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The GrooVim is an extensive script (it's a ".vimrc") that modifies the behavior of Vim to facilitate your work and increase your productivity.


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GrooVim - Vi IMproved'n'GrooVIed!

GrooVim DocGrooVim Doc

What is GrooVim?

Note: If you want to start using GrooVim immediately go to section: "I do not want to know anything about GrooVim and want to start using it now and with all the features!".

The GrooVim is an extensive script (it's a .vimrc) that modifies the behavior of Vim to facilitate your work and increase your productivity aim the following objectives:

  • Allow use with just a few instructions by a public accustomed to editors/IDEs default;
  • Facilitate and accelerate widely the use, being also a integrated "UI";
  • Preserving always that possible the default behavior of Vim;
  • Enhancing Vim project as a general purpose IDE;
  • Approach Vim of "standard" text editors in what is convenient and positive and modify Vim in its negative aspects;
  • Promote Vim as a better and faster alternative to market text editors and IDEs as well as a general-purpose editor;
  • Enhancing Vim project as a free alternative (this script is Apache License - Version 2.0), independent and community-supported initiative;
  • Encourage the use of shell Vim;
  • Being a "all in one" package, ie, depend only on the contents of the file .vimrc to work (no plugin scenario);
  • Being a script for all types of terminals;

Before you start with the GrooVim!

IMPORTANT_I! If you do not know how Vim works, please open a terminal, run vimtutor and do the exercises (takes 25 to 30 minutes). IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW THE DEFAULT VIM IN ITS BASIC, SO YOU CAN USE IT BETTER AND CONTRIBUTE WITH NEW FEATURES!

IMPORTANT_II! The Vim is a powerful general purpose text editor/IDE. Keep in mind that the GrooVim was made possible through its great API (script) and wide versatility!

IMPORTANT_III! Certain terminal emulators limits the possibility of Vim and GrooVim. Therefore, we recommend that for your "all day" Vim use a terminal that allows more possibilities and features!

  • The GrooVim was designed to work with a wide range of keyboard shortcuts. Eventually, such shortcuts may present conflicts with shortcuts from your OS. This is normal and if conflicts occurs we recommend that you modify the shortcuts of your OS, because the terminal environment does not allow a large number of combinations to form shortcuts;
  • To further facilitate your life and increase productivity we recommend you make a mapping in your terminal to navigate between tabs using Shift-Left/Shift-Right. These two keyboard shortcuts (Shift-Left/Shift-Right) are not mapped in GrooVim to that you use in the way mentioned;
    • Note: KDE desktop environment already works in that way with its terminal;
  • The GrooVim was designed to work with tabs;
  • The GrooVim was designed to work without constant use of 'virtualedit' ("set virtualedit=all") to facilitate cursor navigation "despising invalid areas" (or without character) when convenient;
  • The GrooVim was designed to work with the best plugins;
  • When using plugins, Pathogen plugin needs to be intalled (;
  • By default GrooVim have all plugins enabled (see "let g:enable_all_plugins = 1"). You can also enable/disable the plugins individually. Note that "enabled"/"disabled" refers for the plugin functionality mapped to it;

The GrooVim solves the following "problems"!

  • Ctrl-Left/Ctrl-Right (normal mode/insert/visual) - Navigate by words in a conventional and practical way;
  • Tab (normal mode/visual)- Indent in a conventional and practical way;
  • Enter (normal mode/visual) - Use in a conventional and practical way;
  • Backspace (normal mode/visual) - Use in a conventional and practical way;
  • Del (normal mode/visual) - Use in a conventional and practical way;
  • Space (normal mode/visual) - Use in a conventional and practical way;
  • In the alternation between modes the cursor stays correctly positioned;
  • Use default clipboard in a correct and conventional way (copy, cut and paste);
  • Replace , x (remove) and d (delete) preserving the clipboard;
  • PageDown/PageUp - With navigation across the screen (invalid areas);
  • MouseScrollDown/MouseScrollUp - With navigation across the screen (invalid areas);
  • MouseClick (normal mode) - Across the screen (invalid areas);
  • Just a Ctrl-w switches between windows;
  • And much more!

Some editor features!

  • Switching between modes:

    • Alt-Up (normal mode/insert/visual) - Enter or exit the insert mode;
    • Alt-Down (normal mode/insert/visual) - Enter or exit the visual mode;
  • Text selection:

    • Alt-Right/Alt-Left (normal mode/insert) - Word selection to the right/left;
    • Alt-End/Alt-Home (normal mode/insert) - Select text on the line until the end/beginning from the current point;
  • Conventional text editors commands:

    • Ctrl-c (visual mode) - Copy to clipboard;
    • Ctrl-v (normal mode/insert/visual) - Paste from clipboard;
    • Ctrl-x (visual mode) - Cut to the clipboard;
    • Ctrl-u (normal mode/insert/visual) - Undo;
    • Ctrl-r (normal mode/insert/visual) - Redo;
  • Plugins:

    • move-vim;
      • Ctrl-j/Ctrl-k (normal mode/insert/visual) - Move line or selection up/down;

Relevant changes in the default Vim behavior!

  • Use Ctrl+b to enable visual block mode (not Ctrl+v);
  • When changes from visual mode to insert mode the cursor do not move;
  • Use default OS clipboard;
  • The "insert" (includes typed text) and "paste" from the same cursor position;

Script features!

  • Navigation

    • Shift-Alt-Arrows (normal mode/insert/visual) - Smooth navigation across the screen (including invalid areas) with long movements;
    • Ctrl-Alt-Arrows (normal mode/insert/visual) - Navigation with arrows across the screen (including invalid areas) using short movements;
    • Alt-Down (normal mode/insert/visual) - Returns to the previous tab;
    • Ctrl-Down/Ctrl-Up (normal mode/insert/visual) - Access tabs on left/right;
  • Word selection

    • Alt-Right/Alt-Left (normal mode/insert/visual) - Word selection to the right/left;
    • 2-leftmouse (normal mode/insert) - (Double click the mouse on a word then press z letter) All words with the same content will be highlighted;
  • Comment lines

    • Alt-Up (normal mode/insert/visual) - Comment lines using tcomment.vim;

F'S Shortcuts (CommandZ)!

The CommandZ is a kind of "super leader" that allows an extensive keys combination to create keyboard shortcuts for features in Vim. Works pressing F2, F3 or F4 keys and then another key.

  • Features
  • Allows replication of the last command just by pressing the last F used. If in a given interval a new key combination is not informed the last command is repeated;
  • If F is hold down the command is replicated several times;
  • F2 and then...

    • Note: Preferably for editing commands;
      • h - Aligns to left (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • k - Aligns to right (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • j - Aligns to center (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • Up - Changes to uppercase (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • Down - Changes to lowercase (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • c - Copy all text in the current buffer (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • a - Select all text in the current buffer (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • d - Duplicates the current line/selection (normal mode/insert/visual); - Note: If in the visual mode can not be replicated;
      • q - Record a macro (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • w - Run a macro (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • e - Run a macro certain number of times or repeatedly until the last line (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • d - Selects the word under the cursor (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • Del - Selects an area (normal mode/insert);
  • F3 and then...

    • Note: Preferably for commands that "traditionally" involve Ctrl in other editors;
      • n - Open a new tab (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • c - Close current tab (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • o - Close all other tabs (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • v - Opens the file .vimrc (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • r - Reloads the file .vimrc in all tabs (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • / - Removes search highlights (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • s - Save to disk (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • f - Opens to search (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • d - Opens to configure the search (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • j - Opens to replace (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • h - Opens to configure the replace (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • [ - Saves the current session (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • ] - Reloads the last saved session (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • p - Copies to the clipboard the name or path and name of the current buffer/file (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • t - Allows always returning to a particular tab using Alt-Down (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • d - Select and search (case sensitive) the word under the cursor (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • Del - Reselect area (normal mode/insert/visual);
      • y - Save to disk and open in a new tab a copy of the current file (normal mode/insert/visual);
  • F4 and then...

    • Note: Preferably to trigger the installed plugins and their functionalities;
      • n - Opens/closes the NERDTree (normal mode/insert/visual);

If you liked it, consider helping the project!

  • We need people to fix the "portuguenglish" in all documentation!
  • We need people to test!
  • Of course! We need people to develop and fix bugs!

Task List/Bugs List!

  • TODO: Open file passing path (use F's shortcut)! By Questor

  • TODO: "Power Search" open in vim from a vim shortcut the results off a "find" command! By Questor

  • TODO: In "visual mode" "End" key must go "have to go" one column less! By Questor

  • TODO: Create instalation scripts for RHEL, Debian and Arch or based on these! By Questor

  • TODO: Try to use wombat256 color scheme! By Questor

  • ToDo: On "copy file" ("GrooVim_SaveACopy()") functionality suggest a name to new file automatically! By Questor

  • Bug: The "F3+c" ("GrooVim_CommandZ()") functionality must be disabled for NerdTree (interface problems)! By Questor

  • ToDo: Provide the search "for whole word only" ("GrooVim_SearchWithMyOptions()")! By Questor

  • Bug: "GrooVim_GroovyMove()" not working (for *.py files) in insert/visual mode (loss "set virtualedit=all")! (PRIORITY) By Questor

  • ToDo: Create a shortcut to moving between matching braces! By Questor

  • ToDo: Create a configuration scheme according to the type of file. This scheme must be in the end of ".vimrc" to work properly! By Questor

  • ToDo: Using python scripts to substitute functions that use the terminal/shell to improve the operation and ease of maintenance! (EXAMINE THIS POSSIBILITY) By Questor

  • ToDo: The "GrooVim_GroovyMove()" do not work with "visual block mode"! (PRIORITY) By Questor

  • ToDo: Improve syntax and lexers (mainly for python)! By Questor

  • ToDo: Create configurable settings for each distribution (extendable to help)! By Questor

  • ToDo: Create OS context shortcuts (second button click context) and use double-click to open any file! This can be done using a script that works according with user distro/UI! By Questor

  • Bug: "Enter" (carriage return) on normal mode fails for certain types of files ("GrooVim_NormalEnterOnNormalMode()")! By Questor

  • ToDo: Show cursor position (blink a "scope")! (NOT A PRIORITY) By Questor

  • ToDo: Improve the presentation of the tabs flaps. Using a similar idea to a scroll bar? (EXAMINE THIS POSSIBILITY) By Questor

  • ToDo: Allow all script features to work with "virtualedit=all"? (EXAMINE THIS POSSIBILITY/NOT A PRIORITY) By Questor

  • Bug: Treating problem of slowness with long lines! By Questor

  • ToDo: Create verification of operating system for commands (shell/"system()" calls) that depend on it! By Questor

  • ToDo: Create command that completely disables GrooVim. This command needs to write this option to disk to disable GrooVim at Vim startup (see "GrooVim_OptsUpdate()")! By Questor

  • ToDo: Review the commands that dependents of "learderkey" combinations ("GrooVim_CommandZ()")! (NOT A PRIORITY) By Questor

  • ToDo: Mark lines and navigate to these (bookmarks). Use "mark.vim"? By Questor

  • ToDo: Create "expand/collapse an area" ("" TEXT AREA {{{ }}}") features and shorcuts! By Questor

  • ToDo: Test GrooVim for multiple distributions! By Questor

  • ToDo: Get the number of occurrences of a particular text (optional case sensitive)! By Questor

  • ToDo: Delete and close current file/Rename the current file and open it with the new name! (EXAMINE THIS POSSIBILITY/NOT A PRIORITY) By Questor

  • Bug: The tab character must have 4 spaces for "*.py" files and 2 for the others! (PRIORITY) By Questor

  • ToDo: Treat situations where "xset -q | grep "Caps Lock: on"" command is not possible to check the state of capslock key! By Questor

  • ToDo: Create a feature to user choose between predefined syntax options... Example... Use 0 for "set syntax=html", Use one 1 to "set syntax=python"... and so on! By Questor

  • ToDo: When we do text replace in multiple tabs the GrooVim makes replacement of the first occurrence only on each tab! By Questor

  • ToDo: Create shortcuts for navigation in search results for maintaining Vim insert mode! By Questor

  • ToDo: Map the mouse wheel to scroll up or down the screen during the replace (use ^E and ^D)! By Questor

How to build and install VIM 7.4 from source on CentOS/RHEL/Ubuntu/Debian!

  • Remove any installed vim packages


yum remove $(rpm -qa | grep ^vim)


sudo apt-get remove vim vim-runtime gvim
sudo apt-get remove vim-tiny vim-common vim-gui-common
  • Download VIM version 7.4 from here...
mkdir -p /opt/pkgs
cd /opt/pkgs
tar jxvf vim-*.tar.bz2
rm -f vim-*.tar.bz2
cd vim*
  • Set-up build environment


yum install gcc make ncurses-devel


sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libgnome2-dev libgnomeui-dev \
libgtk2.0-dev libatk1.0-dev libbonoboui2-dev \
libcairo2-dev libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxt-dev python-dev ruby-dev mercurial
  • Configure and build VIM sources


./configure --disable-selinux \
--with-features=huge \
--with-modified-by=Questor \
--enable-gui=gtk2 \
--enable-multibyte \
--enable-rubyinterp \
--enable-pythoninterp \
--enable-perlinterp \
--enable-luainterp \
--enable-cscope \

make install


./configure --with-features=huge \
--with-modified-by=Questor \
--enable-gui=gtk2 \
--enable-multibyte \
--enable-rubyinterp \
--enable-pythoninterp \
--enable-perlinterp \
--enable-luainterp \
--enable-cscope \

make install

Note: If you have problems compiling Vim, try use this reduced configuration:

./configure --disable-selinux \
--with-features=huge \
--with-modified-by=Questor \
--enable-gui=gtk2 \
--enable-multibyte \
--enable-pythoninterp \
--enable-cscope \
  • Re-hash the environment
hash -r

[Install GrooVim or...] I do not want to know anything about GrooVim and want to start using it now and with all the features!

Note: We recommend that you install Vim from source code to ensure compatibility with GrooVim. For that, see the section: "How to build and install VIM 7.4 from source on CentOS/RHEL/Ubuntu/Debian!"!

  • For the installation of "pathogen", run:

Note: Facilitates the installation of addons in VIM.

sudo apt-get install curl # Not for [RHEL/CentOS]
mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle; \
curl -Sso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim \
  • To install the "git", run:
sudo apt-get install git # Not for [RHEL/CentOS]
  • Clone GrooVim ("~/.vimrc").
git clone ~/Downloads/groovim
cp ~/Downloads/groovim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
  • To install the "nerdtree" plugin, run:
git clone  ~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/
  • To install the "vim-nerdtree-tabs" plugin, run:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-nerdtree-tabs/
  • To install the "tcomment_vim" plugin, run:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/tcomment_vim/
  • To install the "vim-move" plugin, run:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-move/
  • To install the "indentLine" plugin, run:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/indentLine/


[email protected]




The GrooVim is an extensive script (it's a ".vimrc") that modifies the behavior of Vim to facilitate your work and increase your productivity.







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