK-3.4.2, gompi == 1.1.10 suffix:-no-OFED)
dependency_4-fftw = (FFTW, 3.3.3, gompi == 1.1.10 suffix:-no-OFED)
dependency_5-scalapack = (ScaLAPACK, 2.0.2, suffix:-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2, gompi == 1.1.10 suffix:-no-OFED)
dependency_1 = GCC(4.7.2)
dependency_2 = OpenMPI(1.6.4, GCC == 4.7.2)
dependency_3 = OpenBLAS(>= 0.2.6, suffix:-LAPACK-3.4.2, gompi == 1.1.10 suffix:-no-OFED)
dependency_4 = (FFTW, 3.3.3, gompi == 1.4.10)
dependency_5 = (ScaLAPACK, 2.0.2, suffix:-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2, gompi == 1.1.10 suffix:-no-OFED)
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