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Challenge 2 - Personal Portfolio


This website was a personal project built from scratch for showcasing various web development projects I have been able to complete. It will continue to be updated as I finish more projects that can be added.

User Story

AS AN employer I WANT to view a potential employee's deployed portfolio of work samples SO THAT I can review samples of their work and assess whether they're a good candidate for an open position

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I need to sample a potential employee's previous work WHEN I load their portfolio THEN I am presented with the developer's name, a recent photo or avatar, and links to sections about them, their work, and how to contact them WHEN I click one of the links in the navigation THEN the UI scrolls to the corresponding section WHEN I click on the link to the section about their work THEN the UI scrolls to a section with titled images of the developer's applications WHEN I am presented with the developer's first application THEN that application's image should be larger in size than the others WHEN I click on the images of the applications THEN I am taken to that deployed application WHEN I resize the page or view the site on various screens and devices THEN I am presented with a responsive layout that adapts to my viewport

Challenge Directives

  • Create a webpage showcasing web development projects I have created.
  • Demonstrate ability to create a dynamic webpage with cohesive application of styling.
  • Employ proper semantics and follow a sematic structure throughout the application.
  • Incorporate dynamic elements that react to hovering and visually adjust accordingly.


Website deployed at



The webpage styling was reset using the reset.css file from


Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo.