- API version: 2
- .NET Standard 2.0
- The SDK and its documentation are automatically generated from the API schema
- .NET Framework >=4.6.1
- .NET 5
- .NET Core >=2.0
- Mono/Xamarin >=5.4
- RestSharp - 106.11.7 or later
- Json.NET - 12.0.3 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.8.0 or later
var c = new Configuration();
var userToken = "...";
c.BasePath = ""
c.DefaultHeaders["Authorization"] = $"Bearer {userToken}";
var workspaces = await new StorageApi(c).GetAllWorkspacesAsync()
// var workspaces = new StorageApi(c).GetAllWorkspaces()
All URIs are relative to https://elements.local
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AWSApi | CreateAWSAccount | POST /api/2/aws-accounts | |
AWSApi | DeleteAWSAccount | DELETE /api/2/aws-accounts/{id} | |
AWSApi | GetAWSAccount | GET /api/2/aws-accounts/{id} | |
AWSApi | GetAWSAccountBuckets | GET /api/2/aws-accounts/{id}/buckets | |
AWSApi | GetAWSAccountSNSTopics | GET /api/2/aws-accounts/{id}/sns/topics | |
AWSApi | GetAllAWSAccounts | GET /api/2/aws-accounts | |
AWSApi | PatchAWSAccount | PATCH /api/2/aws-accounts/{id} | |
AWSApi | TestAWSAccountCredentials | POST /api/2/aws-accounts/test-credentials | |
AWSApi | UpdateAWSAccount | PUT /api/2/aws-accounts/{id} | |
AuthApi | CheckAuthTicket | POST /api/2/auth/ticket/check | |
AuthApi | CreateAuthTicket | POST /api/2/auth/ticket | |
AuthApi | DeleteAccessToken | DELETE /api/2/auth/access-tokens/{id} | |
AuthApi | GeneratePassword | POST /api/2/auth/generate-password | |
AuthApi | GetAccessToken | GET /api/2/auth/access-tokens/{id} | |
AuthApi | GetAllAccessTokens | GET /api/2/auth/access-tokens | |
AuthApi | Login | POST /api/2/auth/login | |
AuthApi | Logout | POST /api/2/auth/logout | |
AuthApi | ResetPassword | POST /api/2/auth/reset-password | |
AuthApi | SendAccessTokenEmailNotification | POST /api/2/auth/access-tokens/{id}/email | |
AuthApi | StartImpersonation | POST /api/2/auth/impersonation | |
AuthApi | StopImpersonation | POST /api/2/auth/impersonation/stop | |
AutomationApi | AbortTask | POST /api/2/tasks/{id}/abort | |
AutomationApi | CreateJob | POST /api/2/jobs | |
AutomationApi | CreateSchedule | POST /api/2/schedules | |
AutomationApi | CreateSubtask | POST /api/2/subtasks | |
AutomationApi | DeleteFinishedTasks | DELETE /api/2/tasks/finished | |
AutomationApi | DeleteJob | DELETE /api/2/jobs/{id} | |
AutomationApi | DeleteSchedule | DELETE /api/2/schedules/{id} | |
AutomationApi | DeleteSubtask | DELETE /api/2/subtasks/{id} | |
AutomationApi | DeleteTask | DELETE /api/2/tasks/{id} | |
AutomationApi | DownloadAllTaskLogs | GET /api/2/tasks/logs/download | |
AutomationApi | DownloadTaskLog | GET /api/2/tasks/{id}/log/download | |
AutomationApi | ExportJob | GET /api/2/jobs/{id}/export | |
AutomationApi | GetAllEvents | GET /api/2/events | |
AutomationApi | GetAllJobs | GET /api/2/jobs | |
AutomationApi | GetAllSchedules | GET /api/2/schedules | |
AutomationApi | GetAllSubtasks | GET /api/2/subtasks | |
AutomationApi | GetAllTaskQueues | GET /api/2/tasks/queues | |
AutomationApi | GetAllTaskTypes | GET /api/2/tasks/types | |
AutomationApi | GetAllTasks | GET /api/2/tasks | |
AutomationApi | GetEvent | GET /api/2/events/{id} | |
AutomationApi | GetFinishedTasks | GET /api/2/tasks/finished | |
AutomationApi | GetJob | GET /api/2/jobs/{id} | |
AutomationApi | GetPendingTasks | GET /api/2/tasks/pending | |
AutomationApi | GetPythonEnvironments | GET /api/2/python/environments | |
AutomationApi | GetSchedule | GET /api/2/schedules/{id} | |
AutomationApi | GetSubtask | GET /api/2/subtasks/{id} | |
AutomationApi | GetTask | GET /api/2/tasks/{id} | |
AutomationApi | GetTaskLog | GET /api/2/tasks/{id}/log | |
AutomationApi | GetTaskType | GET /api/2/tasks/types/{type} | |
AutomationApi | GetTasksSummary | GET /api/2/tasks/summary | |
AutomationApi | ImportJob | POST /api/2/jobs/import | |
AutomationApi | KillAllPendingTasks | DELETE /api/2/tasks/pending | |
AutomationApi | KillTask | POST /api/2/tasks/{id}/kill | |
AutomationApi | PatchJob | PATCH /api/2/jobs/{id} | |
AutomationApi | PatchSchedule | PATCH /api/2/schedules/{id} | |
AutomationApi | PatchSubtask | PATCH /api/2/subtasks/{id} | |
AutomationApi | RestartTask | POST /api/2/tasks/{id}/restart | |
AutomationApi | StartJob | POST /api/2/jobs/{id}/start | |
AutomationApi | StartTask | POST /api/2/tasks/start | |
AutomationApi | UpdateJob | PUT /api/2/jobs/{id} | |
AutomationApi | UpdateSchedule | PUT /api/2/schedules/{id} | |
AutomationApi | UpdateSubtask | PUT /api/2/subtasks/{id} | |
ClickApi | AbortClickUpload | DELETE /api/2/click/uploads/{upload_id} | |
ClickApi | ContinueClickUploadInBackground | POST /api/2/click/uploads/{upload_id}/background | |
ClickApi | CreateClickGallery | POST /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/galleries | |
ClickApi | CreateClickGalleryLink | POST /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/gallery-links | |
ClickApi | DeleteClickGalleryLink | DELETE /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/gallery-links/{id} | |
ClickApi | GetAllClickGalleries | GET /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/galleries | |
ClickApi | GetAllClickGalleryLinks | GET /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/gallery-links | |
ClickApi | GetClickGallery | GET /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/galleries/{id} | |
ClickApi | GetClickGalleryLink | GET /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/gallery-links/{id} | |
ClickApi | PatchClickGallery | PATCH /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/galleries/{id} | |
ClickApi | SendClickGalleryLinkEmail | POST /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/gallery-links/{link_id}/send | |
ClickApi | StartClickUpload | POST /api/2/click/uploads | |
ClickApi | UpdateClickGallery | PUT /api/2/click/connections/{connection_id}/galleries/{id} | |
IntegrationsApi | DeleteSlackConnection | DELETE /api/2/integrations/slack/{id} | |
IntegrationsApi | DeleteTeamsConnection | DELETE /api/2/integrations/teams/{id} | |
IntegrationsApi | GetAllSlackConnections | GET /api/2/integrations/slack | |
IntegrationsApi | GetAllTeamsConnections | GET /api/2/integrations/teams | |
IntegrationsApi | GetSlackChannels | GET /api/2/integrations/slack/{id}/channels | |
IntegrationsApi | GetSlackConnection | GET /api/2/integrations/slack/{id} | |
IntegrationsApi | GetSlackEmoji | GET /api/2/integrations/slack/{id}/emoji | |
IntegrationsApi | GetSlackUsers | GET /api/2/integrations/slack/{id}/users | |
IntegrationsApi | GetTeamsChannels | GET /api/2/integrations/teams/{id}/channels | |
IntegrationsApi | GetTeamsConnection | GET /api/2/integrations/teams/{id} | |
IntegrationsApi | GetTeamsUsers | GET /api/2/integrations/teams/{id}/users | |
IntegrationsApi | PatchSlackConnection | PATCH /api/2/integrations/slack/{id} | |
IntegrationsApi | PatchTeamsConnection | PATCH /api/2/integrations/teams/{id} | |
IntegrationsApi | SendSlackMessage | POST /api/2/integrations/slack/{id}/message | |
IntegrationsApi | SendTeamsMessage | POST /api/2/integrations/teams/{id}/send-message | |
IntegrationsApi | StartSlackConnectionFlow | GET /api/2/integrations/slack/connect | |
IntegrationsApi | StartSlackConnectionTokenRefreshFlow | GET /api/2/integrations/slack/{id}/refresh-token | |
IntegrationsApi | StartTeamsConnectionFlow | GET /api/2/integrations/teams/connect | |
IntegrationsApi | StartTeamsConnectionTokenRefreshFlow | GET /api/2/integrations/teams/{id}/refresh-token | |
IntegrationsApi | UpdateSlackConnection | PUT /api/2/integrations/slack/{id} | |
IntegrationsApi | UpdateTeamsConnection | PUT /api/2/integrations/teams/{id} | |
MainApi | ApplyConfiguration | POST /api/2/configuration/apply | |
MainApi | Beep | POST /api/2/system/beep | |
MainApi | CheckCertificate | POST /api/2/system/certificate/check | |
MainApi | CheckChunkUploaded | GET /api/2/uploads/chunk | |
MainApi | CheckInternetConnectivity | POST /api/2/system/check-connectivity | |
MainApi | CheckStorNextLicense | POST /api/2/stornext-license/check | |
MainApi | CollectDiagnostics | POST /api/2/system/collect-diagnostics | |
MainApi | CreateArchive | POST /api/2/download-archive/create | |
MainApi | CreateGroup | POST /api/2/groups | |
MainApi | CreateHomeWorkspace | POST /api/2/users/{id}/home | |
MainApi | CreateNTPServer | POST /api/2/system/time/servers | |
MainApi | CreateUser | POST /api/2/users | |
MainApi | CreateWorkstation | POST /api/2/workstations | |
MainApi | DeleteDownloadArchive | DELETE /api/2/download-archive/{id} | |
MainApi | DeleteGroup | DELETE /api/2/groups/{id} | |
MainApi | DeleteHomeWorkspace | DELETE /api/2/users/{id}/home | |
MainApi | DeleteNTPServer | DELETE /api/2/system/time/servers/{id} | |
MainApi | DeleteUser | DELETE /api/2/users/{id} | |
MainApi | DeleteWorkstation | DELETE /api/2/workstations/{id} | |
MainApi | DisableUserTOTP | DELETE /api/2/users/{id}/totp | |
MainApi | EnableUserTOTP | POST /api/2/users/{id}/totp | |
MainApi | FinishUpload | POST /api/2/uploads/finish | |
MainApi | FixLDAPGroupMemberships | POST /api/2/ldap-servers/{id}/fix-memberships | |
MainApi | GetAllClientSessions | GET /api/2/client-sessions | |
MainApi | GetAllDownloadArchives | GET /api/2/download-archive | |
MainApi | GetAllDownloads | GET /api/2/downloads | |
MainApi | GetAllGroups | GET /api/2/groups | |
MainApi | GetAllLDAPServers | GET /api/2/ldap-servers | |
MainApi | GetAllNTPServers | GET /api/2/system/time/servers | |
MainApi | GetAllStorageNodes | GET /api/2/nodes | |
MainApi | GetAllUsers | GET /api/2/users | |
MainApi | GetAllWorkstations | GET /api/2/workstations | |
MainApi | GetCertificateConfiguration | GET /api/2/system/certificate | |
MainApi | GetClientDownloadFile | GET /api/2/downloads/clients/{file} | |
MainApi | GetClientDownloads | GET /api/2/downloads/clients | |
MainApi | GetClientSession | GET /api/2/client-sessions/{id} | |
MainApi | GetCurrentWorkstation | GET /api/2/workstations/current | |
MainApi | GetDownload | GET /api/2/downloads/{id} | |
MainApi | GetDownloadArchive | GET /api/2/download-archive/{id} | |
MainApi | GetDownloadArchiveFile | GET /api/2/download-archive/{id}/download | |
MainApi | GetDownloadFile | GET /api/2/downloads/{id}/download | |
MainApi | GetDownloadIcon | GET /api/2/downloads/{id}/icon | |
MainApi | GetGroup | GET /api/2/groups/{id} | |
MainApi | GetHomeWorkspace | GET /api/2/users/{id}/home | |
MainApi | GetIPMIConfiguration | GET /api/2/nodes/{id}/ipmi | |
MainApi | GetLDAPServer | GET /api/2/ldap-servers/{id} | |
MainApi | GetLDAPServerGroups | GET /api/2/ldap-servers/{id}/groups | |
MainApi | GetLDAPServerUsers | GET /api/2/ldap-servers/{id}/users | |
MainApi | GetLicense | GET /api/2/license | |
MainApi | GetLocalTime | GET /api/2/system/time | |
MainApi | GetLog | GET /api/2/system/log/{path} | |
MainApi | GetNTPServer | GET /api/2/system/time/servers/{id} | |
MainApi | GetNodeIPMISensors | GET /api/2/nodes/{id}/sensors | |
MainApi | GetNodeStats | GET /api/2/nodes/{id}/stats | |
MainApi | GetParameters | GET /api/2/parameters | |
MainApi | GetProfile | GET /api/2/users/me | |
MainApi | GetReleaseNotes | GET /api/2/release-notes | |
MainApi | GetSMTPConfiguration | GET /api/2/system/smtp | |
MainApi | GetServiceStatus | GET /api/2/nodes/{id}/services/{service} | |
MainApi | GetStorNextLicense | GET /api/2/stornext-license | |
MainApi | GetStorageNode | GET /api/2/nodes/{id} | |
MainApi | GetSystemInfo | GET /api/2/system/info | |
MainApi | GetUser | GET /api/2/users/{id} | |
MainApi | GetWorkstation | GET /api/2/workstations/{id} | |
MainApi | InstallStorNextLicense | POST /api/2/stornext-license | |
MainApi | PatchCurrentWorkstation | PATCH /api/2/workstations/current | |
MainApi | PatchDownloadArchive | PATCH /api/2/download-archive/{id} | |
MainApi | PatchGroup | PATCH /api/2/groups/{id} | |
MainApi | PatchNTPServer | PATCH /api/2/system/time/servers/{id} | |
MainApi | PatchProfile | PATCH /api/2/users/me | |
MainApi | PatchUser | PATCH /api/2/users/{id} | |
MainApi | PatchWorkstation | PATCH /api/2/workstations/{id} | |
MainApi | PreviewUser | POST /api/2/users/preview | |
MainApi | Reboot | POST /api/2/system/reboot | |
MainApi | RegisterUpload | POST /api/2/uploads/register | |
MainApi | RegisterUploadMetadata | POST /api/2/uploads/metadata | |
MainApi | RenderEmailTemplatePreview | POST /api/2/system/smtp/preview | |
MainApi | ResetUserPassword | POST /api/2/users/{id}/password/reset | |
MainApi | RunServiceOperation | POST /api/2/nodes/{id}/services/{service}/{operation} | |
MainApi | SetIPMIConfiguration | PUT /api/2/nodes/{id}/ipmi | |
MainApi | SetLocalTime | POST /api/2/system/time | |
MainApi | SetMyPassword | POST /api/2/users/me/password | |
MainApi | SetUserPassword | POST /api/2/users/{id}/password | |
MainApi | Shutdown | POST /api/2/system/shutdown | |
MainApi | StartSolrReindex | POST /api/2/system/solr/reindex | |
MainApi | StartSupportSession | POST /api/2/system/support-session/start | |
MainApi | StartSystemBackup | POST /api/2/system/backup/start | |
MainApi | SyncLDAPGroup | POST /api/2/groups/{id}/ldap-sync | |
MainApi | SyncLDAPUsers | POST /api/2/ldap-servers/{id}/sync-users | |
MainApi | SyncTime | POST /api/2/system/time/sync | |
MainApi | SyncUserTOTP | PUT /api/2/users/{id}/totp | |
MainApi | TestSMTPConfiguration | POST /api/2/system/smtp/test | |
MainApi | UpdateCertificateConfiguration | PUT /api/2/system/certificate | |
MainApi | UpdateCurrentWorkstation | PUT /api/2/workstations/current | |
MainApi | UpdateDownloadArchive | PUT /api/2/download-archive/{id} | |
MainApi | UpdateGroup | PUT /api/2/groups/{id} | |
MainApi | UpdateNTPServer | PUT /api/2/system/time/servers/{id} | |
MainApi | UpdateParameters | PUT /api/2/parameters | |
MainApi | UpdateProfile | PUT /api/2/users/me | |
MainApi | UpdateSMTPConfiguration | PUT /api/2/system/smtp | |
MainApi | UpdateUser | PUT /api/2/users/{id} | |
MainApi | UpdateWorkstation | PUT /api/2/workstations/{id} | |
MainApi | UploadChunk | POST /api/2/uploads/chunk | |
MediaLibraryApi | BookmarkMediaDirectory | POST /api/2/media/files/{id}/bookmark | |
MediaLibraryApi | ClearSubclipClipboard | DELETE /api/2/media/subclips/clipboard/clear | |
MediaLibraryApi | CombineAssetsIntoSet | POST /api/2/media/assets/combine | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateAsset | POST /api/2/media/assets | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateAssetRating | POST /api/2/media/ratings | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateComment | POST /api/2/media/comments | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateCustomField | POST /api/2/media/custom-fields | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateEditorProject | POST /api/2/media/editor | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateExternalTranscoder | POST /api/2/media/external-transcoders | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateMarker | POST /api/2/media/markers | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateMediaFileTemplate | POST /api/2/media/files/templates | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateMediaRoot | POST /api/2/media/roots | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateMediaRootPermission | POST /api/2/media/root-permissions | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateMediaTag | POST /api/2/media/tags | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateProxyProfile | POST /api/2/media/proxy-profiles | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateSubclip | POST /api/2/media/subclips | |
MediaLibraryApi | CreateSubclipClipboardEntry | POST /api/2/media/subclips/clipboard | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteAsset | DELETE /api/2/media/assets/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteAssetRating | DELETE /api/2/media/ratings/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteComment | DELETE /api/2/media/comments/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteCustomField | DELETE /api/2/media/custom-fields/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteEasySharingTokenForBundle | DELETE /api/2/media/bundles/{id}/easy-sharing-token | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteEasySharingTokenForDirectory | DELETE /api/2/media/files/{id}/easy-sharing-token | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteExternalTranscoder | DELETE /api/2/media/external-transcoders/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteMarker | DELETE /api/2/media/markers/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteMediaFileTemplate | DELETE /api/2/media/files/templates/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteMediaLibraryObjects | POST /api/2/media/delete | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteMediaRoot | DELETE /api/2/media/roots/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteMediaRootPermission | DELETE /api/2/media/root-permissions/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteMediaTag | DELETE /api/2/media/tags/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteMediaUpdate | DELETE /api/2/media/updates/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteProxy | DELETE /api/2/media/proxies/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteProxyProfile | DELETE /api/2/media/proxy-profiles/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteSubclip | DELETE /api/2/media/subclips/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DeleteSubclipClipboardEntry | DELETE /api/2/media/subclips/clipboard/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DiscoverMedia | POST /api/2/scanner/discover | |
MediaLibraryApi | DownloadAssetProxyFile | GET /api/2/media/assets/{id}/proxy-files/{filename} | |
MediaLibraryApi | DownloadMediaFile | GET /api/2/media/files/{id}/download | |
MediaLibraryApi | DownloadProxy | GET /api/2/media/proxies/{id}/download | |
MediaLibraryApi | EditorExportXMLForAssset | GET /api/2/media/editor/asset/{asset_ids}/xml-export | |
MediaLibraryApi | EditorExportXMLForBundle | GET /api/2/media/editor/bundle/{bundle_ids}/xml-export | |
MediaLibraryApi | EditorExportXMLForProject | GET /api/2/media/editor/{id}/xml-export | |
MediaLibraryApi | ExportCommentsForAvid | GET /api/2/media/editor/asset/{asset_id}/{export_format}-export/avid-comments | |
MediaLibraryApi | ExportEditorTimeline | POST /api/2/media/editor/timeline-export | |
MediaLibraryApi | ForgetDeletedMediaFiles | POST /api/2/media/files/{id}/forget-deleted | |
MediaLibraryApi | GenerateProxies | POST /api/2/media/proxies | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllAssetProjectLinks | GET /api/2/media/assets/project-links | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllAssetRatings | GET /api/2/media/ratings | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllAssetTapeBackups | GET /api/2/media/backups | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllAssets | GET /api/2/media/assets | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllBundlesForMediaRoot | GET /api/2/media/bundles/flat/{root} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllClickLinks | GET /api/2/media/assets/click-links | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllComments | GET /api/2/media/comments | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllCustomFields | GET /api/2/media/custom-fields | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllExternalTranscoders | GET /api/2/media/external-transcoders | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMarkers | GET /api/2/media/markers | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMediaFileBundles | GET /api/2/media/bundles | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMediaFileTemplates | GET /api/2/media/files/templates | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMediaFiles | GET /api/2/media/files | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMediaFilesForBundles | POST /api/2/media/files/for-bundles | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMediaFilesForMediaRoot | GET /api/2/media/files/flat/{root} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMediaRootPermissions | GET /api/2/media/root-permissions | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMediaRoots | GET /api/2/media/roots | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMediaTags | GET /api/2/media/tags | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllMediaUpdates | GET /api/2/media/updates | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllProxyGenerators | GET /api/2/media/proxy-generators | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllProxyProfiles | GET /api/2/media/proxy-profiles | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllSubclipClipboardEntries | GET /api/2/media/subclips/clipboard | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllSubclips | GET /api/2/media/subclips | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAllTranscoderProfiles | GET /api/2/transcoder-profiles | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAsset | GET /api/2/media/assets/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetAssetRating | GET /api/2/media/ratings/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetBookmarkedMediaFilesDirectories | GET /api/2/media/files/bookmarks | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetComment | GET /api/2/media/comments/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetCustomField | GET /api/2/media/custom-fields/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetEasySharingTokenForBundle | GET /api/2/media/bundles/{id}/easy-sharing-token | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetEasySharingTokenForDirectory | GET /api/2/media/files/{id}/easy-sharing-token | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetEditorProject | GET /api/2/media/editor/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetExternalTranscoder | GET /api/2/media/external-transcoders/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetFrame | GET /api/2/media/assets/{id}/frames/{frame} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetLatestMediaUpdate | GET /api/2/media/updates/latest | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMarker | GET /api/2/media/markers/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMediaFile | GET /api/2/media/files/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMediaFileBundle | GET /api/2/media/bundles/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMediaFileContents | GET /api/2/media/files/{id}/contents | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMediaFileTemplate | GET /api/2/media/files/templates/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMediaRoot | GET /api/2/media/roots/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMediaRootPermission | GET /api/2/media/root-permissions/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMediaTag | GET /api/2/media/tags/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMultipleAssets | POST /api/2/media/assets/multiple | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMultipleBundles | POST /api/2/media/bundles/multiple | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMultipleFiles | POST /api/2/media/files/multiple | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMyMediaRootPermissions | GET /api/2/media/root-permissions/mine | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetMyResolvedMediaRootPermissions | GET /api/2/media/root-permissions/mine/resolved | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetProxy | GET /api/2/media/proxies/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetProxyGenerator | GET /api/2/media/proxy-generators/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetProxyProfile | GET /api/2/media/proxy-profiles/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetProxyProfileProxyCount | GET /api/2/media/proxy-profiles/{id}/proxy-count | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetSubclip | GET /api/2/media/subclips/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetTranscoderProfile | GET /api/2/transcoder-profiles/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | GetVantageWorkflows | GET /api/2/media/external-transcoders/{id}/workflows | |
MediaLibraryApi | InstantiateMediaFileTemplate | POST /api/2/media/files/templates/{id}/instantiate | |
MediaLibraryApi | LocateEditorProjectPaths | GET /api/2/media/editor/{id}/locate-paths | |
MediaLibraryApi | MarkMediaDirectoryAsShowroom | POST /api/2/media/files/{id}/showroom | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchAsset | PATCH /api/2/media/assets/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchAssetRating | PATCH /api/2/media/ratings/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchComment | PATCH /api/2/media/comments/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchCustomField | PATCH /api/2/media/custom-fields/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchEditorProject | PATCH /api/2/media/editor/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchExternalTranscoder | PATCH /api/2/media/external-transcoders/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchMarker | PATCH /api/2/media/markers/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchMediaFile | PATCH /api/2/media/files/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchMediaFileTemplate | PATCH /api/2/media/files/templates/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchMediaRoot | PATCH /api/2/media/roots/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchMediaRootPermission | PATCH /api/2/media/root-permissions/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchMediaTag | PATCH /api/2/media/tags/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchProxyProfile | PATCH /api/2/media/proxy-profiles/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | PatchSubclip | PATCH /api/2/media/subclips/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | RecursivelyTagMediaDirectory | POST /api/2/media/files/{id}/tag | |
MediaLibraryApi | ReindexMediaDirectory | POST /api/2/media/files/{id}/search-reindex | |
MediaLibraryApi | RenameCustomField | POST /api/2/media/custom-fields/{id}/rename | |
MediaLibraryApi | RenderSequence | POST /api/2/media/editor/render | |
MediaLibraryApi | RenderSubclip | POST /api/2/media/subclips/{id}/render | |
MediaLibraryApi | RequestMediaScan | POST /api/2/scanner/scan | |
MediaLibraryApi | ResolveComment | POST /api/2/media/comments/{id}/resolve | |
MediaLibraryApi | ShareMediaLibraryObjects | POST /api/2/media/share | |
MediaLibraryApi | TestExternalTranscoderConnection | POST /api/2/media/external-transcoders/test-connection | |
MediaLibraryApi | TransitionWorkflow | POST /api/2/media/workflow/transition | |
MediaLibraryApi | UnbookmarkMediaDirectory | DELETE /api/2/media/files/{id}/bookmark | |
MediaLibraryApi | UnmarkMediaDirectoryAsShowroom | DELETE /api/2/media/files/{id}/showroom | |
MediaLibraryApi | UnresolveComment | POST /api/2/media/comments/{id}/unresolve | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateAsset | PUT /api/2/media/assets/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateAssetRating | PUT /api/2/media/ratings/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateComment | PUT /api/2/media/comments/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateCustomField | PUT /api/2/media/custom-fields/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateEditorProject | PUT /api/2/media/editor/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateExternalTranscoder | PUT /api/2/media/external-transcoders/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateMarker | PUT /api/2/media/markers/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateMediaFile | PUT /api/2/media/files/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateMediaFileTemplate | PUT /api/2/media/files/templates/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateMediaRoot | PUT /api/2/media/roots/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateMediaRootPermission | PUT /api/2/media/root-permissions/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateMediaTag | PUT /api/2/media/tags/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateProxyProfile | PUT /api/2/media/proxy-profiles/{id} | |
MediaLibraryApi | UpdateSubclip | PUT /api/2/media/subclips/{id} | |
SatelliteApi | ActivateSatelliteHost | POST /api/2/rdc/hosts/{id}/activate | |
SatelliteApi | AnnounceSatelliteHost | POST /api/2/rdc/hosts/announce | |
SatelliteApi | CreateSatelliteSession | POST /api/2/rdc/sessions | |
SatelliteApi | DeleteSatelliteSession | DELETE /api/2/rdc/sessions/{id} | |
SatelliteApi | GetAllSatelliteHosts | GET /api/2/rdc/hosts | |
SatelliteApi | GetAllSatelliteSessions | GET /api/2/rdc/sessions | |
SatelliteApi | GetSatelliteHost | GET /api/2/rdc/hosts/{id} | |
SatelliteApi | GetSatelliteSession | GET /api/2/rdc/sessions/{id} | |
StatusApi | GetAlert | GET /api/2/alerts/{id} | |
StatusApi | GetAllAlerts | GET /api/2/alerts | |
StatusApi | GetTelegrafStats | GET /api/2/telegraf-stats | |
StatusApi | PatchAlert | PATCH /api/2/alerts/{id} | |
StatusApi | SubmitKapacitorAlert | POST /api/2/alerts/submit | |
StatusApi | UpdateAlert | PUT /api/2/alerts/{id} | |
StorageApi | ApplyWorkspaceAffinity | POST /api/2/workspaces/{id}/apply-affinity | |
StorageApi | BookmarkWorkspace | POST /api/2/workspaces/{id}/bookmark | |
StorageApi | CalculateDirectorySize | POST /api/2/filesystem/calculate-directory-size | |
StorageApi | CheckInIntoWorkspace | POST /api/2/workspaces/{id}/check-in | |
StorageApi | CheckOutOfWorkspace | POST /api/2/workspaces/{id}/check-out | |
StorageApi | CopyFiles | POST /api/2/filesystem/copy | |
StorageApi | CreateFile | POST /api/2/files | |
StorageApi | CreatePathQuota | POST /api/2/volumes/{id}/quotas/path/{relative_path} | |
StorageApi | CreateProduction | POST /api/2/productions | |
StorageApi | CreateShare | POST /api/2/shares | |
StorageApi | CreateSnapshot | POST /api/2/snapshots | |
StorageApi | CreateTemplateFolder | POST /api/2/private/create-template-folder | |
StorageApi | CreateWorkspace | POST /api/2/workspaces | |
StorageApi | CreateWorkspacePermission | POST /api/2/workspace-permissions | |
StorageApi | DeleteFile | DELETE /api/2/files/{path} | |
StorageApi | DeleteFiles | POST /api/2/filesystem/delete | |
StorageApi | DeletePathQuota | DELETE /api/2/volumes/{id}/quotas/path/{relative_path} | |
StorageApi | DeleteProduction | DELETE /api/2/productions/{id} | |
StorageApi | DeleteShare | DELETE /api/2/shares/{id} | |
StorageApi | DeleteSnapshot | DELETE /api/2/snapshots/{id} | |
StorageApi | DeleteWorkspace | DELETE /api/2/workspaces/{id} | |
StorageApi | DeleteWorkspacePermission | DELETE /api/2/workspace-permissions/{id} | |
StorageApi | GetAllDeletedWorkspaces | GET /api/2/workspaces/deleted | |
StorageApi | GetAllProductions | GET /api/2/productions | |
StorageApi | GetAllShares | GET /api/2/shares | |
StorageApi | GetAllSnapshots | GET /api/2/snapshots | |
StorageApi | GetAllVolumes | GET /api/2/volumes | |
StorageApi | GetAllWorkspacePermissions | GET /api/2/workspace-permissions | |
StorageApi | GetAllWorkspaces | GET /api/2/workspaces | |
StorageApi | GetFile | GET /api/2/files/{path} | |
StorageApi | GetGroupQuota | GET /api/2/volumes/{id}/quotas/group/{group_id} | |
StorageApi | GetMyWorkspaces | GET /api/2/workspaces/mine | |
StorageApi | GetPathQuota | GET /api/2/volumes/{id}/quotas/path/{relative_path} | |
StorageApi | GetProduction | GET /api/2/productions/{id} | |
StorageApi | GetRootDirectory | GET /api/2/files | |
StorageApi | GetSambaDfreeString | POST /api/2/private/dfree | |
StorageApi | GetShare | GET /api/2/shares/{id} | |
StorageApi | GetSnapshot | GET /api/2/snapshots/{id} | |
StorageApi | GetUserQuota | GET /api/2/volumes/{id}/quotas/user/{user_id} | |
StorageApi | GetVolume | GET /api/2/volumes/{id} | |
StorageApi | GetVolumeActiveConnections | GET /api/2/volumes/{id}/connections | |
StorageApi | GetVolumeFileSizeDistribution | GET /api/2/volumes/{id}/file-size-distribution | |
StorageApi | GetVolumeStats | GET /api/2/volumes/{id}/stats | |
StorageApi | GetWorkspace | GET /api/2/workspaces/{id} | |
StorageApi | GetWorkspacePermission | GET /api/2/workspace-permissions/{id} | |
StorageApi | MoveFiles | POST /api/2/filesystem/move | |
StorageApi | MoveWorkspace | POST /api/2/workspaces/{id}/move | |
StorageApi | MoveWorkspaceToProduction | POST /api/2/workspaces/{id}/move-to | |
StorageApi | PatchFile | PATCH /api/2/files/{path} | |
StorageApi | PatchProduction | PATCH /api/2/productions/{id} | |
StorageApi | PatchShare | PATCH /api/2/shares/{id} | |
StorageApi | PatchSnapshot | PATCH /api/2/snapshots/{id} | |
StorageApi | PatchVolume | PATCH /api/2/volumes/{id} | |
StorageApi | PatchWorkspace | PATCH /api/2/workspaces/{id} | |
StorageApi | PatchWorkspacePermission | PATCH /api/2/workspace-permissions/{id} | |
StorageApi | RecordStorageTrace | POST /api/2/filesystem/trace | |
StorageApi | RepairWorkspacePermissions | POST /api/2/workspaces/{id}/repair-permissions | |
StorageApi | ShareToHomeWorkspace | POST /api/2/share-to-home-workspace | |
StorageApi | UnbookmarkWorkspace | DELETE /api/2/workspaces/{id}/bookmark | |
StorageApi | UnzipFile | POST /api/2/filesystem/unzip | |
StorageApi | UpdateGroupQuota | PUT /api/2/volumes/{id}/quotas/group/{group_id} | |
StorageApi | UpdatePathQuota | PUT /api/2/volumes/{id}/quotas/path/{relative_path} | |
StorageApi | UpdateProduction | PUT /api/2/productions/{id} | |
StorageApi | UpdateShare | PUT /api/2/shares/{id} | |
StorageApi | UpdateSnapshot | PUT /api/2/snapshots/{id} | |
StorageApi | UpdateUserQuota | PUT /api/2/volumes/{id}/quotas/user/{user_id} | |
StorageApi | UpdateVolume | PUT /api/2/volumes/{id} | |
StorageApi | UpdateWorkspace | PUT /api/2/workspaces/{id} | |
StorageApi | UpdateWorkspacePermission | PUT /api/2/workspace-permissions/{id} | |
StorageApi | ZipFiles | POST /api/2/filesystem/zip | |
TapeArchiveApi | ArchiveToTape | POST /api/2/archive/tape/archive | |
TapeArchiveApi | CancelAllTapeArchiveJobs | POST /api/2/archive/tape/jobs/cancel-all | |
TapeArchiveApi | CheckTape | POST /api/2/archive/tape/library/check | |
TapeArchiveApi | CreateTape | POST /api/2/archive/tape/tapes | |
TapeArchiveApi | CreateTapeGroup | POST /api/2/archive/tape/groups | |
TapeArchiveApi | DeleteTape | DELETE /api/2/archive/tape/tapes/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | DeleteTapeArchiveJob | DELETE /api/2/archive/tape/jobs/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | DeleteTapeGroup | DELETE /api/2/archive/tape/groups/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | FormatTape | POST /api/2/archive/tape/library/format | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetAllArchivedFileEntries | GET /api/2/archive/tape/files | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetAllTapeArchiveJobs | GET /api/2/archive/tape/jobs | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetAllTapeGroups | GET /api/2/archive/tape/groups | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetAllTapes | GET /api/2/archive/tape/tapes | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetArchivedFileEntry | GET /api/2/archive/tape/files/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetTape | GET /api/2/archive/tape/tapes/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetTapeArchiveJob | GET /api/2/archive/tape/jobs/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetTapeArchiveJobSources | GET /api/2/archive/tape/jobs/{id}/sources | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetTapeGroup | GET /api/2/archive/tape/groups/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | GetTapeLibraryState | GET /api/2/archive/tape/library | |
TapeArchiveApi | LoadTape | POST /api/2/archive/tape/library/load | |
TapeArchiveApi | MoveTape | POST /api/2/archive/tape/library/move | |
TapeArchiveApi | PatchTape | PATCH /api/2/archive/tape/tapes/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | PatchTapeGroup | PATCH /api/2/archive/tape/groups/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | PauseTapeArchiveJob | POST /api/2/archive/tape/jobs/{id}/pause | |
TapeArchiveApi | RefreshTapeLibraryState | POST /api/2/archive/tape/library/refresh | |
TapeArchiveApi | ReindexTape | POST /api/2/archive/tape/library/reindex | |
TapeArchiveApi | RemoveFinishedTapeArchiveJobs | POST /api/2/archive/tape/jobs/remove-finished | |
TapeArchiveApi | RestartTapeArchiveJob | POST /api/2/archive/tape/jobs/{id}/restart | |
TapeArchiveApi | RestoreFromTape | POST /api/2/archive/tape/restore | |
TapeArchiveApi | ResumeTapeArchiveJob | POST /api/2/archive/tape/jobs/{id}/resume | |
TapeArchiveApi | SearchTapeArchive | POST /api/2/archive/tape/search | |
TapeArchiveApi | UnloadTape | POST /api/2/archive/tape/library/unload | |
TapeArchiveApi | UpdateTape | PUT /api/2/archive/tape/tapes/{id} | |
TapeArchiveApi | UpdateTapeGroup | PUT /api/2/archive/tape/groups/{id} |
- Model.AWSAccount
- Model.AWSAccountPartialUpdate
- Model.AddAssetsToClickGallery
- Model.Address
- Model.Alert
- Model.AlertPartialUpdate
- Model.AllMediaFilesForBundlesRequest
- Model.ArchiveEndpointRequest
- Model.ArgumentType
- Model.Asset
- Model.AssetBackup
- Model.AssetCloudLink
- Model.AssetMini
- Model.AssetMiniReference
- Model.AssetPartialUpdate
- Model.AssetProjectLink
- Model.AssetRating
- Model.AssetRatingPartialUpdate
- Model.AuthLoginEndpointRequest
- Model.AuthLoginEndpointResponse
- Model.Backend
- Model.BackendProperties
- Model.BasicFile
- Model.BeeGFSNode
- Model.BeeGFSTarget
- Model.CPUStat
- Model.Certificate
- Model.ChangeOwnPasswordRequest
- Model.ChangePasswordRequest
- Model.CheckConnectivityEndpointResponse
- Model.ClickBackgroundUploadEndpointRequest
- Model.ClickGallery
- Model.ClickGalleryLink
- Model.ClickLinkUser
- Model.ClickStartUploadEndpointRequest
- Model.ClientSession
- Model.ClientsEndpointResponse
- Model.CloudConnection
- Model.Comment
- Model.CommentPartialUpdate
- Model.CreateDownloadArchive
- Model.CreateHomeWorkspaceRequest
- Model.CreatePathQuotaRequest
- Model.CreateTemplateFolderEndpointRequest
- Model.CustomField
- Model.CustomFieldPartialUpdate
- Model.CustomFieldReference
- Model.DeletedWorkspace
- Model.Download
- Model.DownloadArchive
- Model.DownloadArchivePartialUpdate
- Model.EditorProject
- Model.EditorProjectPartialUpdate
- Model.ElementsGroup
- Model.ElementsGroupDetail
- Model.ElementsGroupDetailPartialUpdate
- Model.ElementsGroupReference
- Model.ElementsUser
- Model.ElementsUserDetail
- Model.ElementsUserDetailPartialUpdate
- Model.ElementsUserMini
- Model.ElementsUserMiniReference
- Model.ElementsUserProfile
- Model.ElementsUserProfilePartialUpdate
- Model.ElementsUserReference
- Model.ElementsVersion
- Model.EmailPreview
- Model.EnableTOTPRequest
- Model.Event
- Model.ExternalTranscoder
- Model.ExternalTranscoderPartialUpdate
- Model.FSProperties
- Model.FileCopyEndpointRequest
- Model.FileDeleteEndpointRequest
- Model.FileMoveEndpointRequest
- Model.FilePartialUpdate
- Model.FileSizeDistribution
- Model.FileSizeDistributionItem
- Model.FileSizeEndpointResponse
- Model.FileUnzipEndpointRequest
- Model.FileZipEndpointRequest
- Model.FilesystemFile
- Model.FilesystemTraceEndpointRequest
- Model.FilesystemTraceEndpointResponse
- Model.FinishUploadEndpointRequest
- Model.GeneratePasswordEndpointResponse
- Model.GenerateProxiesRequest
- Model.GetMultipleBundlesRequest
- Model.GetMultipleFilesRequest
- Model.GlobalAlert
- Model.IOStat
- Model.ImpersonationEndpointRequest
- Model.ImportJobRequest
- Model.ImportJobResponse
- Model.InlineResponse200
- Model.InlineResponse2001
- Model.InlineResponse2002
- Model.InlineResponse2003
- Model.InlineResponse2004
- Model.InstantiateFileTemplateRequest
- Model.Interface
- Model.Ipmi
- Model.Job
- Model.JobPartialUpdate
- Model.JobReference
- Model.KapacitorAlert
- Model.LDAPServer
- Model.LDAPServerGroup
- Model.LDAPServerGroups
- Model.LDAPServerReference
- Model.LDAPServerUser
- Model.LDAPServerUsers
- Model.License
- Model.ListBuckets
- Model.ListTopics
- Model.LizardFSDisk
- Model.LizardFSNode
- Model.LocateResult
- Model.Marker
- Model.MarkerPartialUpdate
- Model.MediaFile
- Model.MediaFileBundle
- Model.MediaFileBundleMini
- Model.MediaFileBundleMiniReference
- Model.MediaFileContents
- Model.MediaFileMini
- Model.MediaFilePartialUpdate
- Model.MediaFileReference
- Model.MediaFileTemplate
- Model.MediaFileTemplatePartialUpdate
- Model.MediaLibraryDeleteRequest
- Model.MediaLibraryShareRequest
- Model.MediaRoot
- Model.MediaRootMini
- Model.MediaRootMiniReference
- Model.MediaRootPartialUpdate
- Model.MediaRootPermission
- Model.MediaRootPermissionAccessOptions
- Model.MediaRootPermissionPartialUpdate
- Model.MediaUpdate
- Model.MemberPreview
- Model.MetadataItem
- Model.MoveWorkspaceRequest
- Model.MultipleAssetsRequest
- Model.NTPServer
- Model.NTPServerPartialUpdate
- Model.NetStat
- Model.OneTimeAccessToken
- Model.OneTimeAccessTokenActivity
- Model.OneTimeAccessTokenSharedObject
- Model.Parameters
- Model.PasswordResetEndpointRequest
- Model.Path
- Model.PathInput
- Model.Production
- Model.ProductionMiniReference
- Model.ProductionPartialUpdate
- Model.ProductionReference
- Model.Proxy
- Model.ProxyCount
- Model.ProxyGenerator
- Model.ProxyGeneratorProperties
- Model.ProxyProfile
- Model.ProxyProfileMini
- Model.ProxyProfilePartialUpdate
- Model.PythonEnvironment
- Model.Queue
- Model.Quota
- Model.RAMStat
- Model.RDCActivation
- Model.RDCHost
- Model.RDCSession
- Model.RDCSessionCreate
- Model.RegisterUploadEndpointRequest
- Model.RegisterUploadMetadataEndpointRequest
- Model.ReleaseNotesEndpointResponse
- Model.RenameCustomFieldRequest
- Model.RenderEndpointRequest
- Model.RenderRequest
- Model.RestoreEndpointRequest
- Model.SAMLProviderMini
- Model.SMTPConfiguration
- Model.SNFSStripeGroup
- Model.ScannerDiscoverEndpointRequest
- Model.ScannerScanEndpointRequest
- Model.Schedule
- Model.SchedulePartialUpdate
- Model.ScheduleReference
- Model.SearchEndpointRequest
- Model.SearchEndpointResponse
- Model.SendLinkEmailRequest
- Model.Sensor
- Model.Sensors
- Model.ServiceStatus
- Model.Share
- Model.SharePartialUpdate
- Model.ShareToHomeWorkspaceEndpointRequest
- Model.SlackChannel
- Model.SlackConnection
- Model.SlackConnectionPartialUpdate
- Model.SlackConnectionStatus
- Model.SlackEmoji
- Model.SlackMessage
- Model.SlackUser
- Model.Snapshot
- Model.SnapshotPartialUpdate
- Model.SolrReindexEndpointResponse
- Model.StartJobRequest
- Model.StartTaskRequest
- Model.Stats
- Model.StorNextConnection
- Model.StorNextConnections
- Model.StorNextLicenseCheckEndpointResponse
- Model.StorNextLicenseEndpointResponse
- Model.StorageNode
- Model.StorageNodeMini
- Model.StorageNodeStatus
- Model.StornextLicense
- Model.StornextManagerAttributes
- Model.Subclip
- Model.SubclipClipboardEntry
- Model.SubclipPartialUpdate
- Model.SubclipReference
- Model.Subtask
- Model.SubtaskPartialUpdate
- Model.SubtaskReference
- Model.SyncTOTP
- Model.SyncTOTPRequest
- Model.SystemInfoEndpointResponse
- Model.TagMediaDirectoryRequest
- Model.TagReference
- Model.Tape
- Model.TapeFile
- Model.TapeGroup
- Model.TapeGroupPartialUpdate
- Model.TapeJob
- Model.TapeJobSource
- Model.TapeLibraryEndpointResponse
- Model.TapeLibraryFormatEndpointRequest
- Model.TapeLibraryFsckEndpointRequest
- Model.TapeLibraryLoadEndpointRequest
- Model.TapeLibraryMoveEndpointRequest
- Model.TapeLibraryReindexEndpointRequest
- Model.TapeLibrarySlot
- Model.TapeLibraryUnloadEndpointRequest
- Model.TapePartialUpdate
- Model.TapeReference
- Model.TaskInfo
- Model.TaskLog
- Model.TaskProgress
- Model.TaskType
- Model.TasksSummary
- Model.TeamsConnection
- Model.TeamsConnectionPartialUpdate
- Model.TeamsConnectionStatus
- Model.TeamsMessage
- Model.TeamsRecipient
- Model.TestAWSCredentialsRequest
- Model.TestAWSCredentialsResponse
- Model.TestExternalTranscoderConnectionRequest
- Model.TestExternalTranscoderConnectionResponse
- Model.TestSMTP
- Model.Ticket
- Model.TimeEndpointRequest
- Model.TimeEndpointResponse
- Model.TimeSyncEndpointRequest
- Model.TimeSyncEndpointResponse
- Model.TimelineExportRequest
- Model.Timezone
- Model.TraceNode
- Model.TranscoderProfile
- Model.TypeDocumentation
- Model.UnfilteredTag
- Model.UnfilteredTagPartialUpdate
- Model.UpdateQuotaRequest
- Model.UploadChunkEndpointRequest
- Model.UserPreviewRequest
- Model.UserPreviewResponse
- Model.VantageWorkflow
- Model.VantageWorkflows
- Model.Volume
- Model.VolumeBeeGFSStatus
- Model.VolumeLizardFSStatus
- Model.VolumeMini
- Model.VolumeMiniReference
- Model.VolumePartialUpdate
- Model.VolumeReference
- Model.VolumeSNFSStatus
- Model.VolumeStat
- Model.VolumeStats
- Model.VolumeStatus
- Model.WorkflowTransitionRequest
- Model.WorkflowTransitionResponse
- Model.Workspace
- Model.WorkspaceCheckIn
- Model.WorkspaceDetail
- Model.WorkspaceDetailPartialUpdate
- Model.WorkspaceEndpoint
- Model.WorkspaceMoveToRequest
- Model.WorkspacePermission
- Model.WorkspacePermissionPartialUpdate
- Model.WorkspaceResolvedPermission
- Model.Workstation
- Model.WorkstationMini
- Model.WorkstationPartialUpdate