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Creating an application

blazeeboy edited this page Apr 5, 2011 · 1 revision

Applications are a special controllers of codeigniter that will create dojo gui surrounding your output to get a good shape of your controller as if you are developing a java application.

Egypt comes with some applications

  1. content Editor
  2. sections editor
  3. users and groups editor

and you can develop your own applications like server files explorer, image editor, ftp manager, google analytics application.
think of application as a module for administration control panel.

you application will get menus, about box and permissions for who could use it (admin, one member, group of users …etc)
now let’s go straight to how to develop it.

Extend Application

application is a normal Codeigniter controller but instead of extending the “CI_Controller” extends “Application”. that will initialize the System library and the permissions helper and dojo GUI library and some other things that will make your life easier.

add properties of you application in the constructor

you can specify application properties such as :

 * application name
public $name ='';
 *  application current version
public $version = '';
 *  application author name
public $author = '';
 *  application website or author's website
public $website = '';

 *  application run permissions, if it's true the application will run.
 * otherwise application will raise permission denied message
public $perm = '';

public $pages = array();

 * @var String : the current page title
public $page = '';

 *  array or information messages to display in head of the page
public $info_msg = array();

 *  array or error messages to display in head of the page
public $error_msg = array();

 *  show hide menubar
public $show_toolbar = TRUE;

 * determine if the page rendered as ajax page or not
 * if true the page return will be printed only without HTML
 * default application container(html,head,body,js,css)
 * else all the HTML page will be returned
public $ajax = FALSE;

Error and information boxes

you can add information boxes and error boxes before your output as follows :

$this->add_error( "This is an error" );
$this->add_info( "This is an information you must know" );

Printing output

Do not use echo, we have made a method for that it’ll simply print your text from controller in the right way.

<?php $this->print_text( "that is the page content" ); ?>

you can for sure use the $this->load->view() the print_text() is only instead of echo because it will prints the text outside of the dojo borders.

Application pages

application class will create a menu of that link to your controller pages if you want , you have only to specify the method name and the label of each

$this->pages 	= array(

Applications is your friend so love it

if you want to build an administration module so Application class is your friend use it and love it.

Complete example of users application
<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * system application add/edit/delete users and users groups
 * it has the ability of creating users, activate/deactivate users
 * and create/modify/delete users groups
 * @copyright  2011 Emad Elsaid a.k.a Blaze Boy
 * @license   GPL License 2.0
 * @link
class UsersEditor extends Application {

	public function __construct(){

		$this->perm 			= 'admin';
		$this->name 			= lang('system_users_editor');
		$this->author 			= "Emad Elsaid";
		$this->website 			= "";
		$this->version 			= "0.1";
		$this->show_toolbar 	= TRUE;
		$this->pages 			= array(


	 * view users groups tree and redirect to edit page when click
	 * on any node depending on it's type
	public function index(){

		$this->print_text('<div dojoType="" url="'.site_url('usersEditor/queryGroups').'" jsId="ordJson"></div>');
		$this->print_text('<div dojoType="dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel" childrenAttrs="line" store="ordJson" jsId="ordModel"></div>');
		$this->print_text('<div dojoType="dijit.Tree" id="ordTree" model="ordModel" showRoot="false" >
		<script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="item">
		if( item.type=="group" )
			document.location.href = "'.site_url('usersEditor/editGroup').'/";
			document.location.href = "'.site_url('usersEditor/editUser').'/";
	 * get JSON tree of users groups and it's users
	public function queryGroups(){
		$this->ajax = TRUE;
		$groups = $this->ion_auth->get_groups();
		foreach( $groups as $key=>$group ){
			$groups[$key]->type = 'group';
			$groups[$key]->ident = 'g'.$group->id;
			$groups[$key]->line = array();
			$users = $this->ion_auth->get_active_users_array($group->name);
			foreach( $users as $uk=>$user ){
				$u = array();
				$u['ident'] = 'u'.$user['id'];
				$u['id'] = $user['id'];
				$u['name'] = $user['username'].' ('.$user['email'].')';
				$u['type'] = 'user';
				$groups[$key]->line[] = $u;
		$this->print_text( json_encode(array( 'identifier'=>'ident', 'label'=>'name','items'=>$groups)) );
	 * shows the inactive users tree
	public function inactive(){

		$this->print_text('<div dojoType="" url="'.site_url('usersEditor/queryInactiveGroups').'" jsId="ordJson"></div>');
		$this->print_text('<div dojoType="dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel" childrenAttrs="line" store="ordJson" jsId="ordModel"></div>');
		$this->print_text('<div dojoType="dijit.Tree" id="ordTree" model="ordModel" showRoot="false" >
		<script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="item">
		if( item.type=="group" )
			document.location.href = "'.site_url('usersEditor/editGroup').'/";
			document.location.href = "'.site_url('usersEditor/editUser').'/";
	 * get a tree of groups and its inactive users
	public function queryInactiveGroups(){
		$this->ajax = TRUE;
		$groups = $this->ion_auth->get_groups();
		foreach( $groups as $key=>$group ){
			$groups[$key]->type = 'group';
			$groups[$key]->ident = 'g'.$group->id;
			$groups[$key]->line = array();
			$users = $this->ion_auth->get_inactive_users_array($group->name);
			foreach( $users as $uk=>$user ){
				$u = array();
				$u['ident'] = 'u'.$user['id'];
				$u['id'] = $user['id'];
				$u['name'] = $user['username'].' ('.$user['email'].')';
				$u['type'] = 'user';
				$groups[$key]->line[] = $u;
		$this->print_text( json_encode(array( 'identifier'=>'ident', 'label'=>'name','items'=>$groups)) );
	 * create new users group page
	public function newGroup(){
				lang('system_name_label') => $this->gui->textbox('name'),
				lang('system_description_label') => $this->gui->textbox('description'),
				''=>$this->gui->button('submit', lang('system_save'), array('type'=>'submit'))
	 * create new users group page action 
	public function newGroupAction(){
			$group = new Group();
			$group->name = $this->input->post('name');
			$group->description = $this->input->post('description');
	 * edit group information page 
	 * it contains a form with group data
	 * @param integer $id group id which needs to be edited
	public function editGroup($id){
		$group = new Group($id);
		if( !$group->exists() )
	 * edit group action pagge
	public function editGroupAction(){
		$group = new Group($this->input->post('id'));
		if( !$group->exists() )
		$group->name = $this->input->post('name');
		$group->description = $this->input->post('description');
	 * delete group from system with all it's users and all related data
	 * @param integer $id the group needed to be deleted
	public function deleteGroup($id){
		$group = new Group($id);
	 * create new user page, and it has one form 
	 * with needed data
	 * and it has already the action itself,
	 * that is copied from ion-auth Auth controller
	public function newUser(){

		//validate form input
		$this->form_validation->set_rules('first_name', lang('system_first_name'), 'required|xss_clean');
		$this->form_validation->set_rules('last_name', lang('system_last_name'), 'required|xss_clean');
		$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', lang('system_email'), 'required|valid_email');
		$this->form_validation->set_rules('phone1', lang('system_phone_first'), 'xss_clean|min_length[3]|max_length[3]');
		$this->form_validation->set_rules('phone2', lang('system_phone_second'), 'xss_clean|min_length[3]|max_length[3]');
		$this->form_validation->set_rules('phone3', lang('system_phone_third'), 'xss_clean|min_length[4]|max_length[4]');
		$this->form_validation->set_rules('company', lang('system_company'), 'xss_clean');
		$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', lang('system_password'), 'required|min_length[' . $this->config->item('min_password_length', 'ion_auth') . ']|max_length[' . $this->config->item('max_password_length', 'ion_auth') . ']|matches[password_confirm]');
		$this->form_validation->set_rules('password_confirm', lang('system_password_conf'), 'required');

		if ($this->form_validation->run() == true)
			$username = strtolower($this->input->post('first_name')) . ' ' . strtolower($this->input->post('last_name'));
			$email = $this->input->post('email');
			$password = $this->input->post('password');

			$additional_data = array('first_name' => $this->input->post('first_name'),
				'last_name' => $this->input->post('last_name'),
				'company' => $this->input->post('company'),
				'phone' => $this->input->post('phone1') . '-' . $this->input->post('phone2') . '-' . $this->input->post('phone3'),
		if ($this->form_validation->run() == true 
			&& $this->ion_auth->register($username, $password, $email, $additional_data,$this->input->post('group')))
		{ //check to see if we are creating the user
			//redirect them back to the admin page
			$this->session->set_flashdata('message', lang('system_user_created'));
		}else{ //display the create user form
			//set the flash data error message if there is one
			$groups = new Group();
			$groups_array = array();
			foreach( $groups as $group )
				$groups_array[$group->name] = $group->name;
					' ' => (validation_errors() ? validation_errors() : ($this->ion_auth->errors() ? $this->ion_auth->errors() : $this->session->flashdata('message'))),
					lang('system_group_label') => $this->gui->dropdown('group','',$groups_array),
					lang('system_first_name').'*' => $this->gui->textbox('first_name',$this->form_validation->set_value('first_name')),
					lang('system_last_name').'*' => $this->gui->textbox('last_name',$this->form_validation->set_value('last_name')),
					lang('system_email').'*' => $this->gui->textbox( 'email', $this->form_validation->set_value('email')),
					lang('system_password').'*' => $this->gui->password( 'password', $this->form_validation->set_value('password')),
					lang('system_password_conf').'*' => $this->gui->password( 'password_confirm', $this->form_validation->set_value('password_confirm')),
					lang('system_company') => $this->gui->textbox( 'company', $this->form_validation->set_value('company')),
					lang('system_phone') => $this->gui->textbox( 'phone1', $this->form_validation->set_value('phone1')).' - '.
					$this->gui->textbox( 'phone2', $this->form_validation->set_value('phone2')).' - '.
					$this->gui->textbox( 'phone3', $this->form_validation->set_value('phone3')),
					'' => $this->gui->button('submit',lang('system_create_user'), array('type'=>'submit'))
	 * edit user information
	 * @param integer $id the user id needed to be edited
	public function editUser($id){
		$groups = new Group();
		$groups_array = array();
		foreach( $groups as $group )
			$groups_array[$group->id] = $group->name;
		$user = $this->ion_auth->get_user($id);
					lang('system_group_label') => $this->gui->dropdown('group',$user->group_id,$groups_array),
					lang('system_group_desc_label') => $user->group_description,
					lang('system_last_ip') => $user->ip_address,
					lang('system_username') => $user->username,
					lang('system_password') => $this->gui->password('password'),
					lang('system_password_salt') => $user->salt,
					lang('system_email') => $user->email,
					lang('system_active_code') => $user->activation_code,
					lang('system_forgot_password_code') => $user->forgotten_password_code,
					lang('system_remember_code') => $user->remember_code,
					lang('system_created_on') => $user->created_on,
					lang('system_last_login') => $user->last_login,
					lang('system_active') => $this->gui->checkbox('active','active',$user->active),
					lang('system_first_name') => $this->gui->textbox('first_name',$user->first_name),
					lang('system_last_name') => $this->gui->textbox('last_name',$user->last_name),
					'' => $this->gui->button('submit', lang('system_update_user'), array('type'=>'submit')).
	 * delete user page
	 * @param integer $id the user that will be deleted
	public function deleteUser($id){
		$user = new User($id);
	 * edit user information action page
	public function editUserAction(){
		$user = new User($this->input->post('id'));
		$user->group_id = $this->input->post('group');
		$user->active = ($this->input->post('active')===false)? 0:1;
		$result = $this->input->post('password')==''

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