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Share workspace feature test plan

Sergey Skorik edited this page Nov 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

The goal of creating this test plan is testing share workspace feature


  1. Login in CHE as admin.
  2. Create an organization.
  3. Add a member to the created organization.
  4. Create a workspace for this organization.

Testing process

Check share workspace feature from workspace owner side

  1. Start the workspace and wait that it started successfully.
  2. Create a file in the project with any content.
  3. On Dashboard open workspace details page of the created workspace.
  4. Open Share tab and invite the member by the Add Developer button.
  5. Check that admin permissions are read, use, run, configure, setPermissions, delete and member permissions are read, use, run, configure.
  6. Select added developer by checkbox and click on the Delete button.
  7. Check that the member deleted from the list.
  8. Try to delete admin from list and wait for Delete failed. error notification.

Check share workspace feature from member side

  1. Invite the member by the Add Developer button.
  2. Logout admin and login as the member
  3. Check that the shared workspace exists on the Workspaces list page.
  4. On Dashboard open workspace details page of the created workspace.
  5. Open Share tab.
  6. Try to remove workspace owner from the developer list and wait User can't edit permissions for this instance error notification.
  7. Try to delete workspace and wait The user does not have permission to delete workspace with id '(workspace id)' error notification.
  8. Open the workspace and check that the created file exists.
  9. Check the file content.
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