This library is for Raspberry Pi Pico to support 32bit/Stereo I2S DAC.
- Bit resolution: 32bit
- Sampling Frequency: up to 192 KHz
- Raspberry Pi Pico
- PCM5102 32bit I2S Audio DAC
- ES9023 24bit I2S Audio DAC
In addition to original connection
Pico Pin # | GPIO | Function | Connection |
21 | GP16 | BCK | to PCM5102 BCK (13) / to ES9024 BCK (1) |
22 | GP17 | LRCK | to PCM5102 LRCK (15) / to ES9023 LRCK (2) |
23 | GND | GND | GND |
24 | GP18 | SDO | to PCM5102 DIN (14) / to ES9023 SDI (3) |
40 | VBUS | VCC | to VIN of DAC board (5V) |
- tie PCM5102 SCK (12) to low (bridge short land)
- H1L (FLT) = L
- H2L (DEMP) = L
- H3L (XSMT) = H
- H4L (FMT) = L
- See "Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico"
- Put "pico-sdk", "pico-examples" and "pico-extras" on the same level with this project folder.
- Set environmental variables for PICO_SDK_PATH, PICO_EXTRAS_PATH and PICO_EXAMPLES_PATH
- Confirmed with Pico SDK 2.0.0
> git clone -b 2.0.0
> cd pico-sdk
> git submodule update -i
> cd ..
> git clone -b sdk-2.0.0
> git clone -b sdk-2.0.0
> git clone -b main
- Build is confirmed with Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 and Visual Studio Code on Windows environment
- Confirmed with cmake-3.27.2-windows-x86_64 and gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10-win32
- Lanuch "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022"
> cd pico_audio_i2s_32b
> cd samples/xxxxx # sample project directory
> mkdir build && cd build
> cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
> nmake
- Put "xxxxx.uf2" on RPI-RP2 drive
- Build is confirmed with pico-sdk-dev-docker:sdk-2.0.0-1.0.0
- Confirmed with cmake-3.22.1 and arm-none-eabi-gcc (15:10.3-2021.07-4) 10.3.1
$ cd pico_audio_i2s_32b
$ cd samples/xxxxx # sample project directory
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4
- Download "xxxxx.uf2" on RPI-RP2 drive
If defined, i2s_callback_func is processed at Core 1 while main routine and DMA IRQ handler is processed at Core 0. It will be efficient when generating audio data needs computing power. It does not contribute to reduce bus load and even make slightly worse when Core 1 is activated.