Eldar Insafutdinov*, Dylan Campbell*, Joao F Henriques and Andrea Vedaldi. ECCV 2022
Create a conda environment with python 3.9, pytorch 1.11 for CUDA 11.3 and pytorch3d 0.6.2:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Download a CO3D car category (or others) here and extract to data/
such that it is organised like so:
|-- car
|-- <scene_id>
|-- images
|-- masks
|-- depths
|-- depth_masks
|-- toyplane
Extract 3D bounding box fits for selected categories:
cd data; tar xzvf co3d_extra_data.tar.gz; cd ..
Run the following command to train the model on a single scene using the structured train/val split as described in the paper:
(EXP=car/structured ID=157_17286_33548; python exp_runner.py gpu=0 mode=train config.file=exp/$EXP/config.yaml config.exp_name=$EXP/${ID} dataset.instance=\'$ID\')
Training logs and model checkpoints of this run will be saved under exp/car/structured/157_17286_33548
. In order to reproduce the results in the paper repeat the command above for every scene listed in lists/co3d_car_structured_split.txt
Similarly, to train a model on the official CO3D split replace car/structured
with car/official
in the command above.
Render test views:
python scripts/render_nvs_predictions.py --gpu=0 --exp=car/structured --instance=157_17286_33548
python scripts/evaluate.py --gpu=0 --exp=car/structured
First run the following script:
python exp_runner.py gpu=0 mode=visualise_mesh test.web_vis=true config.exp_name=car/structured/157_17286_33548 visualisation.port=8888
And then open the link in the browser http://localhost:8888.
Use the notebook scripts/vis_epipolar.ipynb
for interactive epipolar line visualisation. Click on anywhere in the left image and the corresponding epipolar line on the right will be shown
Use scripts/vis_cameras.py
(script adapted from NeRF++) to visualise cameras.
If you find this work useful consider citing our paper:
title={SNeS: Learning Probably Symmetric Neural Surfaces from Incomplete Data},
author={Insafutdinov, Eldar and Campbell, Dylan and Henriques, Jo{\~a}o F and Vedaldi, Andrea},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.06340},
The starting point for this project was the implementation of NeuS. We thank the authors of this excellent paper.