An extension to the official Django form wizard supporting multiple forms on a wizard step.
The full documentation is at
Install django-multipleformwizard:
pip install django-multipleformwizard
Then use it in a project:
# Every *WizardView that can be imported is an equivalent of a builtin *WizardView in Django from multipleformwizard import (SessionMultipleFormWizardView, CookieMultipleFormWizardView, NamedUrlSessionMultipleFormWizardView, NamedUrlCookieMultipleFormWizardView, MultipleFormWizardView, NamedUrlMultipleFormWizardView)
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django import forms
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from multipleformwizard import SessionMultipleFormWizardView
from .forms import Form1, Form2, Form3
class Wizard(SessionMultipleFormWizardView):
form_list = [
("start", Form1),
("user_info", (
('account', Form2),
('address', Form3)
templates = {
"start": 'demo/wizard-start.html',
"user_info": 'demo/wizard-user_info.html'
def get_template_names(self):
return [self.templates[self.steps.current]]
def done(self, form_dict, **kwargs):
result = {}
for key in form_dict:
form_collection = form_dict[key]
if isinstance(form_collection, forms.Form):
result[key] = form_collection.cleaned_data
elif isinstance(form_collection, dict):
result[key] = {}
for subkey in form_collection:
result[key][subkey] = form_collection[subkey].cleaned_data
return render_to_response('demo/wizard-end.html', {
'form_data': result,