There are two ways setting up an environment. We describe both the scripted and the manual alternative.
Goal of both alternatives is to create a managed ecosystem on Azure that includes an AKS Cluster, an MSSQL Database-Server with two Databases, one shared and one local Filesystem and network components like public ip.
In this setup, the managed user and the vnet including the subnets and are already existing.
The overall architecture looks like following (does not include all comonents and services)
You will need bash|powershell, terraform, azurecli and helm.
- Create a Storage Account in Azure to store the tfstate by executing (.ps1 on windows, .sh on linux):
This script will store necessary information like the access token as an environment variable. These environment variables are needed to run terraform commands like terraform init
- Create a file
by replacing the respective values with following content:
variable "dbadmin_name" {
description = "A name for the DB Admin."
type = string
sensitive = true
default = "<db_username>"
variable "dbadmin_password" {
description = "A password for the DB Admin."
type = string
sensitive = true
default = "<db_password>"
Make sure that username and password fulfills to your internal policies.
Important: Make sure ths file is included in .gitignore
- Create folder and add CA certificates (IssuingCA01 and RootCA)
- Create A Managed User in Resource Group rg-jira-fw01
Add permissions to this user by adding Contributor on Resource Group Scope rg-tjira-fw01
Terraform is executed with the current user. In order to avoid different permission behaviour with different users, it is highly recommended to use a Sevice Principal user. Therefore:
3.1) Create a Service Principal (done by IT)
This step needs to be done once only since it is not specific for a single environment.
This user and its information can be found in the Portal > Entra ID > App registrations > All applications 3.2) Set environment variables 3.2.1) Linux
export ARM_TENANT_ID="<tenantID>"
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<subscriptionID>"
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<passwordNotSecretID>"
export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<appID>"
3.2.2) Windows
$env:ARM_TENANT_ID = "<tenantID>"
$env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "<subscriptionID>"
$env:ARM_CLIENT_SECRET = "<passwordNotSecretID>"
$env:ARM_CLIENT_ID = "<appID>"
- Create Terraform Workspace, e.g. dev, prod
terraform workspace new <env>
You can list all the workspaces. The * indicates the workspace you're in.
terraform workspace list
- Create folder and add TLS certificate
In file
, extendaks_vmsize
by adding values for the new environment -
Create a file
with following content:
variable "cert_filename" {
description = "The name for the SSL Cert."
type = string
sensitive = true
default = "<cert_filename>"
variable "cert_password_dev" {
description = "The password for the SSL Cert."
type = string
sensitive = true
default = "<cert_password>"
Important: Make sure ths file is included in .gitignore
(all commands from within the ./aks2jira
- Install Azure Components with Terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- Connect to newly created AKS cluster
az aks get-credentials --resource-group rg-jira-<env> --name jira-aks-<env>
- If you are setting up JIRA with an unresolvable DNS name you need to update the helm values file:
- ip: "<ApplicationGatewayExternalIP>"
- "<Hostname>"
- Install JIRA with Helm
helm repo add atlassian-data-center
helm upgrade --install jira atlassian-data-center/jira --values ./terraform/modules/jira/values-jira.yaml --namespace jira
- Install Prometheus/Grafana with Helm
WIP: needs to be configured once there is application data @Anders
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo add grafana
helm upgrade --install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --values ./terraform/modules/jira/values-monitoring.yaml --namespace monitoring
There is a Kubernetes Network Policy that is deployed on the environments per Default. It is blocking the egress traffic and only allows a few IPs for the ingress traffic since it should be avoided to send emails etc. to consumers and customers before the real GoLive.
It is important to delete this network policy once your environment is really live and you want the traffic explicitely.
In order to do so, run following command:
kubectl get netpol -n jira
kubectl delete netpol block-egress -n jira
kubectl get netpol -n jira
DB Backup A backup strategy is enabled during the creation of the Database. The default retention time is 7 days. The retention policy can be changed by an additional Terraform Block on the DB-Server.
Enable Filesystem Backup in Azure Jira creates a Storage Account in the Node Resource Group but comes without a Backup strategy. Therefore, the Backup needs to be manually enabled if needed.
In Azure Portal:
- go to
Resource Group
rg-jira-<env>-appgw - click on
(e.g. f420041aa669446b69c93df) - on the left, click on
File shares
(under Data storage) - click on the respective
(e.g. pvc-495b3e65-a7e3-4dce-9e1e-9438886ccd0f) - on the left, click on
- edit the chosen policy if you want to have a more than a daily backup
- enable Backup with default values
Azure Loganalytics is a central workspace to store all types of logs. The rentenion time of the logs is 90 days per Default but can be set as you require. The amount of Logs need to be observed and components might be disabled.
You can see the settings of the log on the AKS-Cluster > Monitoring > Diagnostic Setting
. In our case following AKS Logs are enabled via the Diagnostic Setting aks_diag
and should be observed in terms of storage usage:
- Kubernetes API Server
- Kubernetes Audit
- Kubernetes Audit Admin Logs
- Kubernetes Controller Manager
- Kubernetes Scheduler
- Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler
- Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager
- guard
- csi-azuredisk-controller
- csi-azurefile-controller
- csi-snapshot-controller
- AllMetrics
The logs are visible at AKS-Cluster > Monitoring > Logs
or in the specific Table in the Loganalytics Workspace.
The usage can be checked at Loganalytics > Settings > Usage and estimated costs
After the announced deprecation date, you have 30 days to upgrade your minor AKS version. It is not allowed to migrate two minor versions in a single upgrade process. (You can not update from version 1.11.x to 1.13.x, you must update to 1.12.x first).
During the upgrade AKS will temporarily create a given number of new nodes with the new version. That's where the attribute max_surge
is important. Microsoft recommends the value to be 33%
, so a third of orginal number of nodes will be created during the update process. Once the pods are switched to the new nodes, the old nodes are destroyed.
- Check available AKS versions for your location for your cluster
az aks get-upgrades --resource-group rg-jira-<env> --name jira-aks-<env> --output table
- Update version in file
k8s_version = "<version>"
This variable defines the version of the Cluster (aks/kubernetes_version
) and the Nodes (aks/default_node_pool/orchestrator_version
). If you ever want to run different versions between the Cluster and the Node you have to define a second variable.
- Execute Terraform to do an upgrade:
terraform plan
terraform apply
Important: Cross check the output of plan to make sure that Terraform will not destroy your Cluster/Nodes.
Running Jira on an Azure cluster
Running Jira Data Center on a Kubernetes cluster
Upgrading Jira Data Center with zero downtime
Atlassian Data Center Helm Charts
Quickstart: Create an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster by using Terraform
azurerm_mssql_server: Example Usage for Transparent Data Encryption(TDE) with a Customer Managed Key(CMK) during Create
Show Terraform State:
terraform state list
Remove all modules from the Terraform State:terraform state rm $(terraform state list)
AKS supports latest version minus two minor versions (if latest: 1.25.x so least: 1.23.x)
Every quarter, a new minor version is released. So you should perform 4 upgrades a year
Major version of Cluster and Nodes must be the same
Nodes can not be higher versioned than the Cluster
Minor version of Nodes must be within two minor versions of Cluster
Never commit .tfstate files into version control as they contain sensitive information about your infrastructure!
# Show sku for database server in West Europe
az sql db list-editions -l westeurope -o table
# Show sku for VMs in West Europe
az vm list-skus -l westeurope -o table
# Show available AKS versions in West Europe
az aks get-versions --location westeurope --output table
# Show available AKS versions for your AKS
az aks get-upgrades --resource-group <rg> --name <aks-cluster> -o table