This is a Java version of my original Custom Variant Caller written in C++. Java should provide much better readability and more options for multi-threading without compromising the speed too much.
This application can be compiled with java 17 using the pom.xml maven file,
or use the out/artifacts/VariantCaller_jar/VariantCaller.jar
and then run in the following way:
<input.sam java -jar VariantCaller.jar [options...]
--reference VAL : Path to the reference file. (default: /reference/hg19.fa)
--minBaseQ N : Minimal base quality. (default: 0)
--minMapQ N : Minimal mapping quality. (default: 0)
--threads N : Maximum number of processing threads (default: 1)
--tsv VAL : Path to the output tsv file. (default: stdout)
For example to run this on the sample data run:
<sample_data/example.sam java -jar VariantCaller.jar --reference sample_data/ref.fa
For more information see the generated java docs in the src/resources
In the core of this utility is a variant caller, which works takes following steps:
- Read given sam file line by line,
- Filter out all reads that:
- have empty CIGAR string or,
- have flag 2048 (supplementary alignment) set;
- If two following lines have the same QNAME handle them as pairs, else handle them as reads without a pair,
- Find variants in every pair/read and increment counters for every position,
- If mapQ of a read is lower than filter level, for this read, increment only counters that don't pass quality checks,
- If baseQ for a base in a read is lower than filter level, for this position in this read, increment only counters that don't pass quality checks,
- Print out all found variants
- ADFP (Alternate alleles Depth on Forward strand, Pair spans this position): Depth of variant-supporting bases on forward strand (reads2plus), where the pair read spans this position and doesn't report it.
- ADFU (Alternate alleles Depth on Forward strand, pair does Not span this position): Depth of variant-supporting bases on forward strand (reads2plus), where the pair read does not span this position.
- ADRP (Alternate alleles Depth on Reverse strand, Pair spans this position): Depth of variant-supporting bases on reverse strand (reads2minus), where the pair read spans this position and doesn't report it.
- ADRU (Alternate alleles Depth on Reverse strand, pair does Not span this position): Depth of variant-supporting bases on reverse strand (reads2minus), where the pair read does not span this position.
- ADP: Depth of variant-supporting bases on both reads in the pair.
- DP: Total depth