A puppet module for managing and configuring graphite
This module is puppet 3 tested
Installation, make sure service is running and will be started at boot time:
class { 'graphite': }
class { 'graphite':
ensure => 'absent',
Install everything but disable service(s) afterwards:
class { 'graphite':
status => 'disabled',
Carbon is 1 of the applications for graphite. You can activate the 3 separate services individually depending on requirments.
Common config variables:
carbon_config_file => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/path/to/your/carbon.conf"
carbon_cache_enable => true
carbon_relay_enable => true
carbon_aggregator_enable => true
For defining the storage methods a define is in place:
graphite::carbon::cache::storage { 'default_1min_for_1day':
pattern => '.*'
retentions => '60s:1d'
An other of sequence can be given with the order => directive.
For the graphite-web there are 2 variables:
web_dashboard_config_file => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/path/to/your/dashboard.conf"
web_local_settings_file => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/path/to/your/local_settings.py"
Whisper is the storage for all the data. This one has no special configuration.
Certain assumptions have been made with this module:
- carbon, graphite-web & whisper are available through a repository.
- when no config files are specified, the default ones are used.
- All 3 applications are standard installed.
- For the 3 processes from carbon; unless activated they are not running.