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Drone (cloud)


Simple project created with golang and postgres


The aim of the project is to map each long URL given to it to a short URL. After the mapping each short URL will be redirected to the original URL. The short URL can be custom or not, if not, a key generation service (KGS) is used to assign a random short URL to the given long URL.


The following dependencies have been used in the project

Viper library to manage configuration

$ go get

Cobra library to add CLI

$ go get -u

Prometheus to monitor the project

$ go get

Echo to handle HTTP requests

$ go get


$ go build

We need to create tables and run KGS only once so there is no need to run the command below evrytime you want to run the project

$ go run main.go setupdb -l length of short url

The flag "-l" specifies the length of the short URLs which you want the KGS to produce

This command runs the APIs

$ go run main.go server

To send HTTP request

$ curl -X POST -d '{"LongURL": ""}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
$ curl -L

If you want to use custom short URL or custom expiration date add the followings to the body of your post method

"ShortURL":"Custom short URL"
"ExpirationTime":"A date"

The performance of the project has been tested, here is the result

Bombarding http://localhost:8080/urls with 10 request(s) using 1 connection(s)
 10 / 10 [==================================================================================] 100.00% 47/s 0s
Statistics        Avg      Stdev        Max
  Reqs/sec       256.97     147.30     371.20
  Latency        4.55ms     4.23ms    17.22ms
  HTTP codes:
    1xx - 0, 2xx - 10, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
    others - 0
  Throughput:    83.45KB/s
Bombarding http://localhost:8080/urls with 100 request(s) using 2 connection(s)
 100 / 100 [==================================================] 100.00% 166/s 0s
Statistics        Avg      Stdev        Max
  Reqs/sec       199.42      59.57     311.00
  Latency       10.15ms     7.28ms    33.94ms
  HTTP codes:
    1xx - 0, 2xx - 100, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 0
    others - 0
  Throughput:    74.76KB/s

For a small API documentation check this URL:

Why this idea?

I have thought about four possible ideas to build a URL shortener that will be discussed below

  1. Generating a random short URL while inserting :
    This approach is the easiest one in which every time the user posts a long URL and expects a short URL back we can generate a random short URL at that moment and insert it to the database.

Super easy to write the code

1- Time is taken to produce a random short URL
2- The short URL generated may be a duplication that returns error while inserting to the database so should be regenerated and infects the performance

Time complexity estimation:
Generating short URL = O(length of url)
Inserting to the database = O(log size of database) : short URL should be unique and generating it randomly can lead to a duplication so we have to put a unique constraint on short URL

Database size estimation:
We need only one table that has two columns :
short URL as primary key and long url that matches it

  1. Encoding actual URL :
    There are hash functions like MD5 or SHA256 that we can use to generate the short URL of a long one ,this functions produce a long output so we can consider just a part of it as the short URL

I think the most noticeable disadvantage of this approach is collision, we know that two long URL may have the same short URL using this way

Time complexity estimation:
Generating short URL = O(1)
Inserting to database = O(log size of database) : short URL should be unique and generating it by hash functions can lead to a duplication so we have to put a unique constraint on short URL

Database size estimation:
We need only one table that has two columns :
short URL as primary key and long url that matches it

  1. Base conversion:
    This approach has the most light weight database because we don't save the short URL at all.
    When we insert a long URL we get it's ID back and based on the number of characters we want to use in our short URL we can convert this ID to a short URL and when searching for a short URL we should first convert it to it's ID.

Disadvantage: The base Conversion takes time for both inserting and redirecting operation.

PS: I have a small implementation for this idea in c#, here is the link:

Time complexity estimation:
Generating short URL = O(ID/base)
Inserting to database = O(1)

Database size estimation:
We need only one table that has two columns :
ID as primary key and long url that matches it

  1. Generating keys offline:
    In this approach we generate all the possible short URLs with a specified length beforehand and keep them in a table with a boolean column that shows if the short URL has been used or not, every time we want to insert a long URL we can pick up on the unused short URLs from this table.

No time is taken to generate a short URL

Operation with database to pick up a short URL takes time

####Time complexity estimation:
For custom short URLs:
Checking short URL duplication = O(2log size of KGS)
Inserting to database = O(1)
For others:
Retrieving a short URL = O(used short URLs)
Inserting to database = O(1) :

Database size estimation:
We need two tables:

  1. To store the KGS that has two columns : Short URL and a column that shows if the short URL has been used or not
  2. To store the short URL and the long one which it points to that has three columns: ID as primary key, short URL and the long URL that matches it