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ea_airflow_util contains additional Airflow functionality used within EDU that falls outside the scope of edu_edfi_airflow.


Various Airflow callables have been defined in bespoke submodules under ea_airflow_util.callables. These have been outlined below.


Airflow utility helpers that are used for argument-passing and parameter-checking in DAGs

See more:

When importing this submodule, be careful not to overwrite airflow in your namespace!

# Do not do this!  This will overwrite `import airflow`.
from ea_airflow_util.callables import airflow

# Use one of these instead!
from ea_airflow_util.callables import airflow as airflow_util
from ea_airflow_util.callables.airflow import xcom_pull_template

xcom_pull_template(task_ids, key)

Build an xcom_pull string for passing arguments between tasks. Either a task-ID or task operator can be passed. The default return key return_value is the final return value of the operator.

skip_if_not_in_params_list(param_name, value)

Verify whether a value is defined in a passed parameter list, and raise an AirflowSkipException otherwise. Raise an error if the parameter is not defined.


String-casing callables (i.e., snake_casing or CamelCasing)

See more:


Convert a string to string_case.


Convert the keys of a JSON record into snake_case. Raise an error if a name-collision occurs after formatting.


FTP- and SFTP-utility helpers

See more:

download_all(ftp_conn_id, remote_dir, local_dir, endswith)

Download all files from an FTP to disk, optionally filtering on file-extension endings.


Google-sheets authentication and parsing helpers

See more:

get_google_client_from_airflow(gcp_conn_id, key_field)

Create a Google Sheets client populated with key data in an Airflow connection. The key data can be saved in a separate, linked file, or as a JSON structure in the connection. The Airflow connection key field can be specified; otherwise, both will be tried.

get_google_spreadsheet_by_url(google_cloud_client, google_sheets_url)

Call the Google Sheets API and retrieve a Spreadsheet based on a given URL. If API Rate Limit has been reached, use Truncated exponential backoff strategy to retry.


Parse a gspread worksheet and retrieve the relevant data.

get_worksheet_from_google_spreadsheet(spreadsheet, sheet_index, sheet_name)

Parse a Google spreadsheet and return a specific worksheet by index or name. If neither is specified, retrieve the zeroth worksheet.

get_and_serialize_google_survey_url_to_jsonl(gcp_conn_id, survey_url, output_dir)

Unified method for retrieving data from a Google survey and writing to disk as JSON lines.


JSON utility helpers. Most Airflow tasks write data to disk and database as JSON lines.

See more:

serialize_json_records_to_disk(json_records, output_path, **kwargs)

Write an iterator of dictionaries to an output path as JSON lines. Optional arguments customize the output.

translate_csv_file_to_jsonl(local_path, output_path, **kwargs)

Transform a CSV file to JSON lines. If output_path is not specified, rewrite the CSV file with a .jsonl file extension. Optional arguments customize the output.


Helpers for getting data to S3

Note: There are some SQL/Snowflake callables that interface with S3.

See more:

disk_to_s3(s3_conn_id, local_path, base_dir, bucket, delete_local, **kwargs)

Upload local files to S3. Optional arguments apply schema-checking and path-mutation.

list_s3_keys(s3_hook, s3_bucket, s3_key)

Internal utility function for listing S3 keys. Note: this method uses a pre-instantiated S3 hook instead of a connection ID.


Helpers when interfacing with Sharefile

See more:

list_sharefile_objects(sharefile_conn_id, remote_dir)

List object names in a specified Sharefile directory.

sharefile_to_disk(sharefile_conn_id, sharefile_path, local_path, ds_nodash, ts_nodash, delete_remote=False, file_pattern=None)

Transfer all files from a ShareFile folder to a local date-stamped directory, optionally deleting the remote copy.

disk_to_sharefile(sf_conn_id, sf_folder_path, local_path)

Post a file or the contents of a directory to the specified Sharefile folder

s3_to_sharefile(s3_conn_id, s3_key, sf_conn_id, sf_folder_path):

Copy a single file from S3 to Sharefile


This package contains several callback functions which can be used with Slack webhooks to alert at task failures or successes, or when SLAs are missed. Each function takes the Slack Airflow connection ID as their primary argument. The contents of the callback messages are filled automatically via the DAG run context.

See more:

Airflow callbacks only accept expected arguments, not kwargs. Because these custom Slack callback functions expect the additional argument http_conn_id, this argument must be filled before applying the callbacks to the DAG. This can be done using the functools.partial() function, as follows:

from functools import partial

on_failure_callback = partial(slack_alert_failure , http_conn_id=HTTP_CONN_ID)
on_success_callback = partial(slack_alert_success , http_conn_id=HTTP_CONN_ID)
sla_miss_callback   = partial(slack_alert_sla_miss, http_conn_id=HTTP_CONN_ID)


🔴 Task Failed.
Task: {task_id}
Dag: {dag_id}
Execution Time: {logical_date}
Log Url: {log_url}


✔ Task Succeeded.
Task: {task_id}
Dag: {dag_id}
Execution Time: {logical_date}
Log Url: {log_url}


🆘 SLA has been missed.
Task: {task_id}
Dag: {dag_id}
Execution Time: {logical_date}

Note, due to different definitions of task-failure/success callbacks and SLA callbacks, Log Url is unavailable in SLA callback messages. This will be investigated further and patched in a future update.

slack_alert_download_failure(remote_path, local_path, error)

🔴 File did not download
Remote Path: {remote_path}
Local Path: {local_path}
Task: {task_id}
Dag: {dag_id}
Execution Time: {logical_date}
Log Url: {log_url}
Error: {error}

slack_alert_s3_upload_failure(local_path, file_key, error)

🔴 File did not upload to S3
File Path: {local_path}
File Key: {file_key}
Task: {task_id}
Dag: {dag_id}
Execution Time: {logical_date}
Log Url: {log_url}
Error: {error}

slack_alert_insert_failure(file_key, table, error)

🔴 File did not insert to database
File Key: {file_key}
Dest Table: {table}
Task: {task_id}
Dag: {dag_id}
Execution Time: {logical_date}
Log Url: {log_url}
Error: {error}

slack_alert_file_format_failure(local_path, file_type, cols_expected, cols_found)

🔴 File did not match expected spec
File Path: {local_path}
File Type: {file_type}
Exp. Cols: {cols_expected}
Found Cols: {cols_found}
Task: {task_id}
Dag: {dag_id}
Execution Time: {logical_date}
Log Url: {log_url}

slack_alert_match_spec_failure(local_path, error)

🔴 File did not match file spec
File Path: {local_path}
Task: {task_id}
Dag: {dag_id}
Execution Time: {logical_date}
Log Url: {log_url}
Error: {error}


Helpers for getting data out of and into Snowflake

See more:

snowflake_to_disk(snowflake_conn_id, query, local_path, **kwargs)

Copy data from Snowflake to local disk using a passed query. Optional arguments alter formatting and chunking when writing to disk.


Helpers for getting data out of and into different (non-Snowflake) SQL dialects

See more:

mssql_to_disk(conn_string, tables, local_path)

Copy data from MySQL to local disk.

s3_to_postgres(pg_conn_id, s3_conn_id, dest_table, column_customization, options, s3_key, s3_region, **kwargs)

Copy data from an S3 filepath into Postgres. Optional arguments alter table clean-up and import logic.

s3_dir_to_postgres(pg_conn_id, s3_conn_id, dest_table, column_customization, options, s3_key, s3_region, **kwargs)

Copy all files from an S3 directory into Postgres. Optional arguments alter table clean-up and import logic.


SSM ParameterStore helpers for extracting parameter strings from AWS. This code is used exclusively in AWSParamStoreToAirflowDAG.


Utility methods for checking and updating Airflow variables

See more:

update_variable(var, value)

Update an Airflow variable with the specified value. A callable can be passed in value to update the variable in-place.

check_variable(var, condition, force)

Compare the current value of a variable against a passed boolean condition. Raise an AirflowSkipException if the result is False. Always succeed if force is True.


Compressed-file utility methods

See more:

extract_zips(local_dir, extract_dir, filter_lambda, remove_zips)

Extract zip files from a local_dir to an extract_dir, optionally filtering on filepath.


All DAGs defined in this package utilize the EACustomDAG behind the scenes. This means that unconventional DAG arguments like slack_conn_id can be passed to any DAG.


This is a DAG factory that pre-instantiates default arguments and UDMs used across our projects. By default, max_active_runs is set to 1, and catchup arguments are turned off. Any non-standard DAG-kwargs are ignored.

If a Slack connection ID is passed through slack_conn_id, failure and SLA callbacks are automatically instantiated. This argument can also be accessed in UDMs under the key slack_conn_id.


The Airflow database backend does not remove historic records by default. This DAG removes data older than a specified number of retention days. Note that the DAG errors when attempting to remove data newer than 30 days.

Argument Description
retention_days number of days of log-data to preserve (default 90)
dry_run whether to complete a dry-run instead of a real run (default False)
verbose whether to turn on verbose logging (default False)

Additional EACustomDAG arguments (e.g. slack_conn_id) can be passed as kwargs.


RunDbtDag is an Airflow DAG that completes a full DBT run with optional post-run behavior. Seed tables are fully refreshed, all models are run, and all tests are tested. This emulates the behavior of a dbt build call, but with more control over parameters and failure states.

If all tests succeed, schemas are optionally swapped (e.g. from rc to prod). Additionally, DBT artifacts are optionally uploaded using the Brooklyn Data dbt_artifacts upload_dbt_artifacts_v2 operation.

Argument Description
environment environment name for the DAG label
dbt_repo_path path to the project /dbt folder
dbt_target_name name of the DBT target to select
dbt_bin_path path to the environment /dbt folder
full_refresh boolean flag for whether to apply the --full-refresh flag to incremental models (default False)
full_refresh_schedule Cron schedule for when to automatically kick off a full refresh run
opt_swap boolean flag for whether to swap target schema with opt_dest_schema after each run (default False)
opt_dest_schema optional destination schema to swap target schema with if opt_swap=True
opt_swap_target target used to rerun views if opt_swap=True (default `opt_dest_schema)
upload_artifacts boolean flag for whether to upload DBT artifacts at the end of the run (default False)
dbt_incrementer_var optional Airflow variable to increment after successful dbt run
trigger_dags_on_run_success optional list of dags to be triggered by a successful dbt_run

Additional EACustomDAG arguments (e.g. slack_conn_id) can be passed as kwargs.



UpdateDbtDocsDag is an Airflow DAG that generates the three DBT docs metadata files and uploads them to a bucket on AWS S3. If an AWS Cloudfront instance is pointed to this S3 bucket, a static website is built that is identical to the one generated by dbt docs generate.

Argument Description
dbt_repo_path path to the project /dbt folder
dbt_target_name name of the DBT target to select
dbt_bin_path path to the environment /dbt folder
dbt_docs_s3_conn_id S3 Airflow connection ID where S3 bucket to upload DBT documentations files is defined in schema

Additional EACustomDAG arguments (e.g. slack_conn_id) can be passed as kwargs.



DAG to run dbt snapshot

Argument Description
dbt_repo_path path to the project /dbt folder
dbt_target_name name of the DBT target to select
dbt_bin_path path to the environment /dbt folder

Additional EACustomDAG arguments (e.g. slack_conn_id) can be passed as kwargs.


This DAG transfers data from an S3 bucket location into the Snowflake raw data lake. It should be used when data sources are not available from an Ed-Fi ODS but need to be brought into the data warehouse.

Argument Description
tenant_code ODS-tenant representation to be saved in Snowflake tables
api_year ODS API-year to be saved in Snowflake tables
snowflake_conn_id Airflow connection with Snowflake credentials
database database in which tables are found
schema schema in which tables are found
data_source table data source to copy data into ({data_source}__{resource_name})
resource_names array of table resource names to copy data into ({data_source}__{resource_name})
transform_script additional transformations to complete on data before transfer to Snowflake
s3_source_conn_id Airflow connection with S3 source credentials
s3_dest_conn_id Airflow connection with S3 destination credentials
s3_dest_file_extension new file extension under which to save transformed data
pool Airflow pool to use for copying tasks
full_replace boolean flag for whether to delete all data from the table before copying over (default False)
do_delete_from_source boolean flag for whether to delete the data after copying over (default True)

Additional EACustomDAG arguments (e.g. slack_conn_id) can be passed as kwargs.


This DAG transfers data from an SFTP source into the Snowflake raw data lake. It should be used when data sources are not available from an Ed-Fi ODS but need to be brought into the data warehouse.

Argument Description
s3_conn_id Airflow connection with S3 credentials
snowflake_conn_id Airflow connection with Snowflake credentials
database database in which tables are found
schema schema in which tables are found
pool Airflow pool to use for copying tasks
do_delete_from_local boolean flag for whether to delete the data from the SFTP after copying over (default True)

Additional EACustomDAG arguments (e.g. slack_conn_id) can be passed as kwargs.


The Cloud Engineering and Integration team saves Ed-Fi ODS credentials as parameters in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Each Stadium implementation has a shared SSM-prefix, which is further delineated by tenant-code and/or API year. There are three parameters associated with each ODS-connection:

Argument Description
region_name AWS region where parameters are stored
connection_mapping Optional one-to-one mapping between Parameter Store prefixes and ODS credentials
prefix_year_mapping Optional mapping between a shared SSM-prefix and a given Ed-Fi year for dynamic connections
tenant_mapping Optional mapping between tenant-code name in Parameter Store and its identity in Stadium in dynamic connections
join_numbers Optional boolean flag to strip underscores between district and number in dynamic connections (default True)

Additional EACustomDAG arguments (e.g. slack_conn_id) can be passed as kwargs.

There are three types of mappings that can be defined in the Parameter Store DAG. Arguments connection_mapping and prefix_year_mapping are mutually-exclusive. Argument tenant_mapping is optional, and is only applied if prefix_year_mapping is defined.

In Stadium implementations with fewer tenants, it is suggested to manually map the {SSM_PREFIX}/{TENANT_CODE} strings to their Ed-Fi connection name in Airflow using connection_mapping. For example:

connection_mapping = {
    '/startingblocks/api/2122/sc-state': 'edfi_scde_2022',
    '/startingblocks/api/2223/sc-state': 'edfi_scde_2023',
    '/startingblocks/api/sc/state-2324': 'edfi_scde_2024',

In Stadium implementations with many tenants, an explicit one-to-one mapping between prefixes and connections may be untenable. In cases like these, the prefix_year_mapping argument maps shared SSM-prefixes to API years and dynamically builds Airflow credentials. For example:

prefix_year_mapping = {
    '/startingblocks/api/districts-2122': 2022,
    '/startingblocks/api/sc/districts-2223': 2023,

Connection pieces between the prefixes and url, key, and secret are assumed to be tenant-codes, and connections are built dynamically. Some standardization is always applied to inferred tenant-codes: spaces and dashes are converted to underscores.

However, in the case that the dynamically-inferred tenant-code does not match its identity in Stadium, the tenant_mapping can be used to force a match. For example:

tenant_mapping = {
    'fortmill': 'fort_mill',
    'york-4'  : 'fort_mill',

Using the example prefix_year_mapping and tenant_mapping defined above on the following Parameter Store keys will create a single Airflow connection: edfi_fort_mill_2023.


Finally, there is an optional boolean argument join_numbers that is turned on by default. When true, dynamically-inferred tenant-codes are standardized further to remove underscores between district name and code. For example, york_1 becomes york1.

When tenant-identification is not the penultimate element of the path, use the string {tenant_code} to automatically infer it for the mapping. For example, /ed-fi/apiClients/districts-2425-ds5/{tenant_code}/prod/Stadium will find parameters that match the path shape, but will label paths based on the inferred tenant_code.


Finally, this package contains a handful of custom DBT operators to be used as an alternative to PythonOperators.


This operator extends Airflow's built-in S3FileTransformOperator to iterate over multiple files. In addition, the new dest_s3_file_extension argument provides greater transparency in output type. See parent documentation for more information.

Argument Description
source_s3_keys array of S3 filepaths to transform
dest_s3_prefix destination S3 filepath in which to save transformed files (default: original filepath)
dest_s3_file_extension new file extension to give transformed files (default: original extension)
select_expression S3 select expression
transform_script location of the executable transformation script
script_args optional arguments to pass to the transformation script
source_aws_conn_id source s3 connection
source_verify whether to verify SSL certificates for S3 connection (default: SSL certificates are verified)
dest_aws_conn_id destination s3 connection
dest_verify whether to verify SSL certificates for S3 connection (default: SSL certificates are verified)
replace replace destination S3 key if it already exists (default True)

Additional Airflow operator args and kwargs can be passed during initialization.


This operator overrides DbtBaseOperator to allow us to pass the --args flag to run-operation.

This operation is the equivalent of dbt run-operation {op_name} --args '{json.dumps(arguments)}'

Argument Description
op_name name of the DBT macro to run in the operation
arguments argument dictionary to pass to the macro

Additional Airflow operator args and kwargs can be passed during initialization.


This hook overrides SSHHook to interact with FTPs and SFTPs. See parent documentation for input arguments and usage.


This hook is built for interacting with ShareFile servers.

Argument Description
sharefile_conn_id name of the Airflow connection with ShareFile metadata

Note that the connection in Airflow must be configured in an unusual way:

  • Host should be the API endpoint
  • Schema should be the authentication URL
  • Login/Password are filled out as normal
  • Extra should be a dictionary structured as follows: {"grant_type": "password", "client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret}


  • get_conn()
  • download(item_id, local_path)
  • upload_file(folder_id, local_file)
  • folder_id_from_path(folder_path)
  • delete(item_id)
  • get_path_id(path)
  • item_info(id)
  • find_files(folder_id)
  • find_folders(folder_id)
  • get_access_controls(item_id)
  • get_user(user_id)
  • get_children(item_id)
  • file_to_memory(item_id)
  • download_to_disk(item_id, local_path)


This operator transfers all files from a ShareFile folder to a local date-stamped directory, optionally deleting the remote copy.

Argument Description
sharefile_conn_id name of the Airflow connection with ShareFile metadata
sharefile_path the root directory to transfer
local_path local path to stream ShareFile files into
delete_remote boolean flag to delete original files on ShareFile (default False)

Additional Airflow operator args and kwargs can be passed during initialization.