Simple, lightweight and expressive web scraping with Node.js
const scrapy = require('node-scrapy')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const url = ''
const model = '.mb-3.h4 +'
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((body) => {
console.log(scrapy.extract(body, model))
// Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
node-scrapy can resolve complex objects. Give it a data model:
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const url = ''
const model = {
author: '.author ($ | trim)',
repo: '[itemprop="name"] ($ | trim)',
stats: {
commits: '.js-details-container > div:last-child strong',
branches: '.octicon-git-branch + strong',
releases: 'a[href$="/releases"] > span',
contributors: 'a[href$="/graphs/contributors"] > span',
social: {
watch: '.pagehead-actions > li:nth-child(1) .social-count ($ | trim)',
stars: '.pagehead-actions > li:nth-child(2) .social-count ($ | trim)',
forks: '.pagehead-actions > li:nth-child(3) .social-count ($ | trim)',
files: [
'.js-active-navigation-container .Box-row > :nth-child(2)',
name: 'a',
url: 'a (href)',
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((body) => {
console.log(scrapy.extract(body, model))
...and Scrapy will return:
author: 'expressjs',
repo: 'express',
stats: {
commits: '5,592',
branches: '9',
releases: '280',
contributors: '261',
social: { watch: '1.8k', stars: '49.8k', forks: '8.3k' }
files: [
{ name: 'benchmarks', url: '/expressjs/express/tree/master/benchmarks' },
{ name: 'examples', url: '/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples' },
{ name: 'lib', url: '/expressjs/express/tree/master/lib' },
{ name: 'test', url: '/expressjs/express/tree/master/test' },
{ name: '.editorconfig', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/.editorconfig' },
{ name: '.eslintignore', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/.eslintignore' },
{ name: '.eslintrc.yml', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/.eslintrc.yml' },
{ name: '.gitignore', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/.gitignore' },
{ name: '.travis.yml', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/.travis.yml' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: 'LICENSE', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/LICENSE' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: '', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/' },
{ name: 'appveyor.yml', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/appveyor.yml' },
{ name: 'index.js', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/index.js' },
{ name: 'package.json', url: '/expressjs/express/blob/master/package.json' }
For more examples, check the test folder.
npm install node-scrapy
🍠 Simple: No XPaths. No complex object inheritance. No extensive config files. Just JSON and the CSS selectors you're used to. Simple as potatoes.
⚡ Lightweight: node-scrapy relies on htmlparser2 and css-select, known for being fast.
📢 Expressive: Web scrapping is all about data, so node-scrapy aims to make it declarative. Both, the model and its corresponding output are JSON-serializable.
Here some alternative nodejs-based solutions similar to node-scrapy (in popularity order):
node-scrapy is in an early stage, we would love you to involve in its development! Go ahead and open a new issue.